BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

By otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ More

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SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
SPECIAL 6โšก๏ธ
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]


2.9K 92 314
By otakuwaii


When Kumiko Kete was only four years old; her quirk manifested.

It started off with an itch on the palm of her hand that wouldn't go away. She recalled going to the doctor with her parents at that early age and being told there was nothing in her system that indicated any illnesses.

She was prescribed with medicine that failed to do the job; and before she knew it, one day, she woke up and saw it. The cloudy white eye that only she could feel blink open whenever she closed her real ones.

It petrified her, and she had asked to get it surgically removed for years to come. However, each time her wealthy parents agreed with her wish, she found that it would just reappear itself in other parts of her body. Each surgery.

All twenty seven of them.

The 'evil eye', as she had called it, would always come back.

By the time she was eleven; she knew this eye was part of her quirk, and despite not being able to look at it because of the way it only opened against her movements; One night...She decided to forcefully move the eyelid aside and stare right into it.

She saw her own future— Her parents demise, leaving behind their fortune. Her successful hero work, meeting her husband and giving birth to only one daughter at the age of twenty seven.

This, and everything in between she saw and couldn't believe until it started happening.

She promised herself to never look into her future again; if it meant she could see her own death too. However, that promise was broken years later. On the night [____] Amachi was born.

🌸DAY 17(still the same day)🌸

At around 11:43pm, a very tired Himeko Amachi arouse from her fourth nap of the day and tiredly put on her house slippers to walk downstairs, towards her kitchen.

A few maids were there, preparing everything for next day's breakfast, lunch and dinner when they stopped their tracks to show their respect to the lady of the house. "Good evening, Mrs. Amachi."

[____]'s mother covered a long yawn with one of her hands. Her husband was away for a while, he had travelled to meet up with his own parents and talk about [____]'s condition in person. He left his lovely wife in the care of the young butler and her mother. "Hello...Have any of you seen my mother?"

"Mrs. Amachi's mother is in the patio; she requested some chrysanthemum tea for you two, so we took the liberty to brew the freshest flowers from there, earlier." One of the maids then asked if it was fine for her to deliver the tea in a porcelain container and follow after her.

Himeko nodded, taking a bite of a fake apple that was begging to be grabbed from their gold-plated fruit bowl. "Oh. This is styrofoam."

Oddly enough, though. It tasted just fine to her so she kept taking bites out of it.

"Mrs. Amachi, if there is any snack you'd like us to prepare for you, at any time, please let us know." The other maid seemed a little worried for the pregnant woman and her odd taste buds. Just last night she was caught eating ice cubes sprinkled with oregano. "We have real red apples in the fridge..."


"Mother; hello." Himeko had finished the fake apple and was then munching on a real one. She wanted to spit it out. "We brought you your tea."

"Himeko. I've been waiting for you, here, for hours. What took you so long?" The old woman raised an eyebrow at the mess she could only assume was once her beautiful daughter.

Her soft hair, that used to be styled beautifully all the time, looked terrible pinned up so lazily. The salmon-pink roots starting to show over her bleached white hair were a disgrace. Not to mention she was wearing the most comfortable pjs she owned and those were actually Manato's. "You look improper. Fix yourself before you see me, next time."

"I took a nap, don't bug me about it." Himeko excused both of the maids and they bowed their heads before scurrying back to the kitchen and finish their shifts. "Be glad I am here, and not paying someone to kick you out of my home. What did you want to talk about?"

"First, I would like to address some problems I have with your staff." Kumiko didn't waste any time to throw in her two cents. "Eyecandy excluded, your workers need to learn how to properly address me. I rather love being called 'Miss Kumiko' than 'Mrs. Amachi's mother' while I am staying here—"

"This is my house; why should I change anything for you? If you don't like it; then leave."

Kumiko chose to ignore her daughter's moodiness. "Right...Well, that aside, I'd like to suggest that you buy different mattresses for all your guest rooms. I've tried every single one in this place and there's not one that won't hurt my back as I sleep."

"Seriously. Why don't you just head back to an hotel that will praise you like how you always want?" Himeko rolled her eyes and her silly requests. "I don't have the time or money, at the moment, to buy anything that accommodates a woman like you."

"No money?" This was the first time Kumiko seemed surprised over what her daughter would say. "What happened to all of it?"

"Oh, no. I have money; don't think I'm going to ask you to include me back in the family fortune because I don't need your help for anything. I'm just not finding any suitable jobs, at the moment. So I'd like to save what I have until the baby arrives."

"And your husband?" Kumiko didn't understand how pregnancy could make Himeko act so lazy. She was never this way, even when [____] lived inside her belly. "Tell me he is at least still working."

"Manato has his own bank account, same with [____]. I don't interfere with their savings."

"You have used the term of 'family' to stop you from accumulating greater amounts of money that you were meant to have."

"Are you telling me I should steal from my own husband or daughter to make you proud of me, mother?!"

"Far from that; raspberry..."

"So, then, lets just get straight to it— I'll ask you one more time, why are you here? Why are you so persistent on staying in Musutafu until [____] graduates? You were never there for me, why would you want to be there for my own kid?"

