What The Hell Do We Do?

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Kol was sitting against the barcounter. Davina was in his arms. I was sitting next to him. I couldn't stop crying. Marcel walked inside. He was shocked. His jaw droped. 

Kol put her down and stood up. Marcel got tears in his eyes.

Marcel "What are you doing here?"

He kneeled down next to Davina.

He started to cry.

Kol "the Ancestors had a hold of me. I-I was out of my head. I never would have hurt her. I tried to make it stop. I made her dagger me. Nothing worked!"

Marcel stood up and turned to him. Pissed off.

Marcel pushed him backwards, punched and kicked him. 

Kol let him. 

He cried out "i loved her. I swear i did"

He was on the ground. Broken.

Marcel "get up. Both of you"

We got up.

Marcel "this is New Orleans. Witch spirits can be brought back from the dead, so that is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to bring her back!"


Vincent walked in. He was shocked.

Marcel "we need to bring her back!"

Vincent "okay, we got to get her consecrated right now. If we don't we can't even attampt to get her back"

Kol "We can't consecrate her!"

Marcel raised an eyebrow confused"what the hell are you talking about?"

Kol "The Ancestors despise Davina. If we consecrate her, she'll wake up in their domain, and they will destroy her. "

Marcel "if we don't, we never see her again"

He turned to me "What's up with you, Aria, you've been quiet all day"

Me "Because neither of you will like what i have to say"

Marcel "speak"

I took a deep breath "Lucien's on the lose. This town has gone crazy. Maybe it's for the best if she doesn't have to live in a world like this anymore"

Marcel snaped shocked"Are you serious?"

Me "Told you you won't like it"

Marcel "How can you say something like that? It's Davina!"

Me "Because it is Davina i'm saying that. No one should live in a world like this. She doesn't deserve this"

Vincent "That's enough! All right? We all want to help her, so we need to make sure that she's consecrated, but she's got to be safe so e're gonna pull her into a place where she's protected, then we can resurrect her. And that's gonna require a lot of energy, and my power's not what it used to be before i got shunned. "

I nodded"Freya"

Kol "you think my family's going to help? Nik hates Davina. Freya will not defy him"

Marcel pointed out"this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for your family"

Marcel to Vincent "Prepare her body"

Marcel to Kol "come with me"

Both of them walked out. I followed him.

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