Ending It All

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New Orleans. At the compound. in the dungeon.

Nik chained Elijah to the wall.

Kol "just when i thought he was the most mature of us all, our brother makes a unilateral decision that leaves the rest of us stewing in his melodrama. "

Rebekah shot him a look "his death is not a melodrama. "

Me "Well, he's spiraling. This energy feeds on anger, and deep down Elijah has enough to set the world on fire"

Kol "how many times are we going to lay this game? He's a cockroach that will outlive us all and we're immortal"

I shot him a look.

Rebekah sighed "and what if it's different this time? what if he figures out a way to end it all"

Kol "i don't think he'll notice or care that i wasn't there to witness it. Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going home"

He started to walk away. 

 I called after him "after everything Elijah has done for you, Kol!? Are you serious?! "

He stopped walking but didn't turn around. 

I pleaded "Kol, please"

But he just kept walking. 

I sighed. 

Nik "he will come back"

Rebekah "will he?"

Then she followed him.

In my bedroom.

Nik leaned against the door frame "You're hurt"

I shook my head " I'm mad"

Nik "since when"

I asked confused "since when what?"

Nik "for how long have you known about the pregnancy?"

I shrugged "I found out shortly before the wedding"

Nik asked confused  "how is that even possible? you're a vampire"

I shook my head "I'm not a vampire anymore, Nik, remember? i turned into the Upgrade. We both thought we knew about the changes that would come with turning into this but we were wrong. "

Nik "How long are you in?"

I shrugged "Like 4 weeks now"

He walked in, scoffing. 

I raised an eyebrow "what?"

He shrugged "and you just had to wait till now to tell me?"

Me "i waited for the right moment"

Nik scoffed "and you found it, clearly "

I stood up "I should seriously stop making you promise me the same thing over and over again. "

Nik asked confused "why?"

Me "Because you and i both know that you'll always break your promise"

He looked down "I'm sorry"

I shook my head "you always are, Nik"

He nodded. 

I put a hand on my stomach "do you even want that baby?"

Nik nodded, looking at me  "of course. What kind of question is that even?"

Me "if i had told you sooner about the pregnancy, would you've still gone through with your plan ? even though you knew i was expecting your child?"

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