"Maybe because you and that idiot, as her parents, fail to do so." [____]'s grandmother didn't sugar coat this. "You should have felt my pain when I found out you married that impostor. A worthless geek from a family of farmers that happened to steal you from the man you were meant to marry. That man, who could take Manato Amachi and his thirteen useless brothers on at any time of day—"

Himeko got up form her seat after rolling her eyes. "Enji, again? I won't have you sit here, on my chair, at any part of my home, and insult Manato anymore—"

"Oh— Forgive me. I do apologize." Kumiko poured her some tea and asked for her daughter to relax, as if it was just that simple. "You are right, I suppose...One thing I will commend, is the way you properly stand up for that man. You truly love your husband, I can tell."

With her manipulation tactic, she was able to make Himeko sit down again and listen to more of what she had to say. "Yeah? Well...I didn't learn it from you, I'll tell you that much..."

"I understand why you feel like this...And I accept the fault. Maybe if you could pick and choose new parts for me, I'd be a better mother for you."

"...Do you mean that, really?"

"Of course." Kumiko behaved offended at her question, at first, just to sell the performance even more. "My raspberry, for many reasons, you make me proud. Shall I list them for you to believe me?"

Himeko took a small sip of her tea and her mother took her silence as a 'yes'; "For starters; you are so career-driven, dear. You set your eyes on one thing and go for it, no stoping. What an inspiration you are to your child and your future one."

[____]'s mother enjoyed her words of acceptance. "I was always afraid I'd end up being a terrible person, like you...So, that's why I was different."

"Oh, raspberry, trust me when I say you will never become like me." Kumiko said this confidentially, as if it was meant to hurt her own daughter. "You know...Before you were born, and I was working as a pro-hero; I kept having terrible nightmares...

It may have something to do with the fact that I've seen others die a million and one times with my quirk; I think I may have been just a little afraid of the way life tends to rip you open and fall into death's cold hands no matter your achievements.

We all bleed the same. And we all could die at any given moment...I understand it's uncomfortable to speak about this while you are carrying a wonderful life inside of you, so let me just mention instead...How glad I was to meet your father, during my job."

"Did you and father hit it off immediately?" Himeko asked; a little too enthusiastically since it had been over a decade that she last spoke with Kumiko about her late husband.

"Oh, darling, no. We did not. At first sight, I thought he was an utter fool. Straight forward and dense as they come. I could see a lot of this man in your own daughter, actually.."

"You do?" Himeko didn't know much about her dad, given that he passed away when she was only nine and others wouldn't speak about him, no matter if she asked.

"Yes...It's why I am so attached to her right now...It's times like these, when I feel the most alone, raspberry. Your child, my granddaughter...She is the only person in this world that can fill the void in me." [____]'s grandmother lied.

"Then...What about me?" Her child felt saddened to ask. "I wasn't good enough for you, to care?"

"You are too good for me; raspberry. With you, I understood when it was my time to let go and let you live the life that I did not planned for you, but knew you'd end up in, after all..." Kumiko intended for this to sound like a compliment and hoped her daughter would gobble it up like an American thanksgiving dinner. "But let's speak of your beautiful [____] once more...Shall we?

My raspberry; do you remember the day [____] was born? How upset I was that you didn't let me be in that delivery room, with you?"

"I didn't think of a reason why you deserved to be there, overall." Himeko bluntly answered. "But Manato ended up calling you, anyway."

"Yes, your husband could be quite honorable at times, I'll give him that." Kumiko smiled at the memory.

"Tell me the truth, did you pay him to call you?"

"I wouldn't of dared to waste money like that." She scoffed at the accusation. "Oh, but how much I wished to see her...Receive a photo, or a video..."

"Couldn't you just see her, using that weird eye?" Himeko asked the obvious, "I mean, you can see your own future...Right?"

"I can, and I did." She confirmed. "What a pure bundle of joy she was, Himeko. I was practically there, after all...You fell asleep as soon as you had her, the pain medication was probably too strong for your fragile body.

I was still angry, so I chose not to see much of you. But [____], my strawberry, she was being examined by a doctor and a nurse; her weight was exactly 8 pounds and 5 ounces.

'What a big girl' I thought right then; bald baby with the chubbiest, most pinchable cheeks. The most beautiful human in the universe.

I saw her, and...And I knew. I just knew; she was going to outshine the rest, including me, with her quirk that was yet to be figured out."

What Kumiko didn't tell her daughter, though, was that, in that moment when she saw her give birth to [____], she found a greater thing to fear than unexplainable death, itself.

Someone who was brought into this world to drain all of her life force slowly and painfully— To the point where it would be considered unintentional murder.


"You're starting to sound a little crazy..." Himeko laughed at her mother's serious expression, only to be joined by her later. "Hahah...I think you're trying to manipulate me into giving you my permission to see into [____]'s future again."

"I promise you, I am not." Kumiko hadn't done that yet, because she could still see part of [____]'s life in her own future. "But I don't need to see it to know I am correct. You have given birth to the version I had hoped for you.

[____]'s power shall ameliorate at any age, and without warning. Like a dormant disease in the blood." Kumiko had a tendency to even make good fortune sound, well, terrifying. "I've known it from the moment she was born and it's about time you open your eyes and see it for yourself; the incident at the arena was caused by her portals. The radioactivity was something she brought back from traveling at an unmapped speed."

"Is it that dangerous? What can I do to help her?"

"Seeing as you care...Parent to parent; I suggest you allow me to train her before it gets out of control."

