Davina 2

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I pleaded "Davina, please. There's got to be another way. "

Davina "no. I was just waiting for the weapon, but now that you're here..."

She pushed me out of the circle and used magic to push Marcel inside.

Davina "....but you need to kill him"

I pleaded "Davina, please"

Davina "he's lived ten lifetimes, that's more than enough"

I tried to move back into the circle but i couldn't "you gonna take Hope's father away from her? again?"

Davina "she'll still have the two of you"

Me "you wanna take my future husband, as well?"

Davina then saw the ring and shook her head  "No, but if we don't stop the Hollow then Hope will die"

She looked at Marcel "you can save her, Marcel. And everyone in New Orleans"

Suddenly Elijah walked inside "stop this. This is about your grievances with me. "

Davina "this has nothing to do with you. This about a sacrifice. One death for the greater good"

Elijah "then take me"

Hayley tried to grab his hand "Elijah, No"

But he moved away "No. If indeed there is no other way....then end this now"

Marcel shook his head "no. No. No, nobody's dying today"

Davina "then i'll do it myself"

She raised her hand and Marcel fell on his knees.

I yelled "Davina!"

Marcel's fangs came out. His venom was dripping on the ground.

MArcel begged "Davina, please"

 I pleaded "Davina, don't do this"

Davina "i'm sorry, it's the only way"

She was moving the blood towards Nik's hand. She used magic to open a wound in his hand.

I begged "No!"

But i wasn't the only one screaming "No"

Hope came up behind me.

We turned to her.

Hope "you promised to help, but you're not helping. You're hurting us, and i won't let you"

She held her fist out and wind started rushing at us. Davina disapeard. Hope lowered her hand it it stopped.

We all looked at Nik. He woke up and sat up. Hope ran to him and hugged him. He hugged her back. I smiled relieved.

Night. At the cemetery.

I walked to Davina's grave.

Me "You did what you thought was right. I don't blame you. But things have changed. We have changed. When you died i broke down. I took it all out on Elijah. Nik was there for me. He didn't let me alone  And someday i'm gonna be his wife. believe me, i wanted you to be there when that happens. There's got to be another way to safe this town. A way that does not include losing the love of my life. I hope you understand that, Davina. "

I looked at the rose in my hand and laid it down in front of her grave.

I sighed and turned around. Jensen stood there.

Me "What do you want?"

Jensen looked at me "i heard what happened today. You nearly died"

I scoffed "since when do you care?"

Jensen sighed "Ri-"

I held my hand up "No!"

Jenson nodded.

Me " You left me over 300 years ago. And when you left that night. You died for me. You, brother, are dead to me. And i don't want you in my life anymore. And i don't want you in my city."

Jensen "If it is really that what you want.."

I nodded"It is what i want. Live your undead life somewhere else. Somewhere where i don't have to see you"

At Home.

I walked into my bedroom and saw Nik sitting on the edge of the bed.

I closed the door.

Nik looked up. I walked to him. I stood in between his legs and his hands were around my thighs and his head was on my stomach.

Me "I'll never get used to it"

Nik "used to what, love?"

Me "I'll never get used to you nearly dying every day. And it scares me like hell every single time. "

Nik looked up "Believe me, love, it's never my intention to scare you like that"

I put my hands on his cheeks.

I sighed "it's just, i can't live we the thought of you dying. I-I just can't"

Nik stood up and hugged me.

Nik "then why are you still with me, love?"

Me "Because i can't live without you, Nik."

Nik looked at me.

he put his hands on my cheeks and looked me into the eyes "i want you to listen to me, love, i will never ever lose me. Remember? Always and Forever"

I smiled nodded "Always and Forever"

He smiled and kissed me. 

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