Chapter 10:Goodbye Grandmother

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The Jacksons POV at Phoenix, Arizona

The Jacksons wear all black for the funeral as they ready to headed off the church to say goodbye to their grandmother Crystal Jackson.
They were wearing sunglasses as they hold back their tears as they could. Michael and Tatiana hold their daughters hands as they walk into the church. Tatiana wear black dress coat and short black dress and wear her black hat. She kept her beautiful hair down wearing her hat. She covers her eyes with sunglasses on while holding back her tears. Her daughter Amanda tap her mom and comfort her mom while she try not to cry.
"Mommy, Are you OK?"
"Yes sweetie, I'm OK"
"Mom, I'm gonna miss her much."
"I'm gonna miss her too."
Tatiana's tears continue to roll down her face
Latasha is wiping her moms tears with her tissue.
"Awww Latasha thank you."
She sniff.
"Mom, where is Michael?"
"He is outside."
"Is he still crying?"
"Yep he is still is but you he don't want to he bothered while he is still crying."
"Why not?"
"Because he don't want to talk to your uncles."
Janet Jackson came to hug Tatiana. She is still holding back her tears.
"Hey Tati."
"Hey Janet. How are you holding up?"
"It's been hard. It's been really hard."
"Janet how was Michael?"
"It took him really hard too. He can't stop crying."
"Mommy, Can I go talk to Michael?"
"Well OK, Remember we gonna go inside with the family any minute."

Michael POV

He sit outside. His are still watery.
His tears continue to stream down his face. He is been crying since. He is thinking about the moments that got his tears rolling down. His eyes are red for crying a lot. Amanda went to find him. He is still crying.


He turn around and saw Amanda standing there and hug her as he started to cry again.

"Oh hey, Amanda."

"Are u OK?"

"Yes, I'm still sad about grandma."

Amanda give Michael a tissue.

"Oh thank you sweetie."

He wipe his tears as he kept his tears for rolling down his face.

Amanda sniffs.

"Did grandma had to died?"

"I'm afraid so honey."

"Is she been sick?"

"I didn't know she was sick but Rebbie and my brothers  told me she died in the sleep. She wants to be with the Lord."

"That is why mom told me."

"That's right."


"Yes dear."

"Why you ain't gonna sit with your brothers and your father?"

He is not sure how to answer her the question.

"It's very complicated, Amanda. We will talk about this later when you get older."

"Michael, I'm 11 years old now, but how old?"

"When you turn 18."

"It will be forever. I will be almost young adult by now."

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