kickin' it | femina bellator

By isa-tnj

903K 21K 10.2K

Anti-social, detail oriented and principled. Those are three words that could be used to describe Azalea Gill... More

01 | wasabi warriors
02 | fat chance
03 | dummy dancing
04 | dojo day afternoon
05 | swords and magic
06 | road to wasabi
07 | all the wrong moves
08 | ricky weaver
09 | wax on, wax off
11 | boo gi nights
12 | clash of the titans
13 | badge of honor
14 | the great escape
15 | dude, where's my sword?
16 | breaking board
17 | reality fights
18 | kickin' it in china
19 | the wrath of swan
20 | rowdy rudy
21 | rock 'em sock 'em rudy
22 | my left foot
23 | we are family
24 | eddie cries uncle
25 | skate rat
26 | capture the flag
27 | it takes two to tangle
28 | buddyguards
29 | dojo day care
30 | indiana eddie
31 | an angry azalea
32 | kickin' it old school
33 | the chosen one
34 | hit the road jack
35 | a slip down memory lane
36 | wedding crashers
37 | wazombie warriors
38 | sole brothers
39 | all the president's friends
40 | new jack city
41 | karate games
42 | kickin' it on our own, part i
43 | kickin' it on our own, part ii
44 | oh, christmas nuts!
45 | spyfall
46 | dueling dojos
47 | the truth
48 | glove hurts
49 | the sub sinker
50 | meet the mckrupnicks
51 | witless protection
52 | jack and azalea stand alone
53 | win, lose or ty
54 | sensei & sensibility
55 | gabby's gold
56 | the new girl
57 | fawtly temple
58 | seaford, we have a problem
59 | temple of doom
60 | mama mima
61 | home alone in school
62 | queen of karts
63 | how bobby got his groove back
64 | return of spyfall
65 | wasabi forever
66 | the boys are back in town
67 | gold diggers
68 | from zeroes to heroes
69 | the 'stang'
70 | nerd with a cape
71 | rv there yet?
72 | invasion of the ghost pirates
73 | the amazing krupnick
74 | fight at the museum
75 | tightroping the shark
76 | full metal jack
77 | martinez & malone: mall cops!
78 | seaford hustle
79 | bringing down the house
80 | you don't know jack
81 | the grandmaster
the end

10 | the commercial

16.5K 347 71
By isa-tnj

Azalea and Jack was in the middle of sparring playfully, with the others watching, when Rudy entered the dojo. "Sorry I'm late everyone but I've got big news" he announced, "I've been studying acting at the 'Even you can act Academy'. And it turns out even I can act" he said proudly. Azalea groaned a little, knowing exactly were this was going. "My teacher is Dan Lamon, former star of 'Beach patrol."

"I love beach patrol" Eddie said, "They had Loretta the talking dolphin."

"That dolphin is all attitude" Kim said, "Talk to the fin cause the blowhole ain't listening."

"Dan Lamon's class is very exclusive" Rudy said while putting on his gi, "You have to go through an incredibly rigorous selection process."

"By 'rigorous' you mean the free lesson cupón stuck under your windshield wiper?" Jack asked sarcastically.

"For your information, Dan himself told me I have real talent" Rudy countered with a smug smile, "Let me show you guys an exercise we learned today in class. It's called 'improv'."

"Wow" Azalea said sarcastically, "Did he come up with that himself?"

"Improv?" Eddie asked, equally unimpressed.

"That's right! Know script, no problem. Just me alone, pulling it out of my own brain" Rudy bragged.

"You will be pulling it out of somewhere" Kim said quietly.

"Jack, be my scene partner" Rudy looked at the brown haired boy.

"Not gonna happen Rudy. Acting is really not my thing" Jack said with his arms crossed.

"Don't worry! Just let my talent drive the train" Rudy said arrogantly, earning a deadpanned look from Jack. "Here is the scene, we are in a, uh" he said thoughtfully before running over to stand behind some mats, "we are in a Mini-mark and you are the clerk and I'm the-" he stopped himself and ran over to place a bucket on his head, "the King of France."

