Chapter 18:Big Day Part 2

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Tatiana POV

She is finally step up to the microphone as she get ready to sing her debut single" Piano In the Dark."

She saw executives, songwriters, and producers who work with Tatiana are also there at the audience tables and stars like Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis who known for in the band The Time and known for working with Janet Jackson came thru support to watch including surprise from her adopted mother. She is been very excited to see her adopted daughter's big debut performance.

"Good evening New York."

Audience roar in cheers on.

"Happy Holidays everybody. I'm so happy to be here to perform for the first time there. And I'm gonna to premiere my first single from my debut album, and is coming next year. And here is my new single "Piano In the Dark."

The band is finally playing her new single on stage. She is finally stand up to the microphone and sings.

Meanwhile POV 

Tatiana is finally finish performing 6 new songs. She got long standing ovation from the audience. They love her performance.

'Thank you so much everybody. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Good night."

She walk off the stage and she stop to meet with the people from Warner Bro-Records after her outstanding performance. 

"Hey Tati, U are fantastic tonight."

"Thank you soo much. I'm glad you enjoyed."

Her daughters came to her arms.

"Mom, You came Happy Holidays."

"Oh Tati, You sounded  fantastic tonight. How is everything going while recording your debut album?"

"It's been a long work, mom. It's been a dream for me that I wanna do for years since I was a kid from old days. Modeling is been awesome ,but my singing, writing songs, and dancing will get me on top."

"I'm so happy that you are here, mom."

"Me too. You are gonna be on top after your debut album comes."

Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis are here to chat with her.

"Hey Jimmy and Terry, How are you doing?"

"Everything is going good. You fantastic. Hey next time, we are gonna get together for your next album"

"It will be great because I love your you did with The Time, Cherelle, Alexander O' Neal , and of course Janet Jackson recently you did with her on Rhythm Nation 1814."

"Thanks everything is been great for Janet. She is winning a lot of Billboard Awards."

"I'm so happy for her."

She looks at the time.

"Oh I gonna get back to California and  headed home to my girls and get ready for the Christmas in couple of days."

"Alright, Tati We will see you next year."


Author note: It's been a awesome night. Her dreams is finally coming true. Stay tune readers.

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