Chapter 71: Big Revealed

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Michael POV in Marion County Jail in Salem, OR

In Earlier 1993, Michael is just wrap up the first leg of Dangerous Tour. Before he headed back home, He is headed to police station in Salem, OR. He is finally ready to know what they found on her brother in law Jack Gordon. He still hate him for what he did to Katie. But there is more to the story now they are looking into Jack Gordon and Angel. He finally met Detective Carter .

"Hi Michael, I'm Detective Carter."

They shook hands.

"It's good to see you."

They took a seat.

"Michael, my family and I were big fans of yours for many decades and especially your brothers and your sister Janet Jackson."

"Thanks Detective, Umm any information that you found on about Jack Gordon and Angel?"

"Yes. Michael, this is gonna shock you."


"He and Angel is been working human traffic for the girls along with Jack Gordon."

Michael is shocked but he knew Jack Gordon is a bad influence on Latoya Jackson.

"Latoya is gonna freaked out about this .My wife Tatiana told me what that Angel is working for Jack Gordon. OMG those predators."

"And they add little girls. I'm sorry to tell you this. It's your wife, Tatiana "

Michael put his hand on his mouth when they show the picture of the children. He is disgusted for what Jack Gordon and Angel did their mothers and little girls. Michael try to hold it together for keeping him for crying and can't believe it was his wife Tatiana involved in prostitute and she didn't tell him.

"Oh no! Oh no! This is can't be happening. Tati never tell me this. How? HOW?"

He try not to break down.

"She is been with Angel year before she started dating the actor Mario Sims. He is really not a dancer but he is a photographer and he is been stalking her since they broke up"

"I'm really speak to that son of a bitch now."
He pow his fist into the wall in anger. His tears stream down his face. He wipe it away with his hand.
"I'm sorry that you got to see this. Are you calm down?"
"Yeah I'm calm."
Michael sniff.
"I gonna go now."
He walk out of the police station. But first he is going to visit Angel in prison.

 But first he is going to visit Angel in prison

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Angel POV

Tatiana's ex-boyfriend turn stalker and a rapist is still in blue prison suit at jail cell. He is still facing charges for attempted murder and rape of Tatiana. He is been going crazy for wanting her and her having her baby. But he try to rape her. He never meant to hurt her.

"Oh what have a done? What have a done? I'm been prison last year."

The guard call him and bring him out.

"Angel, you got a visitor."


"Just come on out and see."

"Alright. don't rush me."

He came out and saw. It was Michael Jackson.

"Well well well! Mr. Michael Jackson."

He is evil laughing.

Michael is disgusted about what he sees him for the time since Angel is been arrested for kidnapping his wife and rape her.

"You are really disgusting bastard you are. You are out of your damn mind for ever stop  I'm really wanna punch the smug out of your damn face right now."

"Woah Mike! Is this is how you gonna talk to me when you came to visit me for my girlfriend?"

"Angel, you really deaf and crazy you are You rape her and left her to die. And now you just like Jack Gordon left Katie's mother to die."

"I never meant this to happened and did Tati. I still love Tati."

" SHUT UP, ANGEL! Do you realize for what you done to her? You cause my wife's life. You spying my daughter Amanda for making me and Tati believe that she was drinking beer She is almost overdose on sleeping pills and then you kidnap her after rehearsing her first tour. My daughters are worry about their mother that she never came home, and you cause their pain and you cause my pain. You are not really a dancer and not his girlfriend. You are a psycho and stalker. 

Michael come to Angel's face and threating him. So he finally telling him off.

"You just don't know what to leave her alone. Do you?  Tatiana is my wife for a year and a half and then you been stalking my wife and my daughter. They told me that you been working for my brother in law Jack Gordon to try to get her into prostitute in human traffic. Did my sister Latoya know about this?"

"If your sister know about this, Jack should've tell her to mind her own business."

"She is gonna find out about what her husband Jack Gordon really after he rape Katie's biological mother and got her pregnant, and I'm thank God she won't nothing to do with Jack. You are gonna rot in jail when they found something on Jack and then, you will be sharing a jail cell with him. Now I wanna ask one more time. Are any more women out their are involved human traffic besides my wife? Where is Jack Gordon and my sister Latoya?"

"I thought it was a photoshoot for the fashion and dancers. I didn't know that  Jack hire women turning women to prostitutes that Jack doing to women with their daughters that he make them like this. Michael, I didn't know about this."

"You damn right you didn't know it. The detective Carter says Jack Gordon hire my wife is involve as a prostitute in human traffic I'm really gonna talk to her when I get home to them.

"I'm so sorry that Jack Gordon, but I will not gonna tell you where-"

Michael grabs Angel's shirt and threating him with his knife.

"You listen to me you psycho son of a bitch, If you don't tell where are they now."

"OK OK, MIKE! They are in Las Vegas, Nevada. Now please go my shirt."

Michael let go of his shirt.

"Mike, I will never stop loving Tati. Is that you ain't over Diana Ross or should I say Brook Sheilds? No wonder they call a wacko. That is why you looks changing years later"

Michael finally lost it and punch his nose.

" YOU DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT! YOU NOT COME AT MY WIFE AGAIN!  LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE! You better keep their names out of your disgusting mouth."

The guards got Michael off of Angel. He is finally spit on Angel's face.

"You are gonna be lock up in a long time. GUARD!"

They opening door for Michael and now he left.

"Don't let that monster out of jail."

The guards finally sent Angel back to jail cell. He went crazy and laugh.

Author note: GOO MICHAEL for finally punch that crazy fool. They wont let Angel out of prison. He will died anyway. That is the last time I add Angel in the chapter now he told Michael about Jack Gordon.  Aww man. Tatiana is got a lot of explaining to do when he gets home to his wife and his daughters. Stay tuned, readers. We almost headed there to in the end of the chapters.

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