BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

Od otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ Vรญce

SPECIAL 1โค๏ธ
GIVEAWAY๐Ÿ˜ closed
SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
SPECIAL 6โšก๏ธ
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]

SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)

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Od otakuwaii

[an; had a writers block so I decided to tackle this shit down finally and just nonstop write until it's all over and I can continue with the real story eheheheh

Sorry for mistakes I am tired asf ps this shit long heheh]

(I keep adding more chapters cus it's longer than anticipated and I gotta cut it sorry lmao)


'Oh, fuck...That's not what she meant, was it?' Katsuki covered his mouth casually after realizing that he mistook her nickname for him as a confession, again. 'Shit, fuck...Now she's looking at me like if I'm the one who said it first...Stupid face.'

In order to get both of their minds out of a dicey situation, he snapped his fingers and then used his index one to point at the nearest shack with employees dancing outside the open doors. "There, cheeks. Let's go in there."

"Wait—!" He didn't bother to read the sign, and he regretted it as soon as [____] squealed from cuteness-overload. "—A build-your-own teddy bear factory?! YES PLEASE!!"


"Hold on. I have a call." Katsuki stopped his crush from taking a step inside the factory and made her wait right by the entrance doors. "Who's this? Satan? Ohh...I get it...You want me to fucking kill myself before walking in here with this whiny girl?"

[____] had thought that he was on a real phone conversation, for a moment. When he pretended to call the devil, himself, she let out an annoyed pout. "Don't joke like that..And I'm not whiny!!"

"'I'm not whiny!!' She says, whining and shit." Bakugo hid his phone back into his pocket and chuckled, mocking her tone of voice.

"You said today was all about me, Suki." She decided to keep ignoring his insults masked as terrible jokes. "So if I want to build a teddy bear, then I'm going to build one— With or without your help, I've just decided."

He gifted a sharp-witted chuckle at her claim; crossing his arms and acting as if he wasn't fazed by the sudden distribution of confidence in her words.

Though, after figuring it out that she wasn't joking, he toned it down but only just a little. "...Seriously. You're telling me you wanna continue this date on your own?"

[____] mirrored his movements. "...You're telling me you're not gonna come with me, even after I asked nicely?"

"Don't piss me off, cheeks."

"I'm not trying to—! You're the one being indecisive about this! First you say you'll do whatever I ask, then you're saying you rather 'die' than to peek inside a teddy bear factory with me. Suki, if you're planning on waiting for me outside...Might as well just take a few more steps in and come with me..."

"Fuck no." By then, it was obvious the kind of guy Katsuki was; If he was told to do one thing, it just made him want to do the other. That's why he looked behind him and came up with his own solution.

"See that water fountain? I'll be right beside it. You're welcome to come with me, but if you wanna be a hardass today then I'll give you 20 minutes, if you're not out by then I'll leave this stupid park on my own and call it a day."


'I can't believe he really walked off and didn't even turn back after saying that!' [____] was somehow surprised that he had done that. She thought about running to catch up to him, but the truth was that she wasn't used to wearing heels (even if they were only two inches tall) and she was afraid of falling over like the klutz she wished she wasn't.

Another reason keeping her from moving even just an inch was obviously the little bit of pride she had left in her head. 'Katsuki, the only hardass here is you! Would you really be as mean as you'd say and leave me behind if I'm not back by 20 minutes...'

"Gah! Who am I kidding?! Of course you would do that to me!!" She finally uncrossed her arms and did a 180 turn, facing the teddy bear factory once again. "Can't be helped— I'm going in there all on my own and if you leave, then that's all on you!"

She took a few steps forward before stopping herself. 'But today, I meant it. I really wanted to spend most of my time with Katsuki...Im starting to this worth it?'


"Heh? So you do make the right choices, after all."

Katsuki walked a few feet away from [____] without glancing back not even once, only to feel a warm and soft hand sweep around his elbow a string of steps later. "Following me instead isn't as difficult as you thought it'd be, right?"

There was no reply; he figured his crush was just too embarrassed to speak, it caused him to smirk victoriously. "Don't feel so bad. I might just reward you for doing what I say, even if you put up a front about it. How about we take our relationship to the next le—?"

"—Hold on!! Are you seriously trying to ask me out right now?!"

Denki's saffron-colored eyes almost formed tears as he tightened his grip on Katsuki's elbow. "I always thought you hated me, dude. To think you were actually in love with me and not [____]...How are we gonna break it down to her though? I think we should be as gentle as possible becau—"

"— DON'T GRAB ON TO ME, YOU IDIOT!! What the hell do you think you're doing and why are your hands so stupidly soft?!? They feel like a girl's!!" Bakugo easily peeled Kaminari away from him without having to burn his face off and that just made him even more upset.

"Aww, thanks bro. I exfoliate them twice a week with a diy scrub Kirishima told me about. I prefer to use organic cocoa-butter and sugar because the fake stuff can be really damaging in the long run."

Katsuki grit his teeth. "Don't actually answer that, you sewer rat!!"