Azalea cringed at his terrible french accent. "This is gonna be painful to watch" she grimaced as Rudy laughed weirdly while walking over to Jack.

"Would you care for a candy bar? They are king sized" Jack joked, earning laughs from the gang and a snort from Azalea.

"Oui, oui" Rudy said.

"Sorry you can't to that here, the bathroom is broken" Jack said and this time Azalea actually smiled. Rudy looked at the laughing teenagers, a little bummed that Jack was stealing his game. "If you have to go 'wee, wee' you have to wait until you get back to your own throne."

Rudy pursed his lips together as the gang laughed. "And scene" he said, but that didn't stop their laughter. "I said and scene" he repeated a little irritated but they only laughed harder, except for Azalea who saw the change in her brother's mood. "Guys that means the scene is over! He didn't even do an accent" he angrily took of his bucket, "IT'S NOT FUNNY IF YOU DON'T DO AN ACCENT!" Rudy stormed out of the dojo.

After Rudy had disappeared the others continued but Jack stopped when he saw that Azalea didn't laugh along. "Didn't you think it was funny" Jack asked, a little disappointed.

"Oh sure it was funny" she gave him a reassuring smile, "But the difference between you and me is that you don't have to deal with 'Moody Rudy' later."

"Moody Rudy?" Jack asked with smirk.

"Live with him for a week and you will see."


Home Economics was one of the easiest subjects in school according to Azalea. After growing up with a brother who barely could boil noodles she was pretty confident around the kitchen.

"Quiet down, quiet down everybody" their teacher yelled, "Now as you know the cake you've baked will determine your final Home-Ec grade."

"You know what I always say. Another day, another A" Milton whispered smugly.

"You know what I always say. You can't spell Eddie without Ds" Eddie mimicked him and Azalea let out a silent laugh while Kim looked at him weirldy.

"My gold fork and I will commence the walk of taste" their teacher said, walking over to Eddie and his cake for the first taste. "That's odd" he said when he saw it, "Sponge cake does not contain actual sponge" he pulled out a sponge from the cake. "D-"

"Passed! Up top" Eddie raised his hand for a high five but the teacher turned around to Kim instead. He took a bite of her cake, "Hm, dry, bland and unappetising."

"Really?" Kim asked, leaning forward, "as unappetising as you sunbathing in your bicycle shorts when you were supposed to be in an assembly?" she whispered.

"A+" he exclaimed before turning to Azalea. He took a bite of her cake and he actually looked pleased. "Good texture, great taste. A+" he complimented her and Azalea shot a smug smirk towards Kim.

"Mr Krupnick" the teacher turned towards Milton.

"Mr Pedesti, sir" Milton said politely, "What you are about to taste is not just a piece of cake, it's a piece of my heart."

"Students like you are why I got into education and gave up Mexican Wrestling" Mr Pedesti said tasting a piece of the cake.

But his face turned into a grimace and he started to gag, quickly running out of the classroom to throw up. The four karate teenagers grimaced at the sounds.

"Looks like he's gonna need this sponge after all" Eddie said running out of the classroom.

"He's such a sweetheart" Azalea said, she wouldn't have walked out in the corridor if the fire alarm went off.


"Remind me why I am coming with you again?" Azalea said as she and Jack made their way through the mall.

"Because I want to show you my new routine" Jack answered simply, sending her a flirty wink. "And we both now you'd rather do this than listen to Milton whine about how his perfect GPA is ruined."

"Touche" Azalea said as they opened the door and entered the dojo. But to their surprise it was filled with camera equipment and Rudy was posing.

"Eh, Rudy what's going on?" Jack asked confusedly.

"I am very busy working on my acting career. This is what they call in the business 'Having my Headshot'" Rudy stated proudly, still in some weird pose.

"If you continue to act like this you will get your head shot" Azalea mumbled.

"Is it cool if I work out? I'm really close to nailing a new bostaff routine and I wanted to show Lea" Jack said.

