7 years later

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7 Years later. In France.

It's been 7 years since the last time the family was together

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It's been 7 years since the last time the family was together. It was hard at the beginning but we somehow made it through those years. 

Of course knowing Nik, he visited Elijah in France, he know he wasn't allowed to but we're talking about Nik. 

And this is the first time i came with him to France. 

Nik was talking to a bodyguard that was standing in front of a entrance "in all my travels, France never disappoints. Now i find i'm physically drawn to the place, as if locked in an orbit i'm helpless to alter. I suppose we're all satellites orbiting those we love. Recently, tough, i'm left to orbit from afar, and to pass the time by dropping in an old acquaintances. Entres nous, in 1928, the Gatineaux family and i had a little falling out. I'd really like to put that to rest. So if you'll just ...stand aside?"

The guy just looked at him.

Nik "you must've heard of me. Klaus le Fou? Klaus le Demnet? Niklaus de morder? No? "

No reaction.

Nik "Nothing?"

i sighed.

Nik suddenly rammed his hand in the guy's chest and ripped his heart out.

The guy gasped and fell to the ground.

The people who were lining up at the entrance gasped shocked.

I shook my head when i saw Nik looking at them and taking a bite from the heart.

Nik smirked "i myself prefer Klaus de Mad. Do spread the world"


Nik and i were standing in front of a bar. I knew what he was doing here.

He was going to walk in but i grabbed his hand and held him back.

Nik looked at me "what is it, love?"

I shot him a look.

Nik sighed "we've talked about this"

Me "and here you are"

He let out a deep breath "please"

Me "don't do anything stupid. He doesn't remember you, Nik, and it has to stay like that. It's a risk going in there"

Nik smirked "you know me, love"

Me "I wish that would ease my worries"

He rolled his eyes "come in with me, love, or go shopping, it's your choice"

Then he walked inside.

Me "Screw this"

I followed him inside and saw Elijah playing the piano. I smiled and leaned against the railing. To be honest, i missed him too.

He stopped playing and everybody clapped.

Elijah "thank you. Thank you"

He took a sip of his drink.

Suddenly Nik showed up "an old favorite. Try as i might, i can't resist a familiar refrain."

Elijah looked at him but didn't recognize Nik.

Then he started playing again. Nik sat down at the piano. I walked to Nik and sat down next to him.

Nik "you play with such finesse. "

Elijah "yeah, it keeps me out of trouble."

Nik "Though Mahler's really more style. "

Elijah "Mahler? Guaranteed to clear any room. "

Nik "Well, then he and i have something in common"

Elijah "and how is that?"

Nik whispered amused "i have a bit of a temper"

I chuckled "that you have"

Elijah nodded "interesting. See, i wouldn't be able to tell by looking at you. "

Nik "wouldn't you?"

Elijah "and most people wouldn't look so disappointed about that observation"

Nik "well, truth be told, it's a balm to hear it. I've been feeling a bit one-note recently. All work, you know?"

Elijah "modern conundrum, my friend. you work just to take care of your family, then you don't have any time to spend with them"

Nik "My family is, uh...is geographically challenged. I've got a daughter i haven't seen in seven years, haven't spoken to in five. There were some issues"

I nodded. oh yeah.

Elijah stopped playing "this all sounds like a recipe for regret. "

Nik chuckled "and now you sound like my brother. He was my lodestar. "

I looked at Nik and took his hand. he looked at me and i gave him a soft smile.

I knew how hard it was for him.

Elijah started playing again "You're talking about him in the past tense. "

Nik "He's been...away. I've only just realized how far he's gone. "

I looked around and saw flowers dying.

I whispered "Nik"

He looked at me and i nodded at the flowers.

He looked at them and froze.

Suddenly Nik's phone rang. He took it out and looked at it.

He looked at it.

Me "you didn't want to listen me. Now you're gonna hear it from Rebekah. Again"

He rolled his eyes, stood up and answered the phone.

Nik "don't overreact"

I chuckled.

I eavesdropped.

Rebekah "Nik, you have pushed it too far this time. I just had a bath with blood spewing from the faucet like a carotid."

Nik "Yes, it does appear to be escalating."

I took sip of Nik's drink but spit it back into the glass.

I grimaced and looked at Nik "Blood. "

That was disgusting. It tasted disgusting. 

He looked at me.

Rebekah "it's bloody biblical, is what it is. You've stayed too long"

Elijah called out "do i have any requests?"

Rebekah "how does he look?"

Nik smiled softly "happy. He seems happy"

Rebekah "you spoke to him?"

Nik "i never dared before"

Rebekah "i miss him, too, Nik. But you have got to leave. Now"

Nik hung up and looked at me. 

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