Family Is Power

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We were standing in front of the tomb Esther and Mikael were trapped in. Well, we were standing in the tomb and standing in front of the wall that blocked us from freeing them.

Nik went out to get some things.

Kol shook his head  "We can't get in without Finn's blood. "

Bekah "Well, how do we disrupt Finn from channeling out parents in there if we can't even get to the bloody binding circle?"

Kol was lighting candles "We're not here to disrupt Finn's power. We're trying to overload it"

Bekah "Are you daft? you want to make him stronger?"

Kol sighed "Aria?"

I took a deep breath "Look. A witch can only ever channel so much power. And then things will start to get ugly. He will slowly overload from the inside. He'll either have to release the power or, well, let it kill him"

Bekah shook her head "But he won't be dead. He'll just body-jump"

Kol "Yes, into a body 300 miles away from the niece that he's trying to nab."

Bekah smiled at him "In case you're wondering, this is the side of you i like"

Kol looked sad "Look. i am...i'm gonna get you back in your body, Bex, if it's the last thing i do, i promise. "

Bekah "Right now, just worry about how blazes i'm gonna be any use to you whatsoever when i know nothing about magic."

Kol "You don't need to know anything about magic. I'm just gonna hav to channel you"

Suddenly Nik came back with a bag in his hand. He threw the bag in front of Kol's feet.

Kol "Did you get me what i asked for?"

Nik "Mystical artifacts and dark objects galore from my personal collection garnered over 1.000 years. "

Kol kneeled down and looked through the bag "i wondered where this had gone. Half this stuff is mine"

Nik "there's more"

He threw Papa Tunde's Blade into the bag.

My eyes went wide. Kol frowned and looked up. Nik was holding the white oak stake out to Kol. Kol stood up and looked at it "you want to trust me with this?"

Nik nodded "whatever you need. Whatever it takes"

He put it in Kol's open hand.

Kol nodded  "all right, Let's get started. "

He put the stake on the mini altar of stone. Then he put a hand on the wall. Bekah did the same but the difference was that she looked unsure. They took each other's other hand and focused. Then they started to spell something.

Nik looked at me. I looked at him. He walked to me and put a hand around my waist. He kissed my hair.

Nik "You okay?"

I looked up into his eyes and took a deep breath "Not exactly"

Nik nodded.

Me "are you?"

Nik "When she's safe and Finn powerless then ask me again"

I smiled and nodded.

Suddenly they jerked away from the wall.

Kol "we're close"

I smelled blood. Kol's nose was bleeding.

Me "Oh my god, Kol. You're nose"

Kol "We just need something to put it over the top"

Nik took a step to him.

Nik "take me. I am a vampire-werewolf hybrid with 10 centuries of blood on my hands. Channel me"

Kol shook his head "No, Nik"

Nik put a hand on Kol's shoulder "You wanted my trust, brother. Here it is"

he took Papa Tunde's blade and put it in Kol's hand "do not fail me"

I shighed.

Nik kneeled down in front of Kol. Kol looked at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. He sighed. Then he craved Papa Tunde's sign in Nik's forehead. Nik's body went limp. Beka and Kol then out on of their hands on the wall and hold hands with the other one. They started to cast a spell. I looked down to my boyfriend. His skin was grey.

Suddenly the tomb began to shake. Kol and Bekah began to scream.

My eyes went wide and i took a step back.

Suddenly they jerked back and fell on the ground. The tomb stopped shaking.

I smiled.

Me "You smart little bastard" 

Bekah "You're a genius, you glorious bastard"

She stood up and walked to him. She helped him up. I walked to them.

They hugged each other.

Kol "I'm a little surprised it worked myself"

He let go of her and i huged him.

I chuckled "I knew you wouldn't betray us"

Kol "ye-"

Suddenly he began to cough. 

He let go of me and bent down coughing.

Bekah asked worried  "Kol?"

I put a hand on his back.

Me "K?"

Bekah then put a hand on his shoulder and made him look at her "Listen.I am not gonna let you die, you hear me...Whatever it takes"

I kneeled down to Nik.

Kol then freed him of the sign of Papa Tunde's blade.

Nik's skin went back to normal.

 He groaned and sat up "Tell me it worked"

Kol smirked proudly "we did out bit, i promise. Finn is back to being normal, regular-strenght, maniacal bastard. "

Nik "i know in the last millennium, we haven't always seen eye to eye, but in this moment, i am reminded once again of something Elijah has always said. "

He stood up "Family is power"

He put a hand on Bekah's forearm and then one on Kol's.

Nik smiled "Thank you"

Kol smiled "you're welcome"

Beka "speaking of Elijah.."

Nik "He will prevail. Of that i have no doubt"

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