"Fine! If you insist on doing karate in this dojo, do it over there" Rudy said like it was the biggest sacrifice of his life, pointing them to the corner. The two teenagers just rolled their eyes, Jack walked over to grab a bo staff while Azalea took a seat on one of the benches.

"Alright Lou. Once we start I want you to capture the many moods of the man I like to call 'Rudy'" Rudy said dramatically.

"And the man grandma like to call her little leprechaun because you are so tiny" Azalea smirked at him.

"Shut up Azalea. Don't make me call your mother" Rudy shouted, with a glare.

"You mean our mother?" Azalea pointed out with smug look and Rudy only glared at her before starting the music he was going to pose to.

When Rudy started to do some weird dance Jack stopped for a few seconds to look at the weirdo that was their sensei. But after a few seconds he started again and Azalea had to shift her attention between Jack's impressive bo staff routine and Rudy's ridiculous poses.

The next thing happened so fast she didn't realise what had happen until it was too late. Jack dropped his bo staff and flung it around the room only for it to his the camera.

"Jack! What did you do?" Rudy questioned in surprise. "I was in the middle of the forbidden pose..."

"I will tell you what he did" Lou the photographer said angrily, "He threw a stick on my camera and broke it."

"It's not actually a stick. It's a staff weapon used Okinawan martial arts-" Azalea started to correct him but when she saw his pointed glare she stopped, "But that's not important and I'm going to shut up now."

"You are gonna get a bill from me Rudy!" Lou turned his glare to the only other adult in the room.

"I'm sorry it was an accident" Jack apologised, running over to pick up his bo staff.

"And I will let you in on a little secret" Lou said, "The forbidden pose is forbidden for a reason."

Rudy's mouth was agape in offence as Lou stormed out of the dojo. "I can't believe this. Why would you do that?" Rudy asked Jack accusingly.

"The bo staff just flew out of my hands" Jack tried to defend himself.

"Rudy!" a new voice said and they turned around to see Jerry walk in with a earpiece and clad in a suit.

"I feel like I'm missing something" Azalea looked confusedly at the boy, but he ignored her.

"Guess whose manager got their superstar an audition?" Jerry asked proudly.

"What's the part? I will do anything, even swimsuit work if it's tasteful. Who am I kidding? It doesn't have to be tasteful" Rudy said excitedly.

"Yes it does and no swimsuit work, do you hear me?" Azalea said firmly looking between the two men with a disturbed expression. The last thing she wanted was seeing her brother in a swimsuit.

"You are auditioning to be Pomegranate Man. He is a cape wearing fruit, but with attitude" Jerry told him dramatically.

"That I can play" Rudy said, nodding excitedly.

"You're gonna kill it, I hope you get it man" Jack told him supportively.

"Thanks Jack" Rudy said with a grateful smile.

"Oh, Pomegranate Man has to know martial arts so I convinced the director to come here tomorrow so you can show him what you can do" Jerry explained, earning a gasp from Rudy who looked like he just had won an Oscar.

"This is all happening so fast" he said he overwhelmed.

"Man is a star" Jerry stated.

"In what universe?"


"I am Pomegranate Man" Rudy said looking at himself through the mirror, "I AM Pomegranate Man" he repeated, changing his emphasis slightly. "I am Pomegranate MAN!"

"Yepp, he's lost it" Azalea said simply, looking at her brother.

"Rudy you gotta calm down" Jack said walking over to their sensei.

"I can't calm down! There is so many ways to say things" Rudy panicked.

"Look you can't freak out, this is a huge opportunity" Jack tried to get through to him, "If you need me I'm gonna be right next to you, okay?"

"You are gonna love this guy" Jerry said entering the dojo with another man, "Rudy this is Terry the director" he introduced and Rudy shook his hand before the attention turned to the other two. "And this is Jack and Azalea."

"What's up man" Jack said shaking his hand while Azalea just gave him a small wave.

"What's up Jack" Terry greeted the brown haired boy, "So Rudy, are you ready for this?"

"I was born Rudy" he said before realising his mistake. "Ready."

"Oh boy."

