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Davina "as a matter of fact, i do. And you're gonna listen to every single word i have to say, because right now, i'm the only thing standing between you and the Hollow"

I saw Nik's face go pale.

Davina "How is Kol? Can't see anything here except New Orleans"

Nik "i believe he's currently traipsing through the French Riviera, though i'm sure he'll return once i tell him how lovely you remain. Death becomes you "

Hayley "Stop talking"

Nik "Gladly...once she tells us something that could be of help because, as i recall, then Freya kicked her into this drab shadowland, her brethren wanted to tear her apart"

Davina "you want to defeat the Hollow. So do i. So do the Ancestors"

I raised an eyebrow "as much as i'm happy to see you right now, D., don't tell me you're speaking now for the Ancestors"

Davina "looks like it"

Me "After Everything they've done to you?"

Davina looked down and then at Nik "you need to know what you're up against first. It begins a thousand years before the city as founded. Two rival tribes decided to combine their power. They thought that by uniting the peace, they would enter a new age of harmony. A marriage was arranged. Two powerful witches joined together to create a unified coven. "

Hayley "a ceremonial wedding. Like the one Jack and i had to unite our packs"

Nik "Let me guess. Something went wrong"

I sat down on a bench.

Davina "That marriage bore a child. For nine months, the tribe elders visited the mother, using magic to grant the child great power in hopes that the newborn would become a symbol for prosperity. But they had no idea hat they wre bringing into the world. She was named Inadu. Soon it was clear that she was stronger than anyone could imagine. And that she had a terrible hunger for more power still. And that's how the Hollow was born"

Nik "Well ,this is all rightening fodder for campfire tales, but how do we kill her?"

Davina "you don't understand. You can't"

My eyes widened.

Hayley "If this thing is so powerful it can't be destroyed, why bring us here? Why tell us all of this?"

Davina "The Ancestors needed you to know."

Nik "please inform the Ancestos that they're a colossal waste of my time. I've been alive a thousand years. I've never met anything i couldn't kill"

I looked him "So you found a way to kill Marcel for good or am i hearing wrong?"

Nik ignored me "We will defeat this pathetic phantom, as well"

Hayley "it was her tribe that turned her into this thing. Her family should have stopped it. "

Davina "you don't think they tried? All they wanted was to undue hat heir magic did. But that was the beginning of the end. Over time, she grew and craved more power. Inadu channeled life in all its forms. Her hunger was insatiable. She loved the fear she inspired in others. Her people knew her as ruthless, unfeeling, empty. Until that became her defining quality. So they began to refer to her by that single trait....The Hollow"

Hayley "she killed them all"

Davina "not because they hurt her or were unkind"

Me "she did it for fun"

Davina nodded.

Nik "Well, to be fair, we all have our bad days. "

Davina "you think this is a joke-"

Nik "no, but it is a trifle tedious. Perhaps you could get to the bit of the story that might be of some use"

Davina "you want to defeat the Hollow? She only has one weakness"

She walked to Nik and stopped right in front of him.

Nik "you have my undivided attention"

I stood up.

Nik "What is it?"

Davina looked at Hayley "you. You're the one chance we have"

Nik "what does that mean?"

Davina "i'm done talking to you"

Suddenly she grabbed mine and Hayley's hand and it went black.


I woke up and looked around. Still at church. Again in that stupid circle. Nik's body still lying there. Hayley was next to me with Davina infront of us.

Me "D.?"

Davina "This is what's needed it we want to stop the Hollow"

Hayley "What's needed is Klaus"

Davina "No, Hayley, we only need you"

I raised an eyebrow "Then why am i here?"

Hayley "What are you talking about?"

Davina looked at me "You'Re here because i miss you"

I gave her a soft smile "i miss you too, D"

She looked at Hayley "it all comes down to the bloodline. That's the only thing that worked against her. When her evil became to great to bear the tribes united to defeat her. Tribe elders managed to capture her using mystical bindings. But even with all that power, Inadu was too strong. Death seemed the only solution. Four of the strongest elders each imbued a part of their magic into a mighty ax. When the weapon was ready...they relied on her mother, the one who gave her life, tp be the one to take her life. But before she could kill her child, Inadu cast a final spell. One powered by her own death. A curse upon all present that night. She bound them to the full moon, so that once a month they would turn into the very beasts they used to hunt her"

Hayley"The Hollow created the werewolf curse"

Davina nodded "you bear the mark of the Crescent. So did she. And her mother, Who, once cursed, became the first of the werewolves. The others fled, becoming the six other wolves you know today. But it was your line that began it all, and yours alone that still has power over the Hollow"

I had Nik's head on my lap and was driving my hand through his har.

Hayley "That's why she's been hunting Labonairs"

Davina nodded "the Hollow fears you"

Me "Kill or be killed"

Davina nodded again "She wants you dead and if you die, there's only one Labonair left"

Hayley "Hope"

Davina "you can protect your daughter, Hayley.But i need you to trust me. The Ancestors can't find the Hollow, wich means she's chosen a host. Now, id you can track her, you can fight her. Your blood is her weakness, so use it. Once your spirits free, i can use Klaus to cast a spell to imprison her for good"

Hayley looked at me and i looked at her.

Davina "Remember, Hayley, this won't work if you don't trust me. "

Hayley then left.

Suddenly the four Harvest Girls appeard.

Davina nodded at them and they left.

Then Davina left again.

I yelled "D?"

I looked around and i was alone. GReat.

As much as i love Davina. She's changed and i don't like it at all.

The doors opened and Hayley and Marcel walked inside.

I stood up.

Marcel looked around "Davina?"

Me "She's with Nik"

Suddenly she appeard in the circle "Don't try to stop me, Marcel. If i don't kill Klaus, if i don't put down the Hollow, she'll come for all of you. She'll burn the entire city. 

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