"No— Never." [____]'s mother got up from her seat once again; remembering the way her mother once taught her how to do anything through different cases of abuse. "I'll never let you near her if you insist—"

"You can't blame me for the past; Himeko. You were raised during a different time. Your change in hormones alters your quirk, raspberry; you know it's true. Don't you think it's the same for [____]? Only this time, it's much worse since she is twice as powerful as you once were?"

"Whatever it is that's causing this, I am alright with trusting her teachers and other professionals to help her control it. Not you, mother. Anyone but you."

"[____] is endangered by her own quirk. Pushing this matter aside while she gains more power can only be worse for her—"

"—I don't— I cant believe it.." The pregnant woman began to catch her breath, like if she just came back from running a marathon. "No. You're lying to me— You are. You lie, that's who you are. It's all you do—"

"Himeko. Listen to me."

"—You enjoy coming into my life, just to ruin it." She reminded herself of all the extensive therapy she had to take as a teenager to forget about her issues with her mother, who had the emotional intelligence of a wet dish rag. "This is what you do. You are a manipulator, and you're just scaring me into agreeing at anything you say. This is who you are, and I'm stronger than that—"

"Raspberry, if you could just let me say that—"

"NO!" Himeko got stuck on the same words. "I can't— I won't— I...I'm not feeling so good."

"Contraction?" Kumiko guessed at first, and she was absolutely right given the way her pregnant daughter grunted and touched the bottom part of her stomach. "Wait here— Sit down. I'll call for help."

"This is insane." [____]'s mom complained. "I'm not supposed to be feeling these until months from now! I don't know what's happening; I can't breathe through them—"

"And yet; you can talk just fine..." The older woman took her time to dial the young butler on her phone. "Calm yourself down, it is not a big deal."

Hideaki was in the mansion's library, meanwhile, spending his evening off studying for an upcoming exam for his class when he answered Kumiko's call.

He rushed out of there to help his employer when he heard what was happening through the other line. "Miss Himeko, what is happening?!"

"Ahh, I don't know but it hurts like hell!!"

"We have to get you to a hospital. Let's go."

Kumiko supposed it was fine for her to meet them there, after she finished her tea of course. She reminded her daughter not to curse in front of others while she was at it.

🌸DAY 18 — phone charger🌸

On Sunday morning, Katsuki woke up from the nicest dream he had in a long time. He tried to check the time on his cell phone and found that it had died from staying on for long hours during and after his call with [____].

"It's hot as hell...What the fuck?" he complained about the weather forecast, being that it was the middle of autumn and so close to winter, it made no sense for his room to feel so warm. He put his device to charge and then got out of bed to fix it.

After doing some stretching exercises, he ambled downstairs to prepare breakfast for himself, and then the strangest thought occurred to him.

While he was there, he imagined it would be nice of him if he filled up another plate or two for his parents.


"Son?" Masaru's voice was even gentler in the mornings; Katsuki froze upon hearing it get to his way. "What are you doing up, this early on the weekend?"

"I'm going for a run." He stated at first. "I mean, if that's fine with you and the hag..."

"Yeah, of course. You can go work out, just stay safe and take your phone with you."

Katsuki had finished eating his own brekafast; but still kept the rice cooker on warm and the fish griller underneath the stove on the lowest settings to maintain a good temperature for the main course.

"Here." After Masaru turned on their coffee maker and sat on his favorite chair from the dining room set; his son placed a couple of bowls and plates filled with nutritious food in front of him. "There's more for mom, for when she gets up. I'm leaving right now. You can leave the dishes behind for me; I'll wash them when I get back."

"Breakfast for us?" His father wasn't very skeptic of his family; but every once in a while, when Katsuki was acting extra strange, he wondered the most basic things of all. "...Is this poisoned?"

"Shut up and eat!"


Meanwhile; inside Musufatu's general hospital, Hitoshi Shinso has just finished prepping everything he needed for the cook in the kitchen and gave himself a small two minute break to walk out of the heavy stainless steel door and head towards the cash register to open it up for business.

It's not like he was smiling from the start; but seeing his father first thing in the morning got him a little bit more annoyed than relieved to know he was fine for another day. "Now what do you want?"

"Is that the correct way of saying 'goodmorning, dad!' to you, kids, nowadays?" Hajime always made sure to get his paperwork done so early in the weekend mornings so that he could have some time to head down to the hospital cafeteria and greet his son.

"Mom's worried about you." He let his father know. "You haven't been home in over two weeks. Did you forget?"

"Of course I haven't. I'm working, remember? Saving lives and such? Did you tell her of my most recent patient? Her grandmother has been bugging me to be around her 24/7. I can't keep track of all my patients like this. I'm a neurologist, not a caregiver."

"And have you told her that, yet?" Hitoshi raised his eyebrows, daring him to; His father shook his head. "...Seems to me like you're afraid of facing women, dad."

"Kumiko? Yeah. Maybe." Hajime didn't lie about it. "She usually brings tough looking men as security over, trying to intimidate others."

"—Sure, but mom." The high schooler didn't have the slightest interest in his father's work problems for a moment. "You gotta go home, sometime...So just make sure to make it soon, yeah?"

The doctor fixed his posture and raised one hand up to his chest, while he used the other to place it over his heart. "You have my word, son."

Shinso let out a laugh at his father's optimism as he finished counting the register's money and closed it after. "So, why are you here? Came to ask for a hug?"

"Ah, yes. Physical contact with members of your family may help reduce levels of cortisol and releases oxytocin. A hug a day may keep this doctor away, I like to say."