"Okay this is Pomegranate Pow" Terry held up a bottle, "it's a healthy drink that helps kids preform at their best. You will take a drink from the bottle, then say 'Now I'm ready to take on the midday drowsies' and then show me your best karate moves."

"Let's do this" Rudy said taking the bottle and everyone waited as he went into position. Terry, Jerry and Jack sat down in a couch that the crew must have brought with them and Azalea sat on the edge.

"And action" Terry said.

"I'm sorry, what do you need me to do?" Rudy asked nervously and Azalea let out a sigh, realising the disaster that was coming.

"Show them what you can do Rudy" Jerry looked at him pointedly as Terry rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"Oh, no no no. I got this!" Rudy tried to play it cool. He took a sip of juice, "Now I'm ready to take on the midday drowsies" he said throwing the bottle to Jack before doing some weird moves, ending it with a weird war cry.

"Great work, we will be in touch" Terry said, standing up to leave.

"Hey wait! He has got so much more, believe me" Jack stopped him before running to Rudy, whispering something to him before walking back.

"I will now demonstrate the Scissor Role Dragon Tail Kick" Rudy told the director, "That will shut you up" he added absentmindedly. He went into position, but after that it seemed like he didn't know what to do.

"Pretty cool Huh?" Jerry said awkwardly when Rudy just stood there. "He did it so fast you couldn't even see it."

"Jack I can't remember the move" Rudy said panicky.

"Rudy it's so simple, just do as I do" Jack said stepping up to the middle of the mat. "Now I'm ready to take on the midday drowsies" Jack said dramatically before performing a really impressive routine.

Rudy prepared himself to do the same when Terry stopped him. "Stop! Audition is over" he said standing up, "Jack, you got the part."

"What?" Jack and Rudy exclaimed in unison.

"You were sensational. I will see you on set Pomegranate Man" Terry shook the confused boys hand before walking out, leaving a shocked Rudy and Jack.

"Oh Rudy babe" Jerry said placing an arm over his shoulder in comfort, "The director is an idiot. You are perfect for this role" he comforted before turning around to place an arm over the other boy, "Jack babe, that director is a genius. You are perfect for this role."

Jerry led a Jack out of the dojo, leaving a sad and shocked Rudy who turned to his sister. "Do you want a hug little leprechaun?"


Jack, Jerry and Azalea entered the dojo again, later that day to find the lights off, leaving the entire dojo in the dark. "Why are the lights off in here?" Jack asked confused.

"Oh wait for it" Azalea sighed tiredly knowing exactly what this was. The next second the lights were turned on and they turned to see Rudy clapping his hands together slowly.

"Bravo" Rudy said sarcastically, continuing his clapping."Look who just walked in? If it isn't Hollywood's new 'It Boy'?"

"Rudy why are you sitting alone in the dark?" Jack asked him.

"Don't ask him that" the only girl in the room whined.

"It's only dark because you turned off my star" Rudy accused him, "Was it burning a little to bright for you?"

"Rudy I was trying to help you" Jack explained, a little offended by the accusations.

"How? By stealing my career?" Rudy asked sarcastically.

"What career? I have had zits that lasted longer than your career" Jack snapped at him.

"Zits, that is fresh and funny" Jerry laughed.

"Shut it Jerry" Azalea said.

"Yeah, stop sucking up Jerry" Rudy told him, "Yesterday you told me I was fresh and funny."

"Yesterday Rudy, yesterday" Jerry said, placing an arm over Jack's shoulder to lead him away.

"You always have to be the star Jack"Rudy said stopping them in their tracks, "That is why you sabotaged my improve exercise, ruined my photoshoot and took the role that I was born to play. Pomegranate Guy."

"Man" Azalea corrected him, pinching the bridge of her nose when she saw Jack's incredulous expression.

"Man" Rudy repeated.

"Rudy I don't even wanna be in that dumb commercial" Jack said dismissively starting to walk away.

"Good! Because I forbid you from taking it" Rudy said and the brown haired boy stopped in his tracks.

