"She's your daughter!"

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In a building.

In a building

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I walked inside and saw dead people everywhere on the ground

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I walked inside and saw dead people everywhere on the ground.

Nik was drinking from someone.

Me "enough, Nik, let him go"

He looked at me for a second but then kept drinking from the guy.

I nodded "okay"

Then I speded to him, grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall "i said enough, Nik!"

He smirked "There she is"

I let go of him and he sat down on the sofa.

Nik "It's a pity. I thought there'd be more of them"

Me "trying to break your own record?"

Nik shrugged "maybe"

He stood up "Why are you here, love? I thought you were on your way back to Brazil"

Me"got a text"

Nik "Hayley sent you"

I nodded "Yes"

Nik looked away.

I crossed my arms over my chest "don't you wanna know why?""

Nik sighed "Lov-"

Me "Before i was taking a bath to relax from my stressful husband-"

Nik chuckled "Stressful husband? are you serious? you're the one with a new lover"

My eyes widened "wait what?"

Nik "come on, Ariana, do you really think that i don't notice that you're on your phone constantly? It's obvious you have another man on your side"

I started to laugh "you're hilarious"

Nik "and you're a cheater"

I slapped him "Don't you dare, Nik. you wanna know who i'm talking and texted to on the phone? You wanna know who the other guy is?"

Nik shrugged "Doesn't matter who he is, he's gonna die anyway"

I laughed "that's just amazing"

Nik "I can give you the world and more. More than any other man could "

I nodded "i know that. I'm not seeing it though. Are you done with the whole cheating-accusing-stuff? Yes? You wanna know who I've been texting and calling while you're not around? Your daughter. "

His face dropped.

Me "You know, the one you haven't asked about"

Nik "We already had that talk, Ariana"

I nodded "i know. We had a lot of talks. But mostly i am the one talking you are completely ignoring it. And now it's my turn to ignore your talking"

He looked down.

Me "You broke contact with her 5 years ago but i didn't. I couldn't."

Nik "i told you i d-"

I shook my head "I'm not still in contact with her for you. I'm doing it for myself. I raised your daughter for 5 years while you were in that dungeon, remember? She's my step-daughter, Nik. "

He didn't look at me. 

I sighed "Why are you avoiding her?"

Nik "i already told you"

I shook my head "you're lying. I don't get it. She's beautiful and smart. and stubborn like-"

Nik "her father"

I nodded "yes. But she heard the same rumors everyone has heard over the past five years, Nik, that you have gone completely bonkers. "

Nik pointed at the bodies "as you see"

Me "yet, standing here and being married to you..you seem only normal crazy to me. "

Nik "high praise, indeed."

I rolled my eyes. He wasn't taking me serious. 

Me "You know, two men who own this building were killed yesterday at a nightclub by an alleged maniac. And here lie more bodies. Care to explain why you're methodically picking off all the members of one family?"

Nik "Because i'm compulsive"

I rolled my eyes.

Nik "or perhaps it's just to while away the time or maybe, just maybe.."

He grabbed my forearms "Your husband, Klaus Mikaelson had finally gone mad"

I pushed him off me "don't ever touch me like that again. I know you, this spree you're on, it isn't random. You have list, don't you?

Nik didn't say anything.

My eyes widened "you can't be serious!"

Nik "i'm not. it's my experience that those who are wronged seek revenge. ad since many have long memories, i am determined to systematically annihilate each and every one of our enemies. and the heirs of our enemies. "

I sat down on the armchair "You're Mikaelsons which makes that list endless, Nik"

Nik "it's the only way to protect Elijah"

I sighed and looked around. 

Nik "in his current state, he wouldn't know an enemy if they sat down at his piano. And it passes the time. "

Me "you may have started out crazy to make your enemies fear you, but now i'm not so sure that you're pretending. This isn't right, Nik, even for you. "

Nik "i find i'm not good without Elijah. I mean, we've been...parted before, but not like this. this is worse than if he were dead. I've lost my brother"

I stood up and put my hands on his chest "But you still have a daughter"

Nik "she's better off without me"

I scoffed.

Nik "i know what it's like to be raised by a monster"

I raised an eyebrow "and you think i don't?"

He looked down.

Me "i can't believe you take that shit now as excuse. That was like, a thousand years ago. Your father is dead. get over it. And if you ever use Mikael as an excuse to a bad father again i'm gonna kill you"

he was sad but couldn't help but chuckle.

Me "you may not be able to be in the same room with her, but there's this ancient gadget called a telephone. And don't tell me you don't know what that it because I'm pretty sure you helped inventing it. you'll lose your daughter, Nik, and she'll lose you."

He looked at me.

I let out a shaky breath "and since you obviously don't give a crap about what i just said. I'm just gonna say this; The man i love-the man i married is someone to be worth knowing and if you can't see what i see in you...then you're not the man i married anymore"

Then i walked past him out. 

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