"Stop using medical facts to say you're just a big baby in need of affection." He laughed again, still not caving into his father's invitation to embrace. "Tell me the truth and I might not tell mom you're in love with your job instead of her."

"Alright. You caught me. I'm here for this." Hajime dropped his arms when he knew he wasn't going to get the hug he always anticipated from Hitoshi. He pulled a folded piece of paper out of the pocket of his white lab coat and handed it to his son. "You shall be the one to deliver her breakfast, personally."

'Special request for patient room 227...' Shinso read it in his head, at first. "Liquid thickener for all drinks and soups?"

"The poor girl kept throwing everything on herself, yesterday. Can't even hold on to a cup properly. Her schedule is packed with treatments and speech therapy; her grandmother didn't assign anyone to help her reinforce her physical strength, and that's also very important."

Shinso had grown used to his father telling him every little detail in [____] Amachi's case; but it's not like he shared it with everyone else, at least the guy hoped. "...Yeah, why are you handing this to me? There's more people working in this kitchen that can do the job."

"Oh, I didn't realize you hated her." Hajime acted surprised to see his son get annoyed, for some reason. "Sorry, I'll just ask your very muscular, well rested and very handsome co-worker, Frank, for his help. Is he in the back? Hey, Frank—"

"—Stop." Hitoshi didn't allow his father to move his voice another octave. "Don't bother him. ...I decided that I'll go."

"Thank you, son."

He removed the black apron and hair net he had on to give his dad a tired, unenthusiastic eye-roll. "By the way, I know what you're doing...and it's not gonna work. I never said I liked her; let alone, hate her. She's just someone that goes to my school and that will always stay the same."

Hajime shrugged his words off with a smug grin as his son excused himself from his co workers and took a small packet of instant beverage thickener from a nearby, unopened box he cut through with a handy pocket work knife.

"There's a girl your age who is easy on the eyes and wants to talk with you so bad, she requested that you stop by, all on her own. Shouldn't that be enough for me to help my only son land a girlfriend, at last?"

"Dad, I'm pretty sure she is already dating someone from her class." Hitoshi left the front counter to walk behind the doctor, to the patient floor. "Wait a second, you said she requested to see me, personally?"

"Yep. After she spilled water all over the floor moments ago and had me slip on it, landing on my ass—" Hitoshi took a quick glimpse at the back of his father's coat; it was damp at the bottom, alright. "— She apologized and asked me to call 'He, who came yesterday with the socks and the eggs with a fork.' I assumed it was you. Am I wrong?"

'I hope not...' He replied to his dad, in secret.


Hajime gave his son permission to walk into the patient's room with him, but then excused himself to go find a dry replacement for his outerwear. "Miss Amachi, my son is here to keep you some company for a few minutes. Don't worry, he does not have a girlfriend nor anyone that would be jealous of his surroundings, right now. Single as ever, remember that. Hahahahah."

'I'll brainwash you.' Hitoshi mouthed back, with his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "I'll do it, I swear."

[____] was sitting on her bed, blinking idly at the doctor as he joked for a second. "Okay, tough crowd..I'll be right back."

Once his father had done him a great favor and disappear out of the room; Shinso apologized on his behalf and got closer to the tray of food in front of the patient. "I brought some of this, to help you."

He made sure not to step over the clear liquid spill on the floor; it was basically everywhere around the hospital bed, but not close enough to the wires that were bunched up together near the wall. "First, let me see if I can clean some of this up..."

He rummaged through some cabinets near the sink of the room, finally finding a clean cloth he could use to soak up the water and then washed his hands as the girl reached for the packet of something Hitoshi had left behind.

"This is...? What?"

"It's just thickener for your drink." he explained as he ripped the package open and poured a bit on her cup. He stirred it with a clean fork laying on her tray. "It shouldn't taste any less than apple juice, either. So, here, try it."

Rich as pudding, but still edible, the girl managed to not spill any of it as she placed the cup back on the table, all on her own after sipping without another overflowing incident, thankfully.

"Easy, right? How was it?"

"It's like mayo!" [____] happily replied. "I like it much, actually! It's good..Just, some weird because apple sauce isn't soft, but sharp in the tongue. I think..?"

He took her giddiness as a positive review. "That's good...Once you regain more health, you're gonna be able to eat and drink like before, with no issues."


"What for?" He wondered out loud. "I mean...I'm just doing my job. No need to thank me, really."

"....Name, please?" She suddenly requested.

"My name, again? It's Shinso."

"Shin..." She didnt need any guide to remember it as something else. "Shin?"

"If it's too difficult for you to say the last part, sure. I don't mind being called 'Shin' by you, cat girl." He was prepared to walk out of the room after cleaning up a little bit more of the leakage on the ground until she stopped him with her palliative tone of voice.

"Not yet. Please. Stay, Shin."

He was a little startled at her behest. "...You want me to stay? Need help eating, again?"

[____] nodded once, then shook her head to answer.

"Oh...Then, what's up? What do you need me to do?"

"Shin...Last night; me and Baku shared this special voice box through chat." She pulled it out of her pillowcase, where she kept it hidden to herself, and smiled. "It's all thanks for you. So I'm sorry. No, I'm happy. Yes! Thank you...?"

"You sound so unsure of yourself." He teased.

"That's's none working."

"Hm. May I?" He asked for permission to look at the device one more time, and she granted it. "...It's just not charged. Do you happen to have its charger with you?"


