Chapter 34: Keep a Secret

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Author Note: This chapter is gonna be very emotional because every women is been fighting breast cancer. They may live or might not make it. This is fiction. So hope all the readers love it. Its time.

Michael POV

Michael is getting emotional now he is finally telling Tatiana.

"Michael, Something is wrong. What is going on?"

He ain't waste no time. His eyes are started to watery like glasses. He holds her hands.

"Tati, there is no way for me to tell you this .While you in emergency room before you in a coma for two months, Dr. Jefferson informed me they found a lump in your breast while you have bruise. You have a breast cancer."

His tears streams down his face.

"Wait a minute! What did you say?"

"You've been diagnose with breast cancer."

Her eyes are watery as she puts her hand on her mouth.

She was in shocked.

"No! No! NO!"

She collapse into Mike's arms. Her tears rolling down face. She shut her eyes are hard as she begin to sobbing. Michael is crying too.

"OH NO! How could this happening?"

"They did a x-ray and they find the lump on your breast, but great news they remove it

Their daughter Amanda came because they overheard their parents crying.

"Mom, dad, What's the matter?"

They wipe their tears.

"Amanda, we are got to tell you something and its not good news."

"What do you mean? What's going on? No more secrets from me anymore. I'm almost to turn 14 soon. Please."

They both stop crying as Michael finally tells his daughter the truth.

"While Bill took you home, They did a x-ray and find a lump."

"A lump? Where?"

"It's on my left side. I had breast cancer."

Tati touch her hand as she wipe her own tears with her tissue.
"Sweetheart, I have breast cancer. But great news, The doctors remove the lump are finally got it out."

"But I got bad news."
"What bad news?"
"I won't be going on tour because I'm gonna start my chemotherapy after lumpectomy. This will drugs to remove cancer cells and keep them from growing ."

"Why how long you gonna be there?"

"It's gonna be hard for you, Amanda, She will be 3 to 6 months."

"What? it would be time for school to started soon."

"Tati, I'm gonna call when I get there."

"Dr. Jefferson, where is my fiance Tati are going treatment?"

"It's gonna be at Goodyear, Arizona."

"That is far away from the California. Mom, They should hurry up and my sister Latasha first and then we are gonna tell her."

"You right. Come on we are gonna get your mom from the hospital."

"Oh Tati, Don't forget to sign the papers."

"YAYYY! That means you finally coming home?"

"Yes, but I will be home for few days. I gonna start packing."


"Listen, everything is gonna be OK. I'm gonna kick their cancer's butt."


They are walking out of the hospital but Michael got something to tell Dr. Jefferson."

"Dr. Jefferson, I want you to do me a favor for Tati's sake. I want you to keep a secret from the media."

"Oh yes Michael, I will."

"Oh thank you so much."

Author note: The chapter is so emotional. My heart is breaking for Amanda now her mom Tati and her father Michael finally tell her. But please they better hurry up and find Latasha now. How long is gonna kept from the world in the media? Stay tune readers.

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