BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

By otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ More

SPECIAL 1โค๏ธ
GIVEAWAY๐Ÿ˜ closed
SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
SPECIAL 6โšก๏ธ
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]


3K 149 339
By otakuwaii


[____]'s mouth fell wide open, she made a noise that sounded like half a wheeze and a nervous laugh. She also choked on her own saliva right after, and even pounded the top of her chest a little to make it all stop. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME—?! I—!! Ack—! Sorry, ahem...."

The sound of his voice was quite toneless, and higher than she had expected. As opposed to their height difference, [____] figured that the guy was most likely younger than she was.

He took another good look at her nervous expression and smirked. "...Nahh, there's no way that you're that stupid hag. You're a lot younger...and uglier, up-close."

"Excuse me?!"

He bit his paint brush while smiling again; he then spit it out of his mouth and was quick to remove a layer of clothing from his torso. With the dark-juniper jacket off, he showcased his rather fairly long, thin arms and wide-but boney shoulders.

"Here." He said, dangling the hefty piece of fabric in [____]'s face. "Put this on, you pervert."

[____] had forgotten about the revealing outfit she was currently rocking. The girl's face turned slightly red as she snatched his jacket from his soft-looking hands. "IM NOT A PERVERT!! But I am cold, so I will take it!! Thank you very much..."

The guy wore an almost flirtatious smirk as he watched her zip up his jacket and finally covered herself up enough to look decent. "...So, who are you?"

"I should be asking you that, since you're the one who invited herself in without knocking, first." He placed both of his hands inside his dark grey jeans' front pockets. [____] saw that a good amount of skin from his thighs were exposed thanks to the rips and she shook her head to focus back on his familiar face. "Did you come in to harass me or somethin', perv? You're not my type— I gotta say."

"AGAIN, I'M NO PERV!" [____] exclaimed it at the top of her lungs, almost. It made the stranger laugh enough to let a tear fall out of one of his dark-reddish eyes. She waited for him to calm down so she could continue asking more questions.

"That aside, you don't go around calling every girl you meet 'mom', do you? It's not something that attracts them, you know...It's honestly very weird and plenty of gross."

"Ahh, you even lecture me like she does, I don't wanna hear it." He flopped a weak wristed hand at her direction to shut her up.

[____] crossed her arms and said nothing else as he picked up the rest of the paint buckets and closed each one to store them away. After a minute of scrutinizing his movements and appearance, she bit the inside of her cheek.

Her notion, then, began to finally process. 'Where in the world am I? Who is this person, and why is he so familiar to me?

I'm way too young to have kids, right now. So why do I feel like the two of us are related, somehow? Who could he be...? Is there an actual chance of him being my son, from the future or something?'

"Crap...My head is starting to hurt." When she notified it aloud, the back of the guy's hand reached faster than her own to touch her forehead. "Uh..."

[____] blinked one or two times. Being able to inspect the stranger's face from up close for a few seconds really made everything more puzzling than before.

'He has cute honey-blond eyelashes...They're darker than his hair and his eyebrows. His skin also looks incredibly soft and fine. It's almost like a girl's, if I think about it...Who do I know that has skin like that?'

"Well...No sign of a fever." The guy sighed after taking a step away from the short girl and dropped his hand. "You're starting to scare me. Seriously, how did you end up in a place like this when you're weak as shit?"

Disregarding his comment, [____] wondered once more. "Where am I? Do you know? Could you tell me, if you're kind enough?"

The guy rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, while the other slipped back into his pocket. He averted his gaze to the door she had came from; it was still wide open. "About that..."

[____] patiently waited for him to finish his sentence. "I've decided...I don't feel like telling you any of it, just yet."

"Why is that?!" The girl shook her head a little and furrowed her eyebrows at his cocky smile. "You probably have no idea where we are, do you?! You're just trying to mess around with me, I bet!!"

"Ahahah, you yelling while you're this puny brightens up my day. I like this version of you a lot more, actually." He mentioned, which caused [____] to zip her lips and bite them together in case the guy tried to do anything with her without permission.

The guy's personality flipped like a switch right then, "What are you, stupid?! You'd think I'd ever kiss you? Get the hell 'outta here with that nasty shit! Don't tell me you really don't know who you're speaking with, ah?!"

'He's mad!' [____] didn't know what she did that was so wrong; she was only trying to protect herself from the stranger. "Wait a second— I should be the one who's mad here, if you're claiming stuff as if you already know me but won't tell me who the heck you are!! Who are you, seriously?!"

