"He's Dead"

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Later. At Roman's apartment.

Nik attacked the vampires who were keeping guard downstairs while i took care of the ones in the apartment.

Then i looked at Roman who looked at me with wide eyes.

Nik walked to him.

Roman was shaking "get it over with"

Nik "oh, i'm reserving that honor for someone i love very much"

Then he broke Roman's neck.

In the dungeon. Night.

Nik had strung up Roman to the ceiling.

Hope was in the corner watching us.

I grabbed a jog of water and gave it to Nik.

Nik "thanks, love"

then he threw the water at Roman who gasped for air.

Nik "have you decided how you will kill him?"

Hope "slowly"

Roman looked around. He was pretty scared.

Roman "Hope?"

then he saw her standing in the corner "Hope! hey!"

Roman looked at Nik who started to smirk.

Hope "i wanna do this alone"

Roman asked scared "what?"

Hope "this is supposed to help me feel better, right?"

Roman looked at me "what's wrong with her?"

Me "You killed her mother. And the only way to ease her pain is by bringing you pain"

He asked confused "my pain?"

Hope "but i don't want an audience"

Nik "Hope"

Hope "if you want to help me, go"

Nik looked at Roman "well, i was rather hoping to be part of the show. Well, consider starting small, then. Fingernails, or perhaps the tongue. Build the suspense. "

I walked to the gate and Nik followed me.

Roman called after us "wait, you're not actually gonna leave me with her, are you?"

Nik closed the gate and we walked upstairs.


Nik took a sip of his glas. 

I was leaning against the table watching him.

Nik "you want one too?"

I shook my head "no"

Nik "then why are you staring at me, love?"

I raised an eyebrow "You're really letting her mercilessly torture that boy?"

Nik "that boy held her and Hayley hostage, almost killed Hope and succeeded with her mother-"

I snapped "you think i don't know that, Nik?But do you really want her to follow in the footsteps of her father? in your footsteps?"

Nik pointed at me with his glass "and her stepmother's"

Me "She was supposed to be better than us, Nik. "

Nik "she's ill. If this brings her some relief, then nothing else matters"

I asked confused "And what if the darkness returns?"

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