"Oh boy" Azalea said. If there was one thing Jack hated it was being told what he could and could not do.

"Excuse me?" Jack asked incredulously, turning around to face them with a challenging look, "You know what? Now I'm gonna do that commercial. And if you have a problem with it, talk to my people!"

Jack stormed away followed by Jerry, leaving Rudy with his mouth agape. "I don't believe it. YOU STOLE MY PEOPLE!" he shouted after Jack before storming into his office.

"Why are you two such IDIOTS!?" Azalea screamed in frustration, realising that she was caught in the crossfire.


"How do you feel Jack?" Jerry asked bringing Azalea's attention from her phone. Jack had guilted her into coming with him, despite the fact that she didn't want to be caught in the middle between him and her brother.

But when she looked up it was hard to regret it sense Jack looked ridiculous in his outfit. It was a red body suit with a golden cape and stuffed muscles. "I feel like a guy this rich shouldn't have to come here sitting in your bike basket."

"Say cheese" Azalea said, snapping a picture of Jack who only glared at the camera. "Why are you so grumpy. Soon this commercial will be all over the country."

"Let's go over the concept" Terry said, interrupting their conversation, "The whole city is being brought down by a big dark cloud called the 'Midday drowsies."

"Right! Then I fly in and feed the drowsies with my signature Pomegranate Pow" Jack finished dramatically.

"Okay. Now it's time for you to meet your mortal enemy. The drowsies" Terry said.

"Hello Pomegranate Guy" a voice said behind Azalea and she immediately cringed.

"I know that voice" she closed her eyes, "Do I want to turn around? And it's Man, not Guy,"

"Man" Rudy corrected himself and when she turned around she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Rudy was in a black body suit with a large cloud hat and skirt, actually managing to look more ridiculous than Jack.

"This is not our family's proudest moment."


"I can't believe you are the drowsies" Jack said in disbelief as the two got wired, ready to make even bigger fools out of themselves.

"Don't be afraid. I will try not to overshadow you" Rudy sad sarcastically while adjusting his could skirt.

"Kind of hard to be afraid of someone wearing a cloud tutu" Jack snapped back at him.

"It's called wardrobe. And I look amazing" Rudy sassed back. "Right Lea" both boys turned to the exasperated red head.

"You both look great" Azalea said reassuringly, "in some universe" she added quietly to herself, regretting that she had agreed to come here.

"Wait, are you wearing make up?" Rudy asked, squinting his eyes as he looked at Jack.

"Eh, yeah!" Jack said like it was obvious, "I'm the star of the commercial. Of course I'm wearing make up!"

"I didn't get make up!" Rudy said angrily.

"You two need to make up!"

"Alright! Let's do this, bring them up!" Terry yelled and the two flew up in the air with the help of the wires.

"I want make up!" Rudy shouted, like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

"Pomegranate Pow, take one" Terry said loudly and the scene began with Jack flying into view.

"Wake up tired people! I am Pomegranate Man, here to bring Pomegranate Pow to the entire city" Jack said his lines proudly and Azalea didn't know what to think as she watched it.

"Cut! Cut! Cut!" Rudy shouted, ruining the take much to everyone's displeasure sense he wasn't even in it yet, "Who was that? Ring ring, who is it? Oh it's Jack phoning it in" he said sarcastically.

"Okay, nobody directs anybody on this set but me" Terry announced loudly, his irritation clear to everyone but one.

"Right T-Bone. Jump right in here, try to get a performance out of him, because he is giving me nothing" Rudy said, oblivious to the fact that he was the annoying one right now. 

"Back to one everybody!" Terry ordered loudly.

"Back to one everybody!" Rudy repeated even louder.

"RUDY!" Azalea yelled, silencing her brother.

"And action" Terry said and the scene started again.

"Wake up tired people. I am Pomegranate Man, here to bring Pomegranate Pow to the entire city" Jack said his lines again.

"Cue music and battle scene" Terry said and the two men on wires flew towards each other. Every time they passed each other they 'fought'. "And Pomegranate Pow!" Terry yelled excitedly.

Jack flew forward and kicked Rudy out of the picture. "Get Pomegranate Pow and say goodbye to the drowsies" Jack said, posing for the camera. But much to everyone's displeasure and shock Rudy glided back into the scene. "What are you doing? You are not supposed to come back" Jack gritted out discreetly.

"Well, maybe getting rid of the drowsies isn't as easy as you thought Pomegranate Man" Rudy said before pushing Jack away. The two started to fight again, only this time for real.

"That is not in the script!" Terry screamed as the two fought. The fight continued and suddenly one of Rudy's wires snapped, causing him to crash into the rest of the set, destroying it while screaming.

The other wire snapped and Jack only just managed to catch him before he fell to the ground. "Jack you saved me" Rudy said in gratitude.

"Of course, I would never let you fall" Jack said while trying to hold onto Rudy.

"Guys! Jack's cable isn't strong enough to hold the both of you" Terry shouted.

"Jack! Let Rudy go, you got more good earning years ahead of you" Jerry shouted.

"Another word from you and I will make sure you don't have any years ahead of you" Azalea threatened the boy next to her.

"Jack, let me go" Rudy said dramatically. "It's the only way you can save yourself."

"I'm not gonna do that" Jack said firmly.

"It's okay. I have lived, I have seen things, things like Canada and a cow with a birthmark shaped like another cow."

"Forget it Rudy! I'm not letting go" Jack told him again.

"Jack I insist you let me go" Rudy said.

"Okay, if that's how you want it" Jack said, finally agreeing.

"What?" Rudy exclaimed as Jack let him go, but instead of falling his feet were safely placed on a small lift they had rolled in under them. "Jack, I'm sorry. I was being a jerk. You saved my life" Rudy said as the lift went down.

"You know I only did this commercial because you said I couldn't" Jack told him.

"I had no right to do that" Rudy admitted, "And know that I've had a taste of this acting thing, I think I'm through with it."

"Yeah, it's not as glamorous as it seems" Jack agreed, "Between you and me I'm supporting a majorly harsh wedgy."

"Look what you two have done!" Terry exclaimed as the two reached ground level. "Ah, you have ruined my commercial. YOU ARE FIRED!"

"You know putting the whole disaster thing aside, what did you think of my acting chops? Because I can do it a different way" Rudy asked, like he hadn't just completely ruined their commercial.

"Rudy!" Jack and Jerry yelled and the trio made their way over to an unimpressed Azalea. She had her arms crossed and was looking at them with an expression less face.

"I'm gonna say this as nicely as possible" she started calmly, "Rudy you don't have an acting career, stick to Karate because that is something you are good at. Jack stop being a stubborn child that does everything other people tell you not to do. Jerry don't be such a suck up because one day it will punch you in the face" she snapped at them turning to leave them, but after a few steps she stopped and turned her head, "And please, it's like a 6'2 drop, the worst thing that could have happened is a broken bone."


"Milton it's only a D" Kim tried to reassure Milton who had gotten his first D ever.

"This is a feeling I have never experienced before" Milton said sadly sitting down, "But you know what? I did my best and that's all anybody can ask."

"That's right Milton, you can't be good at everything" Azalea looked at him proudly for overcoming his sadness.

"Have you gotten a D anytime Lea?" Milton looked up at the red head.

"No please. I would rather-" Azalea started when Jack cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth.

"You know what? Milton Krupnick can't bake a cake, so what? Get over it world." Milton said ignoring her.

"That's great" Kim said, "So you're gonna stop obsessing about your grades and start having more fun."

"Sure am" Milton said happily, "Jerry what do you do for fun?"

"You asked the right guy" Jerry said proudly, "See, what you do is that you take a mannequin right. You put her in a shopping cart and you roll her down to the beach. Then you tape a Pizza to her head and watch the seagulls dive into her skull" Jerry explained excitedly. "What do you think?"

"I think I'm gonna join the 'Care about my grades side' again" Milton said turning to Azalea, "Can I?"

"There is always a seat beside me in the library, ready for you."

Azalea's Outfit:

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