The tall guy clicked his tongue, "....Damn. Annoying ass hag."

[____] gasped. "HI!! HELLO! IM RIGHT HERE! I can hear you!!"

"You're supposed to, you ugly!!"

'This guy is just like...' [____] blew some air out of her scrunched up lips from aggravation. She tried coming up with a person's name that reminded her of the stranger. '...Who is he like, again?'

"Fine. I'll tell you." She didn't have to think too much into it; since the guy was already getting sick of her face. He wanted to kick her out of the room so badly. But first... "...I'll answer all of your stupid questions...On one condition."

"A condition?" [____] softened up the rough edges of the image he had stamped on her mind in just a couple of seconds after hearing that. "...Which is what?"

The guy curved one end of his lips. "Heh. You'll see."

🏵🌸are u guys enjoying this? cus I am🏵🌸

'Laundry...I can't believe I'm doing this unknown, rude guy's laundry!!'

"Euugh..." [____] was punishing herself by sniffing each and every dirty piece of clothing she found on the wooden floor as she picked them up.

They were still in the same bedroom where they first met. It looked pretty normal to her, at first. Clean, satin silver colored walls (except for the one the guy had painted) and only two pieces of furniture to sit on.

All painted white— His dresser and a study desk with not much to it other than a wired pencil container that held smaller paint brushes and fairly-used art blenders made for sketching. The black rolling seat beside it looked like an expensive, professional gaming chair; but [____] didn't see a game console, a computer, or even a TV anywhere in the room.

All she could take note of was that he had an extensive collection of contemporary art/design textbooks and encyclopedias in three bookcases, by his closet door.

Even his metal bed frame was painted white; with red and black pillows and bedding. The metal pints of paint, he hid underneath his desk; On top of an old piece of cloth that collected any drips from staining the dark wooden floor they stood in.

The stranger had made [____] promise she'd keep her word about doing him a big favor before he could even tell her what she very much wanted to know.

Then he opened up his closet, and a pile of stinky t-shirts and socks came down like an avalanche and almost encrusted her to turn her body into stone from the stench. "Eww!! Smells like mildew!!"

He closed his eyes at her dramatic reaction. "Don't be stupid, of course it would. I told you— I tried to wash all of these damn clothes a couple of times before, but I swear to you...the stupid washing machine is broken or something."

[____] held in her breath and shook most of the clothes off by wiggling her body from disgust.

"My idea was to just throw it all away and buy new clothes, since we're filthy rich and have any amount of money you could imagine. But father didn't let me."

'What kind of person just declares that they're super wealthy in such way...It's too arrogant...' [____] thought. 'By the way, who could be this guy's father?! He did such a terrible job, raising him to be this messy and unfriendly!'

"So, because you're already here...Why don't you handle all the rest for me? You've always been good at this sort of stuff. Cleaning and shit."

[____] was more appalled by his nasty habit of keeping damp clothes in his closet and not letting the place air dry more often than by his words.

She removed a few pieces of socks from her shoulders, and on top of her head she grabbed a small pair of pink underwear to throw away before noticing the color. "Wait. What's this? I—?"

The guy almost ripped the cotton panties in half when he snatched it out of the girl's hand. "GIVE IT BACK—!! DON'T TOUCH IT WITH YOUR SHITTY, SMELLY HANDS!"

"My hands are NOT shitty!" [____] retorted. "And if they smell, it's only 'cause I'm touching your clothes!! I can't believe that you'd do that sort of stuff with a girl, in this room! Even worse— Collect her undergarment when you two are all finished—"

"— What do you know about sex, for starters?!" The guy interrupted her from sharing even more embarrassing words. "You act as if you never had a dick inside of you, so you're mad about it!"

[____] felt a really sharp and painful cramp on her lower back in that moment. One that caused her to take a couple of seconds to breathe through them.

'It could just be my period talking...But I have the urge to slap him in the face! Who does this guy think he is?!

Why is he so beautiful to look at, but so hard to talk to?! Who do I know that is just like him?! Why can't I think of a name!?!'

[____] wasn't sure what was going on anymore; The guy stopped insulting her so she continued to pick up the clothes and stumbled upon another pair of thin, frilly underwear, this one was sheer blue and semi-see through.

"Another one?!" [____] held it with two of her long fingernails rather than her actual fingers. "Does this belong to she same girl, at least?!"

