Chapter 55:Explaining to Do

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Amanda POV

Amanda is shock that his Uncle Jermaine saw the beer that in her hand.

"Uncle Jermaine, What are you doing here that late? Mom and dad didn't not wanna see you."

"Well I just about to give you that Birthday present until I saw you rest of those guys are drinking beer."

Amanda is shock about his claims.

"What? Wait a minute. Uncle Jermaine, you really saw that I was about to drink that beer?"


"You'll got it all wrong. I didn't do anything. Those guys are spreading on my dress."

"Wait until your parents hear from me. I know what I saw. You'll got a of explaining to do."

He grab her arm.

"Uncle Jermaine, I'm telling the truth."

"I say let's go."

Michael and Tatiana POV

Michael and Tatiana are finally cleaning the kitchen until they overheard their daughter Amanda and his brother Jermaine argue.

"Mike, Who is that out there?"

"It's sounds like Jermaine."

"Oh no! What is he doing here?"

Amanda is finally telling her parents.



"Uncle Jermaine, I'm talking to them first."

"No Amanda, I am-"

"No you and my dad are not in speaking terms after they throw you out from my parent's wedding after you diss my dad. You should leave now."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell them what happened."

Michael and Tatiana came to the living room.

"Hey hey hey! What's is going on? and Jermaine, what are you doing here that late?"

"Mom, there is something I should tell you."

"What the-Amanda, is that beer I smell?"

"They spreading all over my dress. I try to grab the can from the guy's hand and try to threw it away-"

Jermaine interrupt.

"Until she start drinking beer with them."


Michael and Tatiana says in unison.

"Jermaine, you are lying. Amanda never do this."

"Yeah! Jermaine, go home. It's been a long night."

"Little brother, I know we ain't seeing each other until I see your daughter drinking."

"Oh no! I don't believe this. Jermaine, Are you sure?"

"Tati, I know what I saw."

Michael is fed with his lies about his daughter's drinking.

"JERMAINE, THAT IS ENOUGH! You leave our daughter alone. I want to you get out our house. It's late. We are gonna hear from the truth from our daughter tonight." 

"I'm not leaving-"

Amanda holds back tears

"You'll heard my dad. YOU'LL NOT MY FATHER!"

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