He sighed, not because of her lack of knowledge but because he would of liked to help, but couldn't. "I didn't bring mine; I don't really use my phone so much during work hours...I guess I can purchase one during my lunch break, if you want. But you'll have to wait until then..."

"Really?!" [____] did not care for waiting, and she made it obvious with her small jolt of vivacity. "You could if you, Shin?!"

"Yeah. Wouldn't be a problem, I guess..."


He took a step back from the girl after hearing that, her phone still in his hands. "What?"

"Friends." She repeated, no hint of evil in her eyes or her smile. "You and I."

'Friends accommodate for each other, like this...' He reminded himself. 'She wants to be my friend. What do I do?'

With the definition of hopeful plastered all over her face, Hitoshi felt as if he didn't have much of an option in the end.


'This is fine.' Shinso thought to himself when he clocked out for lunch and gave his notice of absence to his superior, Frank.

'What I'm doing for her, I'd do for anyone else in her position.' He lied inside his head as he grabbed his denim jacket out of his small locker, behind the kitchen area, along with his crossbody bag and his own cell phone.

Since he got dropped off by his mother on this particular day, he didn't think about bringing his skateboard with him. So he walked out of the hospital and to the nearest electronic accessory shop that he had to google directions to; It was a little over one mile away.

He knew he had a small amount of time to get over there and back by foot; so he began to pick up his pace without looking back.

If he had done that, though, he would of caught a glimpse of the certain, golden haired individual who was on his way towards the entrance of the hospital.

Denki Kaminari had high aspirations that all cut down to bumping onto his buddy, Shinso, when he parked his bike outside of the building at about 11:38 in the morning.


"So you're a student...from U.A High, right?" The hiring manager from the hospital's cafeteria, a blond male in his late 30's named Frank, read throughout all of the paperwork Denki brought for him as they sat across from each other, in an empty table. "I didn't know you guys were able to land part time jobs, all while studying in the hero course, I mean. Must be tough."

"Oh, it's really not, though, sir. You just need to keep up with your grades and ask all of your teachers to sign your work permit." Kaminari knew he only succeeded in one out of those two requirements. He was working hard on the first one, though.

"Well...I'm interested, kid. But we don't really need anymore help with the prepping or handling money during weekends, since Hitoshi joined our crew..."

"Is he here, right now?!" The guy's eyes sparked even more open when Frank mentioned his name. He cooled himself off by taking a sip of cold water from the small paper cup he was offered by the manager, a bit earlier. "....He and I are really great friends."

"Frank. Maybe he could be in inventory?" An elderly woman sweeping up the floor of the cafeteria couldn't help but overhear their interview (there was practically nobody there) and intervened. "We know how big those orders can get."

"Chiyo; I don't think that's—"

"— Inventory?! Yes, I can! I can do that!!" Denki interrupted the man who would be his boss, if hired. "...Wait, what does it mean?"

"You'd just be counting boxes and ordering our deliveries once a week, kid."

"GREAT!! Because I'm actually SUPER awesome at math!!" The golden-haired guy lied, knowing fairly well that anyone could read his grades out loud and destroy his confidence, with the papers that Frank was holding. "If you need me to count some boxes, I'll count them times ten!"

"Sounds like you'll be terrible at it, already."

"Awe, come on, Frank. Let the kid have the job. What's the harm? It's less than a part time position..." It was clear that the woman named Chiyo, with dark dyed hair and eyeliner too think that it could bleed with her sweat, took an immediate liking to Kaminari.

She thought his energy was special and inviting; it was something she believed their associates needed, the most in their boring, dull work life.

"Yeah, Frank! I promise you as one of the greatest future pro heroes, I won't let you, Shincchan, or this wonderful lady down with my work!"

"Isn't he full of sanguine?"

"YES I AM, MISS! Thank you for noticing!!" Denki gratefully took her compliment, and then whispered to Frank; "I don't know what she means, I'm sorry."

The hiring manager shuffled his paperwork one last time, struggling to keep his sanity already from a five-minute interview with the high school boy. "Kid...You mentioned Hitoshi a couple of times now, and even asked if he was here before wondering if we were hiring. Are you and him really that close?"

Kaminari smiled wide to his question "Oh, we're the greatest! Bestest friends in the whole universe! He calls me Kami, and I call him Shincchan!

Our parents were close friends during high school so we grew up together; at first, Shincchan was a bully, but me, being the great friend and literal freckled sunshine that I am, forgave him for the time he burnt my hero notebook with his explosion quirk and told me to swan dive over the roof of the school building and hope I'd get a quirk on my next life—"

Chiyo interrupted. "What?? That is terrible!"

"Sure doesn't sound like our Shinso." Frank stopped him from continuing. "Are you sure you two know each other like that?"

"Will this convince you that I do?" Denki somehow knew this question would come up someday, and at any time, he was ready to show the person who dared to ask pictures he had on his cellphone of the two of them.

It was mostly photos he snapped of Shinso's back when he wasn't looking. Some had the golden-eyed boy throwing peace signs in selfie mode, while Shinso was in the middle of napping by the school's cafeteria during lunch.

Others he owned were badly photoshopped; For example, there was another snapshot of Kaminari and Sero; but Shinso's unamused face underneath Hanta's straight, black hair. Not to mention, his elbows were still unaltered.

Frank raised an eyebrow at that one in particular; Denki excused himself. "This was when he dyed and cut his hair a while ago. He looks great in any style, doesn't he?"

