Nik's Key

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I walked into the living room and saw Nik burning something in the fireplace. 

Me "What are you burning?"

Nik "ancient history"

Me "you know, you are all the same. you use setting fire to your guilt, Rebekah's pretending that she doesn't love Marcel, and Elijah....well, he's lying about his memories"

He turned to me "what do you mean?"

Me "He mentioned my brother. He shouldn't be able to remember my brother in his current state"

Nik "maybe he wrote about your brother in one of his journals?"

Me "but that's the thing, Nik. Elijah has never written anything about Jensen. Things are creeping in, only nothing of substance, nothing that actually brings him pain. If Elijah doesn't know who he is, it's not because of magic. He doesn't want to remember, Nik"

Nik "Well, he has to, if he wants to save his girlfriend's life."

I nodded.


I saw Nik starring at the fire. 

Me "what are you thinking about?"

Nik "I've looked everywhere in this compound for my damn key and i still can't find it"

Me "so what?"

Nik "Maybe the key isn't hidden around this compound. What if the key had been by my side all along?"

I raised an eyebrow "What are you saying, Nik?"

Nik "you. you are my key"

I asked amused "Me? Why would i be the key, Nik?"

Nik "Because you make me me."

I raised my eyebrows "huh?"

Nik "You're the woman i love most in this world but still we have issues"

I looked down, nodding.

Nik "and those issues are hiding the key from me"

I asked confused "what are you saying?"

Nik "i'm not gonna be able to get key unless we are completely honest with each other"

I raised an eyebrow "So what aren't you telling me because you know everything about me ?"

He looked back at the fire.

Me "Nik, what did you do?"

Nik sighed and turned back to me.

My eyes widened "did you..?"

He shook his head, disgusted that i would i even think about that"of course not, love, god no"

Me "Then what could you have possibly done that denies you your key?"

Nik "it's not something i've done. It's something i have been thinking about for a while now"

Me "And what?"

He didn't say anything.

Me "You're scaring me, Nik."

Nik "There was a time i was thinking that you deserve better than me"

My eyes widened "what?"

Nik "i've thought about ending things between us"

I took a step back "you what?"

Nik "It's not like i don't love you anymor-"

Me "you just-is it because i turned?"

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