The Strix

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Next day. Morning.

I was at Marcel's with some other vampires

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I was at Marcel's with some other vampires.

Marcel "as long as this serial killer's in the the news, cops are gonna be all day over this ciry like a rash, so for now, no feeding on tourists, and don't even think about going near the locals."

Josh "so what, then, puppies and bunnies?"

Marcel "Josh, you can talk to our contacts at the blood banks and hospitals. Let them know you'll be coming by"

Me "Means for the rest of you, keep everyone else in line. After the serial killer's dead and the news stopped talking about it, you can go back to your old stuff and feed from people again"

Marcel "Klaus and Elijah will get it sorted out"

Suddenly we heard a womans voice"somehow i doubt that. Your current dilemma will get worse before it gets better. The good news is, i can help"

I raised an eyebrow at her "and who are you?"

She walked to us.

Marel "you definitely walked into the wrong place."

Woman "i'm Aya. Nice to meet you, Marcel Gerard and Ariana Blake. Now, are you going to be rude, or is one of you going to offer me a drink?"

Marcel scoffed "i don't have time for this. Get her out of here"

Woman "a shame. I'd heard you were more hospitable. What a disappointment"

She broke two vampire's necks.

Then she took two black cards out of her side bra.

Aya "thing is, i was instructed not to leave without making you an offer. Will the two of you hear my offer, or not?"

Marcel growled and came at her.

He and the Vampires started fighting her but she killed the vampires and pushed Marcel down in front of my feet.

Aya "i have to say, i'm impressed. Given that i'm 3 times your age, you held your own quite well"

I helped Marcel up.

Marcel "that's me. Never know when to quit. "

He came at her again but she just grabbed his throat. I just stood there and didn't even bother to do something.

Aya "i suspect we could go at this for quite some time, but, as i said, I've been instructed to make you an offer, and since you seem so intent on defending your humble abode and maintaining your reputations in front of this motley tetinue, we'll adjurn to somewhere more appropriate. "

Then she cut his cheek ith her ring and threw Marcel to the ground.

Marcel then blacked out. She looked at me.

Me "no need to do anything to me"


Marcel and i were in a room. Marcel was still knocked out. Aya came back with a water bottle and poured the water all over Marcel's head. He woke up.

Marcel "what the hell did you do to me?"

Aya "scratched you with a toxin of my own devising. Kicks like a mule, doesn't it?. Here. This should help"

She threw Marcel a blood bank on front of his feet.

Marcel looked at me "Are you ok? did she touch you?"

I shook my head "no. I'm fine"

Marcel ripped the bank open and drank from it.

Aya "my friends and i could help with your daylight ring situation"

Marcel threw the blood bank away and stood up-

Marcel "ok. Now you got our attention."

Aya "Marcel Gerard, Ariana Blake, you both were turned by an original, yet you made yourselves in your own images. You built a vampire community from ash, and this city thrived under your rules. Let us help you return New Orleans to what it should be with you two as it's King and Queen."

I chuckled.

Marcel chuckled as well "a great sales pitch, really. Just one thing...wo's us?"

Aya "the oldest society of Vampires this world has ever known. We are called The Strix"

Suddenly Elijah stood in the door frame"Quite the prestigious organization responsible for countless wars, numerous plaques, assassinations."

Aya "you have to break rules if you want to build a new world."

She turned to him "Hello, Elijah. It's been a while. "

Marcel "you two know each other"

Elijah nodded "intimately"

He speeded to her and put a hand in her chest around her heart. She gasped.

Elijah "what ever you are doing here, i know you're not alone. "

A guy walked inside "Let her go, Elijah. No need for this to become vulgar."

Vampires walked inside.

Elijah "And...there he is...Tristan"

He turned his head to him.

Marcel "you go left? i go right? Aria goes to the front?"

Elijah "why don't you stay where i can see you?"

He took his hand out of Aya's chest. She gasped and took a few steps back.

Tristan "It's been ages since i've been enjoyed a good scrap, but, uh, it's not why i'm here. "

He handed Elijah a tissue for his bloody hand. Elijah took it.

Tristan turned to his people "Mr. Mikaelson and i require the room. Please leave us"

The vampires left. Aya, i, Marcel, Tristan and Elijah stayed.

Tristan "Elijah, your sire line, your life is at stake. You want to hear what i have to say?"

Elijah "Marcellus, please..and you would do well to be selective about the company you keep in future"

Marcel "Maybe you should remember who your friends are. It looks like you're gonna need them"

Marcel walked out.

Elijah "Ariana, you follow him out,"

I looked at him.

Elijah gave me a soft smile "please"

I returned it and walked out.

Later. Night. At Marcel's.

I walked downstais. Josh was trying to wash the blood out of the carpet.

Me "Hey, Marc, mind if i stay the night?"

Marcel "Do as you please. You know where the guest room is"

I nodded "night, guys"

Josh "night, Ari"

Marc "Night"

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