The older man knew that he needed a new employee to keep good track of their inventory; and since Denki really wanted to keep talking about things that weren't true, to put an end to all the nonsense, he ended up stamping the approval on his school permission slip in order to hand it back to the UA student.

"You got the job, kid. You start next Friday. Come at 4 in the morning, sharp, and bring back this permission slip signed by all of your teachers and both your parents or guardians, once again."

"AGAIN?!" Kaminari had a hard time getting Mr. Aizawa to sign it the first time, but he wasn't going to let that fact stop him from getting the job of his dreams: Inventory— but with Shincchan, on the weekends. "I mean, I will! I'll be here next week, Frank! Boss?! Frank Boss?!"

"Just Frank."

"Got it, boss!" Denki stood up, gathered all his things and bowed his head to show respect to the manager of the place and the kind old woman. "Mi'lady, it will be a great pleasure, working with you."

"Heheh, you're so charming."


Less than thirty minutes later; Shinso was back at work and didn't get to see or hear about his new co-worker. He clocked back in and helped his boss prep the patients' lunch in advance of asking permission to deliver [____]'s tray, himself.

Since it was his last job for the day; he decided to wear his denim jacket again and drop the apron and the hair net, in an attempt to not look like a tired lunch lady.

"Patient 227 is only asking for soft foods, but her grandmother gave us a list of ingredients she persists should be served..." The old woman in the kitchen explained the issue to Frank, who was clearly upset about it.

"Rich folks like them truly believe we have the time to meet all of their demands, as if that's our specialty. I choose to ignore them, throw that list away."

Before Chiyo could follow orders; Hitoshi asked to read it. When he got the paper; he recognized and remembered just a few foods from there until his manager asked; "You know the girl?"

"Not really 'know' her, I just know her...If that makes sense." He insisted, crumbling up the list and throwing it away like how his boss was asking. "She goes to my school, but we don't have any classes together."

"I remember my high school days..." Frank didn't think much of Shinso's answer and instead, reminisced. "Girls were on my mind, 24/7. Couldn't even sleep, study, or relax. All I kept thinking about was how to get a girlfriend. Then it all changed when I met my ex-wife...Oh, how that woman made me hate the rest.

Listen to me, Hitoshi, never let a girl know how much she gets to you. They will only use it against you. Trust me, kid, all women are sirens and their calls differ from one to the other. Focus on your grades, and you'll survive high school without any limitations."

To the unsolicited advice, Shinso just grinned. "I have other plans this year that don't involve anyone else but me, anyway."

He finished setting up [____]'s tray all on his own; then carried it without delay outside of the kitchen after giving his boss and co-worker another smile. "But thanks, really. For caring, at least."

"Women only want one thing, and that's your dignity!" Frank warned him after he left. "Remember that, kid!"

"Yeah, sure." When he was eight or so feet away from the cafeteria, Hitoshi shook his head. "Who says that?"


"Mom is...away?" [____] was speaking with her grandmother, back in her recovery room a few minutes before lunch. Her family had been visiting her every so often, but not as often as they claimed they would. "Again?"

She was a little sad when she heard the news of Himeko feeling unwell and needing to visit another hospital in the heart of Tokyo, that could assist her better than Musutafu's.

"I'm afraid so; and your father is still in Matsumoto, with the farmers." Kumiko referred to Manato's parents based on their titles; [____] grew a little confused from hearing this, so her grandma sat on the edge of her bed to be close enough to hold her hand. "It's only temporary, my strawberry. You shouldn't worry much for now. Your mother will be fine soon, and she will come visit probably by next week, I assure you."


"In the meantime, keep up the good work on your health. We have, yet, so many activities to do, just the two of us. Wouldn't it be grand if we visit Tokyo, once you are fully healed? I've missed you, my only granddaughter, to bits and pieces!"

[____] didn't know what got into her grandma, to be kissing her forehead plenty of times and saying sweet words like that. Though she didn't question it, and just let her show her proclaimed affection for a while.

Once Kumiko was done pretending; she asked Kaito, who was also in the room but ordered to not say a word unless addressed, to help her stand up. "Now, rest easy. I have a lot of work to do today, regarding business partners and such. I'll be back during supper time, strawberry, so we can continue your extra speech therapy before you go to bed. Yes?"


"Anything you'd like me to bring from home or any other place, my strawberry?"

"No..." [____] shook her head once. Even when she was being unnaturally nice, her grandmother still intimidated her.

"Then, I'll see you soon. I love you."

"Love..." The girl softly repeated. "You.."


"Son! Came to bring your old man his lunch? You shouldn't of have." Hajime was in the front desk of the patient floor; chatting up with one of the male nurses about their wives when Hitoshi entered the place.

"I really shouldn't, and I didn't."

"This is my kid." Dr. Shinso ignored that response and introduced him to the male nurse. "Isn't he great?"

"Ah, the neurologist." Kumiko had just left her granddaughter's room to find the man that had been avoiding her calls on purpose. "Working another long shift, I suppose?"

"Miss Kumiko; what a delight." Hajime was caught red-handed as he turned his back on a co-worker to greet the woman. "As you can see...Everything is going well with your granddaughter..."

Hitoshi identified the rather tall, silver-haired older woman as the one who spoke in support of U.A during and after the exam that went wrong on TV. He could understand why his father was acting a little strange as she approached them.

Two humongous body guards that were standing outside [____]'s room followed after her. Along with a much thinner guy who looked a few years older than Shinso. None of the men spoke a word, unlike their boss. "I thought I established how much I'd like my granddaughter to be in a bigger recovery room? Have you forgotten, doctor?"

Hajime gained courage from the mere presence of his teenaged son. "No, I haven't, Miss Kumiko. It's just that all of our rooms are built to be the same—"

"I can't sleep on a small futon like that? My old age does not let me just lay on concrete-hard mattresses, like the common people. You could at least find another unnoccupied hospital bed to be moved to her room, in the meantime, can't you? If not, then who should I be speaking to?"

Shinso could see his father struggling to come up with the kindest words possible to say, 'fuck off already'; and for the sake of both of their jobs; he stepped in to distract him. "Dad. It's lunch time already, so take this tray."

"Hito-chan, what??"

"You said you'd eat lunch with mom and I today." He acted nonchalant. "She's waiting in your office. Did you forget?"

"What are you—?"

"—Is this your son?" Kumiko took the bait and changed the tone of her voice before Hajime resigned from his career out of stress. "Young man, properly introduce yourself to me at once."

He hated to do so; he really did. "Hitoshi Shinso, ma'am. It is nice to meet you."

[____]'s grandmother offered him the back of her hand, "You do realize what is the proper way to greet an old, rich woman like myself, don't you?"

"Son, you don't have to—"

But Shinso did; just to get things over with quickly. He took Kumiko's gloved hand and gently kissed it to make her happy. "Apologies for my incompetence."

She appreciated his action, greatly. "Finally, a true gentleman. How solid it is to meet you too. You've been spoken highly of, from your father."

"He says a lot of strange things about me to others..."

"I wouldn't call them strange at all, he says only grand things about you."

"Then, I am glad."

Himeko's young butler possessed the ability to read Hitoshi's mind, and during their whole encounter, he heard nothing but the truth.

'Annoying...' Could only summarize part of the guy's entire thoughts.

"You look like a college student." Kumiko mentioned, in an actual great mood before deciding to leave the neurologist alone. "Sound like one too."

"I'm a first year in high school."

"Same as my strawberry, then. Tell me, where do you happen to attend?"

"UA High."

"Interesting. Are you also in their hero course?" Kumiko had to ask; if he was, she was yet to read his file.

"No, ma'am. Just general studies..." Hitoshi couldn't keep up with the act much longer, he was starting to grow tired of kissing someone's ass.

"Did you fail the entrance exam or are not interested in hero work?" [____]'s grandmother changed her mind quickly and decided she'd rather find out, on her own. "Regardless, there is always other well-paying jobs that don't require hero courses. Not everyone has what it takes. Am I right, Dr. Shinso?"

"So I've heard..." Even though the question was directed to his father; the guy couldn't help but answer it first.

All Kumiko had to do was snap her fingers once so the quiet butler could pull out a business card and hand it to the high schooler. "My email. In case there is ever anything you'd need. I love to gift scholarships, money for classes and trips anywhere around the world, to those who share the same values as I...

You know, my sweet boy, with a proper sleep pattern and a haircut; I assure you, you would fit the perfect role of a gentleman to match your kindness. Take it from a woman who can read the human mind, the best...I do favor your charm. Keep in touch."

She faced the confused neurologist once again to remind him of something. "You're one of the few lucky ones, you. To have a proper child like him; how rewarding one must feel. Now...I'll best be on my way."


"I can't say you are able to fascinate women your own age, but I am still proud of you, Hito-chan." Hajime was able to be himself when Kumiko and her workers left the floor, and he nudged his 'proper child' on his gut. "Can't believe that woman actually liked you."

"And why should that make anyone so excited?" Shinso understood one thing after all that acting, though. "...I don't like her one bit."

"I don't think anyone does, but rich business people and her family, perhaps." Hajime laughed about it; then tried to take a peek under the steel tray cover at the food he believed his son brought for him.

That was until Hitoshi took it away from his hands. "Not for you. It's for your patient."

"I knew that, but I thought I could still look." The neurologist scratched the back of his head and asked one more time. "Seriously, why didn't you like Kumiko? She practically offered you a higher position in education, right there."

"Dunno....Maybe I just hate being advised to get a haircut by old folks." With that, he strolled past his father to knock on [____]'s door.

Hajime rested one of his elbows on the front desk again to strike up another conversation with the male nurse he forgot all about for a moment. "....But it's the truth, isn't it? A haircut would fit him well."


"Come in..." [____] was left alone for only a few minutes after her grandmother's departure; but it was enough to make her feel sad and abandoned by her family.

Looking at her new friend, though, reeled her back up from the ground. "Shin!"

"I'm back." He struggled a little to close the door with one hand and then placed her lunch tray on the small table, as usual. Then, to her excitement, he pulled out three options of chargers he had purchased during his break. "Is there any color you like? I couldn't decide for you."

"All five? For me?"

"I mean, it's just three...But yeah, if you want all of them." He picked just three basic colors from the accessory shop and laid them in front of her, over the palm of his hands.

[____] went for a black one; it was the only color that she hadn't seen so much of in the hospital. "Thank you, Shin!"

He offered to plug the adapter on the wall and charge her phone, while she ate. [____] agreed and observed him do this as he asked. " said you were able to speak with Bakugo last night?"

"Yes! Baku and I shared voices through our device and then I sleep! I sleep a lot; I thought dead was I, but then woken from my head again, hahah."

