Chapter 6:Recording New Music

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Tatiana POV
Tatiana is finally in recording studio in Los Angeles working on her debut album after been sign to Qwest Records and Warner Bro. Records.
"Hey Quincy, How are you?"
"Hey Tati, You decide to make it."
They hug each other.
"It's been so long since I did a duet with Mike. It's been a great experience and greatest moment of life."
"It's sure is. Hey, How is Michael doing? I heard about Ryan Whites death."
"He is doing OK. He is coming home and visiting their nieces, nephews, cousins and their brothers and his sister Rebbie now."
"What about Janet?"
"Oh Janet is still on tour and then I don't think you not gonna like this about what Latoya is up to  now."
"What is going on?"
"She is about to release her book  and expose his family secrets."
Quincy is shocked.
"Oh no her family is gonna be furious with her."
"They were furious and angry that Latoya married Jack Gordon after she moved out,and now he is her manager. Her albums ain't selling well at all like her brother Michael and Janet did."
"What Latoya did?"
"She post for Playboy and woah her family is outraged and her mother Katherine is upset and her father Joe is really angry."
They continue to talk when she confess when she shock Quincy.
"I think Jack is using her to attack her father and her mother."
"Oh no It's can't be good. Michael will be upset about this. He is love his mother and they were so close, but his  father Joe, No much. Michael told me about that abuse that he did suffer. He wrote in his memoir Moonwalk. It became New York Times Best Seller.
They are finish talking when someone knocks on the door, And it was:

Prince POV

He is finally cam to the studio to meet Quincy for the first time since the duet with Michael fail thru and didn't work. She is exacted and shock to see Prince for the first time.
"Hi Prince, It's so good to see you."
"Hey Quincy, It's been while after the song Bad became a hit without me."

"Yeah Its doing good. Oh Tati, There someone wants to meet."

"I'm coming."

She came out and she can't believe it when she saw Prince.

"AHH OMG Prince!"

"Hi, You must be Tatiana Thumbtzen."

"Yes thats me."

They hug each other.

"How are you?"

"I'm doing fine. I'm been writing songs and start working since after I finish tour with Michael and I graduate from college and got my Master Degree in Music."

"That was wonderful. What did you do beside u been a lot of videos and movies? Quincy told me that you became a ballad dancer and model for a while, and you sing in the club in NYC."

"Yes when I was 13 what I wanna do is sing, dance and been a actress. I sing at church with the youth choir when I was 5 years old  and I work as a club singer and I left and when to Tokyo, Japan to modeling there for 5 years, but I quiet modeling after 3 years  because I was pregnant with Amanda, and now I got another name Latasha who is now 3 years old.

"Wow family comes first. You did the right thing while raise your daughter. How old Amanda now?"

"She is now 8 she is about to turn 9 next."

"That is great. Thank you for sharing with me about your experience."

"You welcome, Prince U not to be suppose to be interviewer."

They laugh.

"Well to the tell you the truth I dont like doing interviews during beginning of my career until years after I did the Parade album and a movie Under The Cherry Moon."

"Your album is amazing and I felt terrible that your movie didn't do well and critics trash your movie."

"Who cares about the critics? That movie will be always be good for them anyway. I thought stop doing movies and focus on music."

"Hey you do what you gonna do."

"I sure will."

"OK I'm are gonna to get ready to record now. It's almost afternoon."

"Hey there is a song that you gonna sing on there."

"What is it?"

It's call "Hold Me" and it was written by Shelia E.

"OMG I love her. I'm looking forward to sing this song."

Here your song sheet. You ready?"


Quincy talk to the mic  he is ready to press the button."

"Now Tati, It's your first time in recording in the studio. You ready to do this?"

"Yes I'm ready. Hey Prince. I'm ready."

"OK let get to work."

Author note: I'm soo happy that I add Shelia E's song to the chapter Now remember is a fiction Tatiana is singing that song, and I'm glad I adding Prince in that story now. Tatiana didnt tell Michael about Prince yet. Its gonna be great but Michael didnt know about Prince is here in the studio. Uh Oh stay tuned for another chapter. 

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