Chapter 41:Emotional Performance

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Author note :We are finally at Dangerous Era but the chapter is gonna be short. I'm soo excited about this.

Michael POV  November 16th, 1991

Three days after "Black or White" short film premiere on MTV, BET, and  Fox. Michael is started to get ready to perform his new single from upcoming album "Dangerous" called "Will You Be There. "He is taping for MTV's 10th Anniversary Special. It will be airing on November 27th on ABC. Michael 's daughters Amanda and Latasha and adopted daughter Katie are at backstage. They are so excited for their father. It's Katie's first time since saw Michael on Bad Tour.

"Daddy, you are gonna do great.

"Yeah u are gonna nailed."

"Yeahh! That show is so packed."

"Thanks girls, I will do my best. I promised."

"We love you, daddy."

"I love you too, angels."

They hug each other.

"Where is mom and what she will be doing?"

"She is in Chicago because she is gonna be on Oprah Show."

"I never been to Chicago before, daddy."

"Me neither."

"Well I perform there with your uncles before when I was a and as a solo artist."

"That was amazing moment for you and my uncles, daddy."

"When mom goes on Oprah ,what would mom will be talking about?"

Michael is concern about Tatiana for what's she will discuss about her horrible past how her ex-husband make her life a living hell Now she is finally tell the world. Now she is ready to tell the world in her first interview.

"She will talk about her career like modeling, singing and acting in showbiz and maybe about She was a private person. Now she is ready to address them on her show about her breast cancer battle."

Michael is ready to go on stage.

"OK girls, I gonna go on stage. They are waiting."

"Good luck ,daddy."

Meanwhile POV

Michael brought down the house with "Black or White. Now he is finally perform his next song "Will You Be There." The song is inspirational. The children brought together sang in the choir. They sounded fantastic. He dance to it before he did the poem that Michael got emotional.

"In our darkest hour

In my deepest despair

Will you still care?

Will you be there?

In my trials

And my tribulations

Through our doubts

And furstrations

In my violence

In my turbulence

Through my fear

And my confessions

In my anguish and my pain

Through my joy and my sorrow 

In the promise of another tomorrow

I'll never let you part

For you're always in my heart."

He try to hold back his tears but it roll down on his cheek. So the angel are behind him hold on to him in confort Michael.

The fans roar in cheers and screams.


He went backstage to wipe his tears from his eyes. His daughters cheer for him when they see her father crying."

"You amazing out there, daddy. Why are you crying?" 

He blows his noses as he sniff.

"Because I'm thinking about your mother now she is recover from breast cancer. It's been hard and thinking about your late great grandparents now they watching over me now."

Latasha wipe his tear. 

"Everything will be OK, daddy. They love you so much. We love you."

"I love you all too."

"We are finally got a celebration coming up: The wedding.

"YAYYY! You and mom are finally gonna get married."

"Come on girls, we are gonna get home and get ready for 1992's wedding."

Amanda got questions.

"Hey, Will you still invited Uncle Jermaine to your wedding?"

"No we won't invited him and Your Aunt Latoya is not coming either."

"Why daddy?"

"Oh Katie, You don't understand-"

"Come on dad, I'm 14 now."

Michael is finally let it out but he is keeping quiet about the fight with his brother Jermaine about his song "Word to the Bad."

"Well your uncle and I have disagreement. Brothers do fight all the time. Little brothers are getting into all the time. Sisters fight all the time."

"Yeah it's true dad, but it is this fighting about?"

Michael tells Latasha.

"You will understand when you and sisters getting older."

"Hello dad, I'm 5 now."

"Yeah we older to know too. I'm 14 about to turn 15."

"Let's get your girls home now. Bill, let's go.

Tears of Joy:Michael Jackson and Tatiana Thumbtzen Story Continues Where stories live. Discover now