Chapter 60:New Album Promo Disaster

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Author note: In real life Tatiana talk about Michael on Howard Stern Show and defend him for the time after he did a video with Michael. But now is gonna be fiction in the chapter. It's gonna be good. Will he finally tell him off and defend him and her family?

Tatiana POV

Tatiana is dealing with a lot and life is falling apart after the tabloids came out about her ex-boyfriend Angel kissing Tatiana and her daughter's Amanda drinking beer in public. She is shock to learn that she is been lying to her and some paparazzi took a picture of her and the guys. She is force to go into hiding from the public before she promo her second album Loved. She is been staying in condo in NYC for few weeks to get ready to go on television to promo her album but first she is gonna be on Howard Stern Radio Show. She is not happy about this idea because he hates her husband Michael Jackson. She is now at the radio station now to promo her new song" I'm Loved". Howard is now asking about what is about.

"Hi Howard, thanks for having me here."

"We so looking forward to hear your new album now is finally here. Now it's really personal for you?"

"Yes it's been very personal and it got personal songs that I don't want to revealed right now, but I'm really excited that Pop and R&B adult stations are playing my new single "I'm Loved." Especially your radio."

"Your song is already play for the record company. How are they reacting?"

"They are not sure are not happy but the fans already hear it. I've been getting mix reactions from critics, my family and my daughters. She think is OK. I did what I go to do."

"They rather want to hear dance R&B songs."

"No Howard, It's not gonna be a dance songs. It will be R&B, gospel and few ballads."

"Uh Tatiana, speaking of your daughters, How are they doing? I want to ask you about the tabloids that is about now how is your husband Michael Jackson now you'll married how long?"

"It's been a year and now next year is gonna be two years but right now I rather just focus on music. and not talking about Michael."

She got annoying.

"But what does it he look like now he looks is changing after Pepsi disaster."

Tatiana ignore questioning about Michael's looks and his appearance.

"I'm not gonna comment about his looks. He told me while I was touring with Michael back then. But I will not gonna talk about this."

"What is like working with Michael in his video "The Way You Make Me Feel?"

"He is been greatest experience in my career after I audition for the video and I made it and become his love interested and the rest is history."

"I watch your the interview on Oprah and you'll mention that you dating Michael back in the late 70's thru earlier 80's years before you are pregnant with Michael's baby and kept it quiet from the public?"

"You talking about my first daughter Amanda now?"

"Yes we want all want to know how your daughters are like and he reveal in his "Moonwalker" That you and Michael got you'll pregnant with another baby and it was not your ex-husband Mario Sims?"

She was so fed with this after Howard brought her ex-husband husband. She is finally talking about it one last time.

"Howard, I want to make my self clear. Mario didn't want nothing do with my daughters anymore. He didn't got me pregnant. I was pregnant on my own until Michael reveal in his book that is the father, not Mario.  He betrayed me after he was cheating on me after he abuse me. So he is in jail for 3 years now. I'm in good place since I went to therapy for PTSD."

"That was relief. Hope he stays locked up for good."

Howard is got one more question to ask and she is got a tired of hearing from his annoying mouth about Michael.

"There is one more then that something that everybody wants to know?"

"Hope is not about my husband. I don't want to talk about it."

"But is the tabloids that I saw on the stand about your another ex-boyfriend name Angel? and your daughter is there paper drinking beer."

"WHAT? How did you know that?"

"I was told that you got another boyfriend after you and Michael broke up back then."

She is finally fed up and now she is going off on Howard and then she is lashing out against the media about Michael ,their family and about her children.

"OK Howard, Listen I don't want tell you all this again. I'm here to promo my new single and my new album Loved is coming few short hours and now you'll got a lot of nerved attacking my husband Michael and her children? I will not sit here not gonna talk about his looks. He is a sweetest person ever. He is amazing father. I'm done with interviews for now. I gonna performance coming up. So I'm leaving now. The interview is over."

"Wait a minute! Can we talk about this about this?"

She is holding back her tears as she is finally walking out of radio station

"NO COMMENT! and here is not my song "I'm Loved."

Michael POV

Michael is just got home after picking Katie and Latasha up from school. They are at the house and now she is checking on his daughter Amanda. When they get to the table. Michael took the paper out under the table. Michael's eyes are open wide and shocked. He covers his mouth when he saw his wife Tatiana kissing another guy. It's from Covergirl photoshoot And it's turns out to be her ex-boyfriend Angel and his daughter make Amanda news in the paper that she was drinking beer makes in the tabloids. Latasha is calling his name.

"DADDY!  Amanda reading mommy's diary."

"What?" I'm coming now."

They went to their parent's room. They were fighting. Katie try to stop them.

"Hey girls, stop it. Both of you."

"HEY STOP IT! Katie take your sister Latasha to your room and get ready for snack.

"Ooh Amanda, You'll are in big trouble now."

"Come on, Latasha. She is gonna lot of explaining to do."

Amanda try to get her, but Michael stop her.

"Oh no you'll not. Now you'll gonna tell me. What are you doing your mom's diary?"

"I want to know the truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"Is it true that my mom kissing her ex-boyfriend Angel?  Is mom cheating on you before you guys got married?"

Then is a blackout.

Another note: Oh snap! The truth is out. Michael saw the paper, but now Amanda got caught for reading her mom's diary. She wants answers now. Wait until Michael to confront his wife. Stay tuned readers.

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