The Overdue Talk

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At the compound. 

I walked into the compound and heard Hope and Roman talking.

I stormed into the room "Roman, leave, now"

Hope stood up and asked confused  "what is going on?"

I growled "Roman, leave!"

He speeded out.

Me "Tell me this isn't true"

She stood up.

Nik walked inside, pissed off "what have you done with your mother?"


Nik yelled "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

I was sitting on the sofa next to Hope.

Hope "i knew it would take something big to bring you home"

Nik "so you had your little hybrid friend attack your mother?"

Hope "Henry just did the heavy lifting. And "attack" is a really strong word. Mom's fine. In a really nice coffin, sleeping. I cloaked her in a sleeping spell that i wrote myself. "

Nik "oh, well, in that case, i've never been prouder. where is she?"

Hope"you'e just gonna go disappear again if i tell you"

Nik was losing his patience "Hope, you are in danger when we're in proximity. I know you feel that. "

suddenly the flowers on the table died and a snake crawled out of the vase.

I sat up. I'm scared of snakes.

Nik "The dark magic inside us manifests itself in ugly ways. We could be putting others in danger, too. The whole city"

Hope stood up, yelling "i don't care"

Nik threw the vase off the table "this is not to debate Hope!"

I yelled "Nik!"

He looked at me and turned around "The little girl in knew would never have dreamed up a scheme like this"

Hope "well, sorry to disappoint you. But that little girl hasn't read your memoirs. You compelled Cami O'Connell to write your story. About a guy who used to put his family members in coffin and use them as leverage. "

Nik nodded amused "so you've studied my old tricks. did you learn this one?"

Then he put his hands on her head and she gasped.

Nik "She's at St. Anne's. "

she pushed him off her "get our of my head!"

Nik "you could die, Hope. Just by standing here, i could be destroying you. I'll ask your mother to take it easy on you. okay? Good-bye, Hope"

He was going to walk out but Hope closed the door in front of him.

Hope "i know some tricks too"

Nik growled and walked down the stairs. Hope followed him.

Hope "you called, you wrote letters, then you stopped...why?"

I followed them.

Nik "you know why."

Hope "i didn't think i had to knock before entering an astral plane. Sorry i interrupted your murder orgy"

My eyes widened. He never told me about that. 

Nik tried to open another door but it was locked, thanks to Hope.

Nik sighed and turned to her "you came to me that night because cards and letters weren't enough. I stopped them for your own good. "

Hope "you don't know what's good for me. you know, you stir up these stories about a crazy original dropping bodies, and people talk at school, and i have to be quiet little Hope Marshall, when i am so mad i want to scream. "

I leaned against the spring fountain.

Nik yelled "well, welcome to the bloody party!"

My eyes widened and so were Hope's.

I sighed and sat down on the stairs. Hope sat down on the table.

Nik "i was protecting you when i left. The horror in your eyes that night when you saw me is...burned into my memory."

Hope "i was nine and i saw this scary monster who looked like my dad...who taught me how to mix paint..who called me a princess"

Her voice was breaking "i didn't know which version of you was real. and i waited for you to explain or.. or apologize. "

She stood up "or tell me that you loved me. I waited for you for years. But you didn't come. "

Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Nik "in my experience, fathers cause pain. Whether by their presence or their absence, there's a certain type of ruin that only a father can..can leave behind"

His voice was breaking  "and were such a sweet little girl. Perhaps i was always bound to lave you broken. "

Hope "you-you really thing i'm broken?"

Nik's eyes widened when he realized he screwed up.

Hope crossed her arms over her chest "Maybe you're right. Maybe that little girl you miss so much would be better off if she'd never loved you at all. "

Tears were rolling down my cheeks too.

Then she opeend the doors with her magic "you can go now"

Nik pleaded "Hope, please.."

She didn't look at him.

I looked at the inner courtyard. snakes were everywhere.

Me "oh hell no"

Nik looked at me and then speeded away.

I stood up and walked to Hope.

Me "come here, baby"

I hugged her. She hugged me back. 

The Queen- Klaus M.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat