Welcome Back, Eli

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I felt someone picking me up and speeded me away.

My eyes opened and i found myself in Nik's arms in the compound.

Nik let me down "you okay?"

I nodded and looked around. It was already night.

I yelled "Kol bloody Mikaelson!!"

Kol walked downstairs "i imagine right now you're rather cross with me. You should know i have my reasons"

Nik "Rebekah's suggested i hear them. I'd rather rip out your vocal chords"

He punched him. Kol fell backwards to the ground.

Kol stood up and kicked Nik in the face. He feel backwards into the plants.

Kol "now stop and listen. I did what i did for Davina. The Hollow brought her back, and now they're linked. I just need a bloody second to set her free."

Nik threw him at a chair "Lovesick imbecile. The Hollow preys upon your weakness. She raised Davina to get you to betray your family, and you, pathetic as you are, leapt at the chance."

Nik threw a punch at him but Kol blocked it and threw him against a post.

Kol "our family owes Davina that much"

Nik "i owe nothing to her. Nor to you"

He threw Kol to the ground. The totem rolled to my feet.

Nik took out a dagger. My jaw dropped.

Kol begged"Nik, no, please. I need a little more time. I just need to know she's alive. Please, grant me this small mercy. "

Nik "Mercy is a privilege reserved for family. Your status has been revoked."

Nik was gonna dagger Kol but Kol held the dagger back.

Kol begged "Nik, please. For a thousand years, i've never experienced love or peace. Davina changed me. what if it was Ariana? What would you do if it was Ariana in Davina's position?! Would you not do as i did?!"

Nik seemed caught of guard.

I took it as a chance to push him off Kol. 

Nik looked shocked at my actions.

I turned to Kol "i wanna see her"

Kol nodded grabbed me and speeded us away. My eyes widened when i saw her standing by Kol's car.


She smiled at me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

Davina "i'm sorry, Aria"

I looked at her "i know"

Davina "and i heard everything you said to me. "

I nodded "it's okay"

I turned to Kol and slapped him.

Kol rubbed his chin "i deserved that one"

Me "That was the last time you broke my neck, got me?"

Kol nodded "alright"

Me "you've been given a second chance with her. Well, it's more like a third chance. You screw up that chance..i'm gonna make sure that there's no fourth one"

Kol nodded "i know"

Me "good"

I hugged him "keep her safe"

Kol nodded "i will"

He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for Davina. She smiled and got inside.

Kol then got into the driver seat. 

I loved that caprio.

Kol "make sure we're invited to the wedding, darling"

I rolled my eyes "drive already"

he smirked and drove off.

At the compound.

I walked back inside the mansion and saw Eijah walking down the stairs.

I smiled, speeded to him and hugged him. 

He hugged me back and chuckled "careful, i'm still a little weak"

I let go of him "Welcome back, Eli. good to have you back "

Elijah smiled "good to see you too. I heard about you and Nik"

I sighed "Elijah-"

Elijah nodded  " I talked to him"

I shook my head "you didn't have to"

He put a hand on my shoulder "i'm his big brother. I'm your brother in law to-be. It's my job to make sure nothing's going to ruin that"

I chuckled "alright. see you tomorrow"

I walked into my bedroom and saw a picture standing on the drawer. I walked to the drawer and took the picture.  

It was on Nik's birthday. He was smiling at the camera while i was kissing his cheek. It's an old picture but it was still beautiful.

I heard someone walk in.

I put the picture back and turned to him.

Me "thank you for not daggering Kol tonight"

Nik "he was right. I would've done the same if it was you. I would've done worse things to make sure you're safe. "

Me "i can't stay mad at you knowing that you would do such things for me without blinking"

Nik smiled a little "So, i'm forgiven?"

Me "Am i still hurt? yes. Do i forgive you? maybe"

Nik walked closer to me and put his arms around my waist. I put my hands on his chest. 

Nik "i understand why you are hurt, love. I should've thought about being in your shoes if things were going the other way around"

Me "You really should"

Nik "i actually did"

Me "after Elijah talked to you"

Nik "Talked? he beat it in me, literally."

Me "and how did you feel imagining to be in my shoes?"

Nik"heartbroken. I would've made Freya cast a spell to lock you into this room. "

 I chuckled  "You know, rising Hope alone with Hayley wasn't as hard as being engaged to you, a Mikaelson. "

Nik chuckled "i know it's hard."

Me "but is it worth it?"

Nik's eyes widened. 

I giggled and kissed him. 

Nik broke the kiss "Not funny. Not at all, love"

I laughed and hugged him. 

Nik "still not funny"

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