"Give It Back"

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In the Garden.

Hope and i walked in hand in hand.

Marcel was in there and bricking in her sired hybrid "not the best time for a visit, but i'll take what i can get"

Hope "you busted me. Jerk"

Then she hugged him.

Then she looked at the hybrid. He wasn't okay. Not at all.

I walked to Marcel and hugged him.

Me "hey, bro"

He kissed my temple and looked at me.

Hope walked to Henry "I'm so sorry, Henry. I never meant for any of this to happen. "

Marcel had stopped bricking him in at his throat.

Hope "you have to do what i say, i remember?"

He nodded.

Hope "okay, so, you're going to be calm now. When you get out, I'll be here, and we'll be friends. if you get scared, you'll feel peace if you just close your eyes ad sing. "

I linked my arm with Marcel's.


The three of us walked into the compound. I still had my arm linked with Marcel's.

Henry "that was really nice, what you did for Henry. "

Hope "Great. I'll give myself a point."

Marcel asked amused "what?"

Hope "it's this weird think i did when i was little. "

We stopped walking and she turned to us.

Hope "i-i get a point if i do something nice, follow the rules. if i, uh, have a bad thought, or ...lose my temper, then i lose a point. "

Marcel sighed "oh, honey, you can't put that kind of pressure on yourself. "

Hope "my family sacrificed everything to save me. I'm supposed to be worth it.I mean, i'm supposed to be better, right?"

Her voice was breaking.

Hope's voice broke "my dad thinks...that i'm broken. I don't think that..um..i don't think that he loved me anymore"

Marcel "hey, he may not have the words to tell you, but no matter what, your dad will love the very worst of you until the oceans are dust. You are worth every sacrifice. and you are good. period.Show me anybody who says otherwise, i'll eat 'em"

Hope and i giggled.

Then he pulled Hope and me into his chest and hugged us both.

Hope "oh, no, i'm okay"

Marcel "no, this hug isn't for you. It's for me. I kinda needed it"


Hope and i were sitting upstairs in the living room.

Hope "Riri?"

Me "hm?"

Hope"is everything okay with you and dad?"

I nodded and put an arm around her "of course, sweetie, why wouldn't it be?"

Hope "Because I haven't seen you happy in a long time"

Me "oh, you know, your father makes me happy"

Hope "but i don't see that"

I sighed "Hope, you don't have to worry about it-"

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