"...Sewer rat?" Denki smiled at the new insult. It seemed like with every level of annoyance Katsuki would go through, the angry blond would come up with new horrible things to call others, even if some were lame. "Is this your new pet name for me? How about I call you 'baby bear' back since were a couple and you're wearing that cute ass headband?"

"We're not fucking dating! Listen to me— I rather date an actual rat than you!" As Katsuki began to shake his classmate vigorously to vent his spleen, a few real-time couples around them began to disperse from the area the two guys were starting to form a scene. "Don't you fucking dare tell anyone what I just said to you! I thought you were cheeks, that's all!"

"Oh, crap. That makes a lot more sense, if I think about it!" Kaminari asked to tap out by gesturing with his hands that he wasn't trying to pick a fight. When Katsuki dropped him to the floor, he explained why he suddenly held on to him.

"I got separated from Sero and Midoriya. There's a couple of workers chasing us 'cause they refused to kiss on camera so we all made a run for it and I lost Shinso before all of that; he got bored of me so I'm single as fuck for the rest of the day.

I thought that this was really going to be my worst date ever but then I saw you walking by. I decided to follow after you and ask what has you so looking so hot and so upset. Let's see if there's anything I can do to help you smile and stuff! Yeah?!"

Katsuki didn't question the most conflicting part of his statement; he only simplified it all by asking, "So you just can't stand being alone for once and not bother others, can you?"

"Nope!" Denki honestly didn't see a problem with contentedly admitting it. "Aw, baby bear, you really are good at reading others! As expected from my sexy team leader!"

"You're not in my fucking team, so quit pretending! I don't enlist those who are already dead!!"

"Ahahah, what? But I'm not...Wait a minute...Why are you grabbing me with so much force?! Why are we heading towards the water fountain?! Oh!! I get it!! You wanna make a wish and flip a coin inside?! Bakugo, you're such a romantic!! Wha— Hey!!"

Gargling sounds followed.


"COU—PLES ON—LY!! Couples only, Miss!!" The employee dressed as a cream-colored and lime green panda in front of the factory held on to the red sign with text that read 'singles out!!' and they even waved it in front of [____]'s face to give her the idea she couldn't go inside all alone.

"Eeeeh?! But that's not really fair—!!"


[____] didn't even try to argue with anyone who worked for a couples-themed park. She slumped her shoulders and got ready to walk back to her date. 'I guess I do need to bring Katsuki, anyway...'

"Unless I can use my quirk to get inside without anyone noticing me! Ahh...But then I'd risk getting in trouble and being kicked out, if they do...

Well, this is a couples theme park...Kind if bossy, those employees are...I wonder if I could just bribe them with money? Oh, but then that will kill the point of this date, if I'm doing everything on my own! ...Wah!"

"—Amacchan!! Sorry!" While [____] was whispering ideas to herself, a green-haired individual who loved to do the same thing bumped into her by accident and made the two of them drop to the ground. "Are you hurt?!"

"Not really. I scraped my elbow but I'm okay. It's not bleeding.." [____] picked herself up easily and offered a hand for Izuku. "Are you fine? Who were you running from? Sero?"

"No! I mean— It's kind of a long story. Amacchan, may I see your injury?" He knelt to the ground and let his backpack fall to the pavement after inspecting the so called 'injury'; [____] watched him pull out a small white container which happened to be a first aid kit and grabbed a alcohol pad and some type of ointment to treat her elbow.

"Izuku...It doesn't even hurt, but thanks for being so sweet about it..." She looked at the area of her scrape, it was now greased up and clean. "Haaah...I should also start carrying a first aid kit with me. My teammates are always getting in some sort of physical trouble it's as if they're getting paid to get hurt."

"Speaking of your teammates, weren't you with Kacchan, Amacchan?"

[____] scrunched up her nose in annoyance before replying. "Yeah...I was...But then he decided to be a jerk and leave me all alone over a disagreement! Well...He did say he was gonna wait for me at the water fountain, but only for a few minutes before he left this park. Do you think he's actually gonna do that, Izuku...?"

Midoriya strapped on his backpack and shrugged; "You mean that water fountain behind us? Where he's currently trying to drown somebody in?!"

[____] caught a few couples running away in search for a security guard. She stiffened up her posture before marching towards her friends. 'No! We're not getting kicked out of the most wonderful place I've ever seen so far in my life, NO!'


"Kacchan!! Pl-Please let go of Kaminari!! We're gonna get kicked out!!" Midoriya was the first to run and try to save his classmate. He tried calming the other couples who were watching the crime scene with horror plastered all over their faces down by nervously laughing. "T-This is just a harsh joke, people!! Please remain calm! I will stop it!"



"Don't worry, Izuku. I got this." The moment he took a step back, [____] used her quirk to help her friends run from away from misdemeanor punishment, for a while longer at most. "Suki! In here!! Quick, before I close it!!"


"Didn't expect you to be the kind that runs from security, cheeks. How naughty can you get?" Bakugo teased her the moment the four of them entered the teddy bear factory she persistently spoke about. "Fuck— You vile broad! This was your plan?!"

"I got us to safety, didn't I? You guys are all welcome." [____] smiled, feeling accomplished. "Suki, especially you. You owe me one. Let's do an activity together before we are all caught and probably have to leave this place! Make a teddy bear with me!"

"Ohh...Is this where we are? A build-a-bear but for romantic pairs?" Kaminari had been short circuiting for a while, underwater. He regained a considerable amount of consciousness when the girl he claimed to have feelings for took the handkerchief Izuku was giving her to give to Denki.

[____] placed it over his damp hair as a joke and asked if he could forgive Katsuki for playing too rough. Denki was blushing, even after she was back on her feet and trying to talk over her two childhood friends' unimportant argument.

He finished drying his face and neck, then got up at the same time Bakugo finally caved in. "Tch. Alright, fine! Whiny ass girl, I'll stay in this shitty place with you but I'm not gonna enjoy any part of it!"

"That's okay, I wasn't expecting you to enjoy it at all!" She could hear the bells inside her head, declaring her the winner of this situation and so she was glad.


The four of them stayed near each other, but only [____] and Izuku were the ones looking through the little pieces of clothings they could put on their stuffed animals. The other two guys were a couple of feet away, acting as chaperones for some reason.

"...Kacchan is really glaring at me, isn't he?" Midoriya whispered to his childhood friend.

[____] giggled once. "He glares at everybody. You know that."

Izuku glanced back and gulped. Katsuki's temper sparked when they locked eyes for only two seconds, since Midoriya felt threatened. 'Shitty nerd...Is he trying to make a move on her? I can't hear shit with this idiot running his mouth...'

"— And so, the employees were all like 'HOLD HANDS FOR A PICTURE!' And Sero looked at Midoriya, he seemed scared so Sero declined and the employee went 'NO, CANT HAVE THAT YOU SEE' and then—" Kaminari was in the middle of explaining what exactly caused the other guys to get away from each other but Bakugo didn't even ask him to begin with, so he was only half listening.

"I couldn't find Shinso, and I don't even have his number on my phone...I only have his email and my service sucks in this area. Well— Anyway, I bumped into you and then you asked me out and drowned me. Weird way to show me your affection, by the way—"

"Shut up already. I'm trying to think."

'I don't want to ask her out when there's idiots all around us, but if I don't do it now...Then when can I?'

"Ohh that's your 'im gonna kill somebody' face. It's never good; just kidding it's hot hahah." Kaminari interrupted his thoughts.

"You really want me to drown you again, don't you, you useless lightbulb?!"



[____] tried to contain her laughter; "No way, are you serious? I don't think that's a thing..?"

"I know it sounds like a joke at first but it actually happened, Amacchan— I promise!" Midoriya had just finished telling her about his day so far; followed by the strange encounter the guys had with a park employee who urged them to pose for a photo out of the blue.

"They were starting to hype up couples at this time of day, so if they see you not acting as close as they want— They'll make you hold hands or even kiss for a photo! I'm pretty sure every couple that's not showing public affection is going to be shamed until they cave in or something...

They caught up with us and when Sero and Kaminari ran off I was left all alone, and two people dressed as bunnies and one koala were running in circles around me, chanting 'find your partner! Find your partner! Find your partner!'"

"Sounds like the plot of a horror movie!!" [____] couldn't believe what she was hearing, but after a few hard laughs she gave her friend an earnest smile to make him feel better. "...But I'm glad you and Kami found us and tagged along. I don't know how else I was gonna get Katsuki to enter this place with me. So, thanks."

Izuku was in the middle of blushing before a clammy hand moved his face out of the way and made him take two steps back. "Ka...cchan...?"

He thought he was gonna use his quirk to burn him or the plush he was in the middle of dressing up, but soon realized Bakugo was too busy, using both of his hands for something else.

Katsuki placed them over [____]'s reddening cheeks and leaned forward, crashing his lips with hers and biting her bottom one, just to make her open her mouth in surprise and allow him to kiss her more.

"Wha— Who— Wha— What is happening?!" Izuku covered his eyes for most of it, Kaminari placed his arm over his shoulder to join him and answer his question.

"The start of a porno, my dude."

"Kaminari, that doesn't help!!!"

[____] had little time to react once their kiss ended; when her bag fell to the floor from her lack of moving she was definitely matching with Katsuki's burning red eyes and to him, it was the best sight ever.

".....— out with me, will you?"


His gave a quick sigh out of annoyance. "I said—"

Denki knew what he was about to ask [____]; and as it turns out, it was definitely something he didn't have the guts to stand there and listen & so he took it upon himself to distract the girl by grabbing Midoriya's half-naked panda bear plush and wave it in front of their faces.


He accidentally pressed its belly, revealing a voice recording Izuku was extremely embarrassed to record on its own.

"I love you way more than I love All Might!"

"Kaminari!! Give it back!" The