Her laugh made him want to smile; but he hid it very well. "That's great; Honestly, I'm glad for you... What about Midoriya?"

"Chidoriya's number, I couldn't see. Strange.. I kept it. Maybe, I thought so, but wasn't it..."

"Oh." He didn't know what else there was to do as he waited for her phone to turn on, so he moved towards the window and asked her if she wanted him to close the blinds or not. [____] shook her head to his question; then he thought of something. "Well, I have his number. In case you want it."

"Ah...Great appreciation it! If you could, really? Please!"


"That's weird. It shows you already had it, it's been blocked." Shinso didn't think twice about who the culprit might be, if [____] hadn't done it by accident. "I don't suppose you did that...right?"

"I think not, no..."

"Huh. Well...I can easily fix that, I guess." As he messed around in her settings to find the list of blocked emails and phone numbers, [____] picked up the packaged, soft melon bread that was on her tray and accidentally dropped it, trying to rip it open.

Hitoshi picked it up for her and got a little too close by mistake; he backed away two steps since the girl took a small whiff of his denim jacket.

Everything in the hospital smelled like latex and alcohol; except for the food which had no scent, practically.

Shinso's smelled familiar to her, she believed that it could help her remember a little bit more of those vivid dreams she first had, during her coma. "Yuu..."

He announced that he had finished adding Midoriya to her contact list, and thought [____] wanted to reach for her cell when she gestured him to come closer.

He made space on her tray and left it there for her. "I should probably let you eat in your own comfort. Excuse me."

"Wait." Each time she requested him to; it was as if she had the brainwashing quirk, not him. "Tomorrow...we talk? And the next day, and the next day, too?"

"I won't be here..." He mentioned.

"Why not? Is it me?"

He thought it would be simple to say that it was because of school, and his work schedule or whatever. Though; the more time he took, the sadder the girl seemed, in his eyes.

'This is crazy. I shouldn't spend too much time here.' He decided.

"No...It's not 'cause of you. I only work here during weekends, and tomorrow is Monday. I gotta be in school."

"School..." [____] remembered that she had more friends back there, too. "Maybe this box and voices can help? If not, you?"

"Yeah; most definitely. That's why you have your phone with you, now. And plenty of chargers." He let her know. "If you ever feel like you miss your friends at school, just send them a message or better yet, call them. You remember how, right?"

"Yeah, but...Us?"

"'Us'?" He couldn't help but overthink. "What about us?"

"Me and you, Shin. Friends, too?"

"We are. I guess." He admitted; afraid that this was some sort of trap designed by his father or anyone else in the world that wished for him to be more social. "Being friends is fine..."

"I don't see it, then..." [____] wasn't trying to form a pout with her lips, but there she was; frustrated to know she still couldn't speak how she wanted to with other. "Your name, on here...It's not voice."

'Is she asking for my phone number?'

As the realization hit; Hitoshi could only do the only probable thing an anti-social guy like him could in situations like these. Avoid to give a clear answer.

"Are you cool with just playing a mobile game with me, instead? You can tell me what you like; I'm used to MOBAs but will try anything that you're interested in—"

"No...I want different. I don't want that."

"Okay...What do you want, then?" After only one try; he gave up. "You want my phone number, to text?"

The girl nodded and he moved towards her again to add himself as a new contact.

"This box...It's easy to talk over voice with." [____] was having a difficulty explaining herself better. "But Shin here...Yuu; No, you get here, and...Talking with me; it's so easy. And it feels....Kind. You...Feel kind...I'm saying.

To me; you...are friend. Great friend. We don't need special voice boxes for speaking...You can hear me? And see me..And food you bring; it's nice too. Just like this." She touched the back of her phone case and smiled. "Just like...Back, I am...For school...Follow me?"

He could grasp anything she'd say altogether; "I get it...I will try to visit you more often, if it's possible, then."

"Tomorrow?" She asked, her eyes free from moral wrongness.

"I'll try after school, yeah..."

"And then the next day...and the next day?"

Hitoshi found himself genuinely smiling at her question. "I will try. Hope that's enough..."

"It is!" [____] promised. "Thanks again, Shin! Voice box able is to work, all thanks from you!"

When he was able to leave the room from such a fulfilling chat; he asked himself the following question:

"What am I getting myself into? She is obviously already taken."


[____]: Phone works, now. All Shin to thanks...Who can call, first, who should reply tonight? (Translation: who should I call FIRST?)

[a] Baku

[b] Shin

[c] Chidoriya


[an; one thing I really enjoy writing so far, besides you ofc u cutie 🥺 I love ur character sm I'd die for you. You're my favorite character in this dumbass story besides Bakugo and Kaminari

It's the bond Hitoshi and his dad share. I base it off the bond I have with my own father irl😌 so it's genuine and I love it. It be so interesting to see hajime meet Kaminari btw n THAts gonna happen very soon so I'm like shdjdnfnfn YAS!!

Sorry for mistakes <3 I usually review my shit like 4-5 times before I post it but this I only reviewed twice

ALSO I DIDNT Mean to mAKE IT THIS LONG BUT FUCK IT AMIRITE I didn't feel like cutting this in 2 parts sorry

On another note; I'm in love with your comments.

On another another note; I want u to get asked out by todoroki already. Let's prepare ourselves for a rejection hmmmmm? I'll see you all soon pls vote so I can write faster🥺💖]

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