Chapter 22:Big Shocking Secret Revealed

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This is gonna be shocking chapter I ever done. This chapter will contains sexual assault and rape in flashback and will be too intense among readers and not for young readers. Readers Discretion Advised.

Jack POV

Latoya Jackson's evil husband Jack Gordon who is still married to his sister is just arrives at Michael's home unannounced and Michael and the rest of the kids are in shocked after Massie revealed to him that Jack is Katie's birth father.

"Hello brother-in-law. It's been a long time."

"Jack, What the hell are you doing here? Where is my sister Latoya?"

"Relax Michael, She is been working on another photoshoot for Playboy. After that, she will be working on her next album and then she will be rehearsing for Las Vegas shows. She wants me to tell you say hi."

"Oh OK, Uh kids come here."

Amanda and Latasha came to the living room to meet Jack.

"Michael, who is that man and that lady. Wait a minute! That is really Katie's birth mother that she gave her years ago?"

"Yes this is Massie. Massie, this is Amanda and Latasha. That is Tatiana's daughters."

"It's nice to meet you girls."

They shake Massie's hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Massie."

"Is is really true that Katie is your daughter?

"Well well Michael, they are precious. I just wanna congratulate on your engagement with precious fiance Tatiana that u did a video with her back then-"

Massie interrupt Jack.

"Jack please do not bring this up front of her kids please."

"Hey Julie, can you do me favor and take Amanda, Latasha, and Katie outside please and watch them?"

"Yes that is a great idea, but Michael what is going on, and what is that bastard Jack doing here?"

"Julie, It's between me and my brother-in law and I'm so close about to knock fool out."

"Michael, If Jack start cause trouble for you and the rest of your family, You let me know and I will call police on him."

"I will. Girls, Julie is gonna take to you outside."

"But Mike-"

"You heard them Latasha, Let's go."

"Oh my of course I will get them outside. Come on girls lets go outside and play."

Julia took them to the backyard.

"OK You girls go play now. Have fun."

Meanwhile POV

The girls Amanda and Katie been outside for 2 hours and the sun about to be set soon. They are finally ready to talk while Latasha is playing Barbie dolls.

"Katie, What is going on?"

"What? Amanda?"

"You didn't tell me that Jack Gordon is your father. who is married to Michael's sister Latoya."

Latasha is listening while she is playing her dolls.

"She is pregnant with me when she was 17.She gave me up after I was born."

"Wow how did Jack got your mom pregnant?"

"Amanda, I was gonna wait until I turn 18 but now I'm 14 now. It's time for the truth to come out."

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