Chapter 2:The Graduation

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Tatiana POV
It was around December 1989 one week before Christmas, Tatiana Thumbtzen and her best friend Jaliscia Benson are finally get ready to graduate from Hillman after four years in college but after she been kidnap year ago.They are making up for it after what they been thru. They are getting master degree.She got excited news to share with Whitley,Kim,Freddie,Dwanye,and Ron.Her and Ron are close like brother to her. Whitley and Jaliscia don't each other,but their voice like each other and respect each other since and give each other advices.
"WOWW this is our last year and last final time I'm gonna see y'all guys there."
"Yeah we are gonna miss you girls so much."
Ron is frown because it's Tati's last day at college.Dwanye tap on his shoulder.
"Come on buddy,cheer up."
"Yeah I'm gonna miss them too."
Tatiana give Ron a hug as they hug each other.
"Ron,cheer up."
"I know,You just got back after that punk Max did to u,your daughter Amanda and Jaliscia."
"Hey what about me?"
"Oh yeah you too Whitley."
They laughed.
"Dwanye,u still a clown and I still can't stand you for pick on Whitley since."
"You don't like me since.But I'm gonna miss you."
"I miss you too."
They hug each other one last time.
Tatiana finally give them a hug before her and Jaliscia getting in line with the rest of college graduates.
"Hey where your daughters at?"
She point to see where they at.There they are.
"They are setting with my mother.My dad who adopt me is here too.I miss him so much now we are finally connected after he heard what happen to me."
"Girl what's wrong?"
"I wish my sisters was here to see this,but they still at work."
Jaliscia got emotional they can't come.
"Awww I'm sorry they couldn't come to u get the diploma.I'm very proud of you.You are gonna make a great executive."
"And you are going to have a best singing  career when you recording you recording your first song and your first debut new album after you audition for a record company."
"Thanks Jaliscia.I'm going to do best I can when I get in music industry.My acting career is in the back burner for now.My family come first for now.
"Oh we gotta get going now."
"Yeah let's get that diploma."

Meanwhile POV

The students finally got the diploma and now they are headed off to the Graduation Party and celebrate it.
"We are finally made it thru it girl now we got out of the black robs."
"I can't wait to get home to my family before Christmas gets here."
"Me too, I'm miss my girls now I'm finally finish school."
They are enjoyed the party and have fun.Whitley is finally asking during dancing on the floor.
"So when is u and Michael Jackson are gonna get hitched."
"Whitley, we don't have a date set yet."
"Oh Tati, your lawyer is just call earlier today and I got excited news."
"What? You can tell me front of my friends."
"Your ex-husband Mario Sims founds guilty of domestic violence,child abuse, child endangerment and attempted murder."
They are roaring and cheer as they celebrate.
"Goodbye Mario Sims now he is going to jail."
Tatiana is relive but she concerns about her daughter Amanda.
"How many years he got?"
"He will be sentences to 8 to 10 years in prison?"
She is relived and overjoyed.
"Mario gets what he deserves now.He needs help.He ain't himself after what he put me and Amanda but he is still her father."
"But is your fiancé Michaels daughter."
"I will tell when she turns 16."
" Damn! That will be a long time when she goes to high school."
"Ron,It will take forever."
They are kept talking while enjoy the party.
"Hey since now the nightmare is finally put behind you now, Where is Michael?"
"He is meeting Ryan White and invited him to Neverland Ranch and in his home."
"I saw on the news about him.He has AIDS."
"He had when he was 13.It really hit his family hard and he is try to go to home but they fear of him if he comes to school.And it got bad to worse for him.The whole school banned him.
"Uh oh"
"The kids harass him and call him names and even worse.He is getting death threats."
Whitley is shock.
"Those little demons are gonna pay for that."
"Yeah their parents should be ashamed for themselves."
"They are so ignorant towards him."
"I will love to tell you about that boy,I can't get anymore details I'm gonna meet him too."
"Hey the party is coming to the end, I'm going to start headed out and ready to be home with my family.Y'all have a Merry Christmas."
Freddie shouts.
Tati laugh while she joking.
"I might and I will. I will see y'all soon."

Author note:I'm back everybody Happy Holidays to yall.What a excited day for Tatiana and Jaliscia finally got master degrees.What is next for Tatiana? Stay Tuned readers.😁🎄💫💫🌟✨

Tears of Joy:Michael Jackson and Tatiana Thumbtzen Story Continues Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat