BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

By otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ More

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SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
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SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]


3.1K 166 245
By otakuwaii


"Such a riveting and imponderable fight." Kumiko Kete commented behind the camera crew as she watched her only granddaughter dodge Hanta's attacks left and right with the little bit of energy she had left in her system.

It had only been twenty seconds or so since the fight had started; the terrorizing older woman snapped her fingers and gestured Himeko's young butler to come closer and observe with her. "I presume you have met the young man my strawberry is up against."

"His name is Hanta Sero, Miss Kumiko. Sixteen years old, average grades with a long range-style combat to compliment his quirk. I've only had the pleasure to meet Miss [____]'s friends face-to-face once, though."

"Once should suffice, what can you tell me about this young man, that his teachers cannot?" With such a question; Kaito could only respond in one way.

He was honest and handed the woman a little smile. "The thoughts that teenage males could have are sometimes...Well, to summarize...convoluting. However; I trust that Miss [____] is being treated kindly by all of her comrades, is all I could say."

"Except for that Bakugo boy, am I right?"

'Miss Kumiko, you took the words right out of my mouth.' He wanted to admit, though he knew if he'd get any more involved in her employer's daughter's love life, he could be digging himself a grave for later.

Yet, he wanted to support the girl— even if it was just this once, by stating: "Mister Bakugo's fighting technique is always being praised by his teachers and classmates; Wouldn't you say after seeing how substantial he could be during battle...He'd be a good candidate for your suggested list of men Miss [____] could marry?"

"Eye candy, you're hilarious." Kumiko never took employees' suggestions seriously and therefore had to laugh at the silly stuff the young butler had just said. "My strawberry's future husband shall not just be strong-natured. He shall be well-mannered, and most importantly— emotionally stabled. [____] is, without a doubt, a nervous wreck.

I mean, just by watching her fight against someone who is clearly less powerful than she could be— You see it. Her mind is somewhere else, she never thinks about the proper picture when it comes to important matters. She is always getting distracted, I am ashamed for her...

& not only is that Bakugo boy in the wrong state of mind to become a proper bachelor for my strawberry...His quirk is also too dangerous to risk the life of my future grandchildren."

Kaito had known [____]'s grandmother was the kind to worry about their family's legacy and such; it was not surprising to know that she wanted to marry her daughter, Himeko, off to someone who was not only career-driven, but also powerful and successful while she attended high school. Fortunately she ran away from her plans and had [____] with a man Kumiko never approved of at the age of 27.

However, Kumiko counted her lucky stars the day [____] inherited Himeko's portal quirk only; not her father's...and not a mix of theirs. The grandmother used to say a portal of fertilizer boost sounded useless; too useless— it was not a proper quirk for a future hero.

"— It's the same with an explosive quirk." [____]'s grandma assured the butler. "I'm sure the boy was born with skin that is able to rejuvenate his body from so much heat. Take a good look at the perfect pores of his face, if you're ever up close with him.

If their children don't inherit such an important part of his quirk, they can ruin themselves physically. Far worse— die from such burns. That is one of the fundamental reasons why I simply cannot approve of this Bakugo boy for my strawberry's love interest. I want proper-looking grandchildren, after all.

Her parents will agree with me on this. That is, if they love her as much as I do. It'll all come together in the end, just how I like to see fit."

Kaito didn't respond to her selfish point of view; he kept his eyes focused on the screen and cheered Miss [____] on, inside his head.

She looked far beyond exhausted; her dirty forehead sweating, causing her puffy bangs to look damp and messy. She was breathing hard, and shutting her eyes closed each time she used her power to protect herself from Sero's tape.

Kumiko moved her gloved hand on top of her grey eyebrows, blocking some sunlight as she continued to speak with Himeko's young butler. "On the subject regarding my strawberry's future husband....Her other teammate is quite the looker despite that nasty scar on his face. Eyecandy, don't you agree?"

[____]'s grandmother had noted earlier that the number two hero was shouting his name like a maniac during the first break. "Shoto must be his name. Shoto Todoroki, am I right? Oh, but of course I am."

Hideaki nodded once to her guess. "He is the son of Enji Todoroki; mostly known for his hero name, Endeavor, as you know."

"Endeavor, huh..." Kumiko gave a short and witty laugh after the validation of her statement. "...Ah. I suppose I do happen to owe him a proper chat after all these years...Eyecandy, find the number two hero and bring him to me, could you?

Offer him something cool to drink while you're at it, an unexpected heat wave is about to start ...Say it's from Himeko's dear old mommy, since that's how he knows me best."

💥💥a little before that💥💥

Katsuki dashed towards the entrance of the arena; attacking every single person (classmate or not) that tried to get to the pile of victims before he could.

The same set of people [____] had left there for other teams to collect. Was he pissed off about what she chose to do when she pushed them all away from herself? Far from that, actually.

Seeing through the screen— how much the girl wanted to fight Sero sparked an adrenaline rush into his own veins. 'That's it, cheeks. You fight that idiot, I'll do the rest. Leave it to me, I won't let you down.' He had thought.

So he managed to get there in less than thirty seconds; and because of his crude and aggressive way of getting rid of the other heroes who tried to stop him— Team Amachi had gained another four points. Present Mic had announced her name back on top of the scoreboard, right under Midoriya's team (who had eight points by then).

"Kacchan!?" Deku was expecting more of his classmates to show up and try to stop him. Todoroki, for example, who was in the middle of a lengthy fight against Kirishima and had ditched him as soon as he saw [____] fighting on the screen.

He happened to be on his way to the entrance as well, carrying Hagakure on his back to make the trip much quicker.

"Should of known you're here, Deku. Can't wait to finish you and round face off and have cheeks' name be on top of that list. It's where she belongs." Katsuki had fire on his eyes, the smirk he was showcasing live was deadly. "I'll give you two a four second start. If you don't want to run then get ready to be ashes!!"

As his heartbeat increased, from so much excitement to hurt others, Izuku struggled to help him calm down. "Kacchan, we're not trying to fight!! We just want to save these people and then we'll be off! I promise, we will only save whoever wants us to save them! Th-There's no stealing others' points that way!!"

While Midoriya irritated his childhood friend even more with his voice and such; Bakugo eyed Ochako, who was in the middle of removing the cellophane tape from the victims and touching their shoulders, getting ready to make them all float.

"Deku, shut up!!" He shouted, "You're trying to stall me, I know. If you intend to aggravate me, do it in a way that's less annoying, you shitty nerd. Just come straight at me and fight instead of stammering like an idiot!!"

He threw an explosion; and Midoriya dodged it. "Kacchan!! Not so close to the victims!"

The two of them continued with their pre-fight, in the meantime Uraraka finished untying the last of the victims, who was a girl from class B. Then she asked her if she had been hurt in any physical way and needed to be aided before reaching to touch the victim's shoulder.

"Please don't save me," She told Ochako, which surprised her. "...I want to be saved by the girl who brought all of us here. I saw her on the screen; she's courageously fighting for her friends' dismissal so I want to support her in any way that I can!"

The brown haired girl blinked twice and nodded to her request. "I....Okay. I won't save you, then."

"Me too! I want to go with the portal chick! She's super cool!" Another one of the victims, who was a guy, suddenly exclaimed. "I'll only allow myself to be saved by someone like her!"

In a short amount of time, while [____] fought Hanta and Katsuki was threatening Izuku, three or four more victims thanked Uraraka for her kindness but declined to go with her because they were in awe with her classmate's act of heroism.

"Plus, she's so cute." One of the male victims added on, "I know it doesn't have anything to do with you guys' reasons to support her, but I'm just sayin'....She's cute and powerful."

"Yeah, she's pretty strong! She was able to transport all of us here without aiming her scary portals in our face, like how she did at first!" The first girl to start the small group of supporters agreed to the second part of the guy's words. "Like— How'd she do that? It's crazy!"

"Deku..." Ochako interrupted the two guys' half-ass fight to tug on Midoriya's hero suit. "It seems like some of them want to go with Amachi's team...What should we do?"

"Do they? That's great news!" To Midoriya; anything that didn't involve having to forcefully take or give victims with other teams to compromise with Bakugo was good to hear, he dodged one last attack before telling him this. "Kacchan, these people want to go with Amacchan! So we don't have to fight!!"

Katsuki took a quick glance at the timer; they only had one minute left. If he had only one minute more and any less respect for his crush, he would of destroyed Izuku and Ochako's team effortlessly, steal their victims and then make [____] number one, like how it needed to be.

But time was running short; and he cared about how [____] would react if she were to find out he went on a rampage and hurt their classmates, who didn't want to get hurt and were trying to reason with him.

"Kacchan, what do you say? We don't even have to team up. I'll take my share of victims, and you take Amacchan's. We can do this, can't we!?"

Katsuki's right eye twitched just a little bit as he forced a smile. "...I fucking hate you, Deku. I want to kill you already."

To Izuku, that sadistic smile and threatening words meant a solid 'yes'. "Alright, anyone who wants to be saved by Amacchan, the girl who brought you here using her portal-quirk, then gather around please! Kacchan is her teammate, and he's gonna take you to her before time runs out!"

At first, the victims did what they were told; that is until one of the girls recognized Katsuki and took a step back from the group. "Wait a second! Weren't you the guy who was muffled during the sports festival?! You're scary! I'm not going with you!"

"WHO THE HELL YOU'RE CALLING SCARY, AH?!" Bakugo didn't have time to argue with an extra; yet there he was, screaming at the girl for insulting him on live tv. "I'm gonna be the best fucking hero you or any of your future kids or grandkids will ever see—!! So if you wanna back down from what you said earlier about supporting cheeks, just 'cause you're a flake then go die!!

Or better yet, I'll kill you first. Cheeks doesn't need any whiners like you to stick around...and coincidentally, neither do I."

As he used his quirk to scare not only her, but a few other girls on the group away; Midoriya was getting ready to travel to the exit with his own set of victims but stopped himself from leaving for the sake of [____]'s points. "Kacchan, I really don't think that's something a future hero should say..."

"Hah, so you do want to die today, Deku."

"No, I don't! I'm just saying!! Try to get along with the victims, if they're willing to help Amacchan, then so sh-should you...Uhh..." Izuku tried to come up with a more gentle way of saying stuff, just to not hurt Katsuki's ego and have him attack the girls in class B in front of a live audience. "Uhh..."

"I can't hear you when you're mumbling shit!! Speak up or don't speak at all— shitty Deku! I'm gonna—!!"

"— Midoriya." Todoroki managed to get there just in time; he greeted his friend and then let the invisible girl hop off his back to help the set of victims regain more confidence around Katsuki. "Bakugo, we have to go help [____]."

The blond almost hissed at Shoto's suggestion. "Obviously; I was going to do that crap next, icyhot. & what the fuck are you doing, saving that stupid girl after all the shit she's done to cheeks?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Todoroki answered honestly. "...But she asked to be saved by us, so that's what has to happen. I'll leave no one behind, that's why...One of us has to go help [____] escape from Sero's attacks. There's no time to argue about this."

The girls from class B, even some from Midoriya's set of victims, all stepped closer to Shoto; as if to admire both, his looks and his way of standing up to the scary blond guy. "Ahhh, Todoroki from class A is so dreamy...I'm gonna follow after him!!"

"Me too! I want to be saved by him!" Just like that, three more girls were added to the mini group of supporters [____] secretly had and then she was tied up with Midoriya's team. 13 points each; both of their names kept shuffling for the number one spot.

Bakugo gritted his teeth, it's not like he cared about becoming popular among whiny girls; though he was upset that some of them were too afraid to follow after him and yet all icyhot had to do was stand near them to make them change their mind.

"Deku!! The timer!!" Uraraka warned her team leader about the timer going down to one minute; without saying goodbye to his friends, Izuku left the scene with his share of picky victims and jumped to the exit door.

"Bakugo. Todoroki." Toru felt as if she was in no position to speak up, but if both of the teammates were too busy having an unnecessary stare-down and their leader wasn't there to stop them, somebody had to do it...Or at least try. "If [____] gets knocked out of the arena by Sero; then your whole team is disqualified...Did you two know?

So what's the point of you guys saving all these victims if Amachi doesn't use her quirk to get us all to the exit on time? Let's figure out a plan to go save her already!"


[an; sorry for mistakes I'm too sad and too tired to check this fully. I will start adding more choices pretty soon so I'm looking forward to that.

My daughter got a hold of my phone and deleted a lot of my drafts I had on my notes for stories/one shot ideas. I was upset at first but now I'm getting over it

Some were saved bc of iCloud but I lost my most recent works and like; I keep trying to think positive about that like maybe it wasn't even that good and I gotta come up with something better hahaha anyway

IMY I hope you're all staying healthy and safe <3]

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