Chapter 11:The Struggle

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Michael POV Neverland Ranch

Michael, Tatiana, and her daughters Amanda and Latasha are finally back home after two hour long exhausted fly back from Arizona. They are tired for all that flying. They are headed to the house now. The girls are running.

"YAYY we are finally home."

"Yess home sweet home hey girls don't run now."

"Sorry mom." The girls says in unison."

"OK ladies. Let's go changes your clothes."

"Yeah we need a lot of rest. Its been a long flight and we are tired."

"Me too." Amanda sits down on the couch

"Me three." Latasha is also sit down on the couch.

"You said it girls."

Michael is sit down and relax on the couch. Michael is ready to talk. He is been quiet all day after they came home.

Tatiana is concern about Michael now his grandmother finally lay to rest.

The maid Julie is welcome them home.

"Hello Mike, Tati. Welcome home."

"Thanks Julie. Is everything going alright while we're gone?"

"Everything is going good, oh and by the way Michael, You got a lot of letters from the fans. I didn't open."

Michael's eyes are watery as he see the letters that fans.

"They are soo sweet of them. I'm gonna read them later."

He wipe his tears so it won't fall down his face.

"Hey Julie, Can you take my daughters up their rooms and change their clothes? I'm going to talk to Michael about something."

"Yes Mrs. Thumbtzen, I will get on to it I just finish watch your clothes now you all back home."

"OK Thank you. Come on girls. Julie is gonna help put your clothes on and Latasha is time for your nap."

She is not in the mood and not sleepy."

"But mom, I'm not sleepy."

"Yes you are. It's been a long flight after two hours. Now go with her."

"Yeah Latasha, stop been a baby."

"I'm not a baby much long. I will be 5 next year."

"You still a baby."

"Am not."

Are too."

Tatiana stop her two daughters are arguing.

"OK girls enough. Now go upstairs."


Now the girls are upstairs now it's time for her to talk about this what's going on.

"OK Mike, Now its you and me. Michael, what you want to talk about?"

"Tati, You remember when Quincy Jones making a demo tape for before you did the song.?"

"The one with Prince made it for me? Michael, I want to tell you about it ,but its too much going on after you came back from Ryan White's funeral, You'll been struggle the death of two grandmothers, and death of Sammy Davis Jr. It's been so hard for you."

"I want to know why you didn't tell me about Quincy Jones invited you and when I didn't know he invited Prince to the studio. I didn't know he was coming. I was shocked."

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