We're Family

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I tried to open the gate but i couldn't.

Freya opened it with magic.

Me "Nik?"

We walked inside.

Elijah "we're here, brother"

There was a barrier that blocked us from going closer to him.

Freya "This spell is strong. It's been reinforced over time, which means it's going to take time to break."

Elijah shook his head  " We don't have time."

Freya " I could try brute force. Overwhelm it. But I'll need someone to channel.

"Hayley nodded" I'll do it. Elijah, Aria, you keep watch."

Freya took Hayley's hand and started to chant.

Suddenly i heard someone upstairs. Marcel. 

I growled"Stay here, all of you. I'll be right back"

I speeded upstairs. Marcel stood there. He looked at me.

I smirked "Hello, King"

Marcel didn't look surprised "Aria, i knew you would come back. Sooner or later you always do"

Me "This is my town, after all"

Marcel "There you are wrong"

His eyes landed on my ring "Found someone else?"

I shook my head "I thought you knew me better than that. The ring is from your adoptive dad, Marc."

Marcel nodded "you can do so much better"

Me "So can you, becoming a monster? the power? you are not better than an Original"

Marcel growled "don't you dare"

Elijah suddenly stood next to me "Hello, Marcellus"

Marcel "You find some way to survive my bite and you have the audacity to come back? What happened? Immortality just got boring?"

Elijah " I've come for my brother."

Marcel " Well, I got something else for you."

Elijah " You'd have me pay for my sins. So be it. Exact your revenge on me."

Marcel raised an eyebrow" What is that, huh? Your version of an apology?"

Elijah " My brother has suffered enough. He leaves here today."

Marcel "We'll see about that."

Then they started to fight. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly Hayley came and speeded in between them.

Elijah "Hayley, leave us"

Marcel "He's right. This is between me and him"

Hayley "And if i stay you'll kill me, too, make my daughter an orphan?"

Elijah "it's not your fight"

Hayley nodded  "Yes, it is. Hope needs her father, Marcel"

Marcel "Yeah? i had Klaus as a father. It didn't turn out so well, did it? your daughter's better of without him"

Me "you wouldn't be here if not for him"

Elijah "Get Niklaus and go"

Marcel "oh, he's not going anywhere, Elijah. And neither are you"

Hayley " Stop! You win. Okay? We can't beat you. I'm begging you, let us go."

Marcel " Why? Why!? Because you think that would be justice for your family? They were my family, too. And Elijah tore my heart out and threw me off a bridge. And his brother just stood by and watched. There is only one justice left."

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