Chapter 27:Birthday Nightmare Part 1

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Michael POV 

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Michael POV 

Latasha's 5th Birthday Party is finally took place this afternoon. It is a big  excited day because she is finally turn 5 years old today. She is soo excited for her big day. All the place are set and get ready for the party in the backyard. Balloons, cake and presents.

"Oh Mike, this place is perfect. Latasha is gonna love this when she wakes up."

"You know I'm gonna wake her up now."

Michael went up to her bedroom to wake her daughter up.

Michael whisper to her ear.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty."

"Mmm Hi daddy."

She wake up.

"Happy Birthday, princess."

"I can't believe I'm turning 5 today. YAYY!"

"Come on. Your mom is coming here to help you get dressed for your big day."


Tatiana is looking beautiful in white with shirt and her black pants with her black boots. She went up to her room to get her daughter ready for her Birthday party.

"Hey Birthday girl."

"Hi mommy."

"You ready for your big day now you are turning 4 today."

"I'm ready, mommy."

She find a cute pink party dress and her Tiara to wear on her head today.

"This is perfect on for your Birthday."

"I love it."

"You love it?"


Julia knock on the door. She whispers

"Hey Tati, Everybody is here downstairs now waiting for your daughter."

"OK Thanks Julie."

"Alright. Come on Latasha."


Meanwhile POV

Michael and Tatiana took their daughter Latasha downstairs.

"OK, Latasha close your eyes, honey."

They brought her  to the background.

"OK Latasha, You can open your eyes now."

She gasp as saw a lot of decorations. It was balloons, a huge Birthday cake, little cup cakes on cupcake stand, and couple of presents. It was Disney Themed Birthday. They are characters from Disney like Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Snow White, Cinderella, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

"Holy moly! Its Disney Theme. It's beautiful."

Michael blow the whistle. Everybody came out under the tables and chairs surprise her.


 She covers her mouth in shock and sees her cousins, Her aunts, her uncles and her friends that Amanda invite is Katie, Zeke, Sean, and Jamie. They already teenagers now. And she is excited to see her friend Daniel, and Tatiana's friends Whitley ,Jaliscia, Dwanye, Ron, Kim, Freddie, and of course Walter.

Oh my gosh, They came to my party? Are you two  did that for me?"

"That is right since we ain't gonna take you to Disney World, so we decide to have a Disney Themed Party for you. You are a princess now you are wearing a Tiara for your Birthday.

"I love you, mom and dad."

They hug each other.

"We love you more."

"Come on everybody, lets get the party started. It's time for party games."

"Oh Mike, I gonna get check the mail quick. I will be right back. Everybody have a wonderful time during my daughter's Birthday."

"OK babe.

Tatiana POV

Tatiana went to check the mail and when she sees the mail. It was a Birthday card for Latasha.

"Aww it's gonna be from her grandmother since she ain't gonna be here. Aww I can't wait to show to Latasha."

"Oh my! I forgot to go to attic to get some Minnie Mouse balloons.

And then is another one and this time is from her ex-husband Mario Sims. He is been in jail for 2 years.

"What the-"

She is in deep shock as she covers her mouth. She saw that pictures and its from Covergirl and its not release yet. And it got worse, Her naked pictures that she took few years before Max kidnap her. Its suppose to be for Playboy Magazine, But thankfully she turn them down. She is upset and horrified. Her eyes are started to watery.

"How the hell could they do this to me? I'm not sign up for this. That is not what I want. This is nightmare. It's can't be."

And it got worse, she wipe her tears as she saw that someone took a picture of her and her ex-boyfriend: Angel. He is kissing her.


Author note: Holy cow! That creeps is after Tatiana. It's gonna be a worse nightmare for her. Stay tune for Part 2, readers.

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