Talking Bones

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Next day. Morning.


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I walked downstairs and saw Hope walking around the table were the bone was

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I walked downstairs and saw Hope walking around the table were the bone was. The bone was circled in with Salt.

I walked to her "Hope?"

Hayley joined me "Hope, what's going on?"

Hope "Mom, Riri? Can you hear them, too?"

Hayley kneeled down in front of her and turned her to her.

Nik joined us "What's going on?"

Hayley to Hope "look at me. Tell me what you heard"

Hope "Voices. They said that we're connected to this. You and me"

I looked at Nik.

Nik "if this fossil has been whispering lies, i'll gladly throw it in the river"

Hope shook her head and looked at him "no. not the bone. The witches. The Ancestors. They have a message for us. A warning"

I put a hand on her shoulder "Hope, tell me what they said"

Hope looked at me "They want you to go to St.Anne's Church to talk to them. They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now"

She looked at the Bone.

Hope "Before the Hollow comes for us"

Nik looked at me. I sighed.


I walked to the front gate but Nik suddenly showed up and grabbed my hand.

Nik "I don't want you to go"

I sighed "Nik, i'm going with you. Period"

he sighed.

Me "We need allies, Nik"

Nik nodded "you're right. While we appeal to the local spirits you and Marcel should marshal forces"

I raised an eyebrow.

Elijah suddenly stood next to me "i beg your pardon"

Nik "we are in a race to fing those bones. Marcel knows the city. He's the enemy of our enemy. Look, perhaps it's time to mend bridges, rather then throw people off them. hmm?"

he took my hand and we walked out.

At Church.

We walked inside with Hayley.

Hayley "It's quiet"

Nik "of course it's quiet. It's a trap"

Hayley "We don't know that"

Me "New Orleans witches have hated the Mikaelsons for over three centuries now. And now they want Nik to come here? Of course, it is a trap"

Hayley "The coven protects their own. Hope's one of them now. She's a part of their legacy"

Nik "Hope is a far cry from a French Quarter fortune-teller. And while we're on the subject, she's seven. If anyone wants to talk to her, they should ask my permission"

I raised an eyebrow at him "I really can't wait to see you when she starts with the boys"

Nik "I'm gonna be a perect gentleman. And should any of her suitors fail to meet my expectations, I'll compel them to priesthood"

I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly we heard footsteps.

We turned around.

Nik "Look, Harvest Girls.I assume you speak on behalf of your Ancestors"

Girl 1"Provided that you've come in peace"

Nik "Well, that depends on you, doesn't it?"

I rolled my eyes.

girl 2"we don't want a fight. We're here to offer a deal. "

Girl 1 "Altough your brother did murder all four of us, so let's not pretend we're friends"

Nik "please consider all pretense of friendship dropped. Where are the Ancestors?"


Nik and i were sitting next to eachother on the bench.

The girls were mixing something together.

Girl 2 "We need your blood"

She held a bowl out to us.

Nik "That's funny, i didn't hear you say "please""

Girl 1 "If you want answers, we have to guide you to the Ancestors. But since you aren't witches.."

Hayley walked to her and grabbed the bowl "We need to bend the rules. How?"

Girl 2 "Simple loophole. You're both bound by blood to a New Orleans witch. We can use the link to your child to cast a spell and link you to an audiance with the dead"

Me "I'm not bounded to any New Orleans witch. So, how will this work out for me?"

Girl 1 "You'll drink Klaus' blood. His blood is going to be in your system. That's how you can join. "

I nodded.

Hayley bit in her wrist and let the blood drop into the bowl.

Nik bit in his wrist and held it out to me. I shifted and drank some of his blood.

I let go of him, he stood up and walked to Hayley. He then bit in his wrist again and let the blood drop into the bowl.

Nik walked to the girls "why do i get the feeling there's something you're not mentioning?"

I stood up and walked to them.

Girl 1 "Just one thing...This is gonna hurt"

Suddenly i yelled up and everything went black.


I jerked up and looked around. We were still at Church and still in the circle of salt. It was dark and Nik, Hayley and i were the only ones here.

I felt a hand grab mine. Nik.

Nik asked worried "You ok, love?"

I nodded.

He looked at Hayley "now can i be angy at them?"

We stood up.

Hayley "Get angry later. We're here now. We may as well get some answers"

Nik "so are we to wander around this dready purgatory in search of lost souls?"

We started walking to the front.

I saw our original bodies lying on the ground. Suddenly the door opened and someone walked inside. Nik pushed me behind him.

PErson "i wasn't sure you were gonna show up"

Nik "Well, i'm full of suprises. I hope you intend to make our trip worth the effort"

She walked into the moonlight.

My jaw droped.

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