"FUCK, QUIT LOOKING AT IT, STUPID HAG!!" The tall guy removed it from her grasp once again, then stuffed the pair into his shirt through the neck hole.

"Wha- Why would you hide them there?! Won't they just fall right off—?! ......Oh." She tried not to stare at first, but as she waited for the panties to slide out of his splattered t shirt, she figured out why they were in his room to begin with.


The guy's smooth and pretty skin suddenly blossomed into a bright red tinge. Despite being over a foot taller than her; having spiky, shorter hair that was another color from hers; and even sounding and looking like an entirely different person...

[____] could see it as clear as day. As if she was looking straight into a mirror; with the kind of face he was making.

She lost her ability to pronounce words for the time being, so she just stood there and let him sob for a good minute or two. "You are a..."

"—Don't say it." He demanded, trying to sound tough in between small sniffs. "Don't say a damn thing...You got that?!"

It felt like a bullet to her chest, pushing her bleeding heart down to her stomach and drying her throat. The more she looked at him, the more she had an urge to hug him.

'I want to say that there's nothing wrong with that...With the way he feels and who he is...But there's no way he'd let me speak...He sounded really upset...I don't want to cause him anymore pain or embarrassment...'


"I am—" His voice cracked, and he had to clear his throat a couple of times to make sure he was fully prepared to speak up. "You know what?"

"Yes?!" [____] lifted up her mood, eager to listen to whatever he had to say, now that he was composed.

"You don't have to stay and do my laundry anymore. I can't bare having you here, after you figured out my secret."

"...I'd still like to know where I am, and who I am speaking with, before I go." She replied; thinking that there was a part of her that wanted to stay with him forever. "...I'd also feel bad if I don't help you with your laundry. I sense that you probably need me to be here, at least a while longer while I finish."

"You can't do that." He removed the panties from his chest, finally, and then hid them under his bed before sitting on it. "If you stay here longer than you should; you're bound to lose a good chunk of your memory."

"What do you mean by that?"

He scoffed in annoyance. "Are you really this stupid? I have to explain everything with pictures to you? I can't believe I thought you were my mom. You're not like her, she's a little bit smarter than you could ever be."

'There's that word again...'Mom'. Maybe he's just joking with me, but now I'm really curious...'

[____] changed the topic, by addressing the very first thing she should have mentioned to the guy. "My name is [____]. It's [____] Amachi, I'm pretty sure. What is yours?"

The stranger examined her shaky hand, that she placed midair, close to his face for him to grab and shake. He chuckled at her naiveness. "There's no way I'd tell you my name. You're gonna have to do better than that."

However, he did shake her hand; "...and looking at me with your puffed up cheeks and shitty puppy-dog eyes ain't gonna be much help...I'm not your—"

"Yuu..." [____] felt it.

An instant 'click' in her brain that unlocked a series of memories inside her head. The moment their palms touched, she felt a burst of radiation starting at her chest. It enveloped the rest of her body like a warm, cozy liquid that numbed her entire nervous system and made her feel so nice and so sweet.

He definitely felt it too, and when he let go of her hand and panicked; [____] repeated herself. "You are Yuucchan...Right?"

Yuucchan's red-wine colored eyes looked a bit bigger when his eyebrows rose up. "....You know who I am?"

"Of course." She felt the effect slip away soon after letting go of his clammy, shaky hand. "I'm so sorry that it took me a while to figure it out, but...There's no way I wouldn't recognize you. You're Yuuichiro...You're my one and only son."


[an; the rosette 🏵 emoji is so precious to me. When you look at it, doesn't it look like a mix of Katsuki's & [____]'s?

(It actually looks more like toru's emoji and Katsuki but FUCK THAT we ain't talking about that got it lmao)

According to google(and yes I had to google this cus I'm stupid) it's typically some sort of award given in competitions; usually to the winner. I find it perfect for yuucchan's character. *chefs kiss* 💋👌

I love our bby boy. yes he's trans and beautiful, so don't hurt him. I've got this whole story planned out since chapter 22 I'm making my plans come to life with each chapter so yey

Your palms touched bc of your quirks and then your hearts went "dokidoki we are connected uwu" and I went "omg my babies"

Pls forgive my mistakes. Anyway am I actually getting back into daily updates? I SURE HOPE SO LOL <3 I'll see you guys soon!!! Hugs and kisses on the cheeks!!! (you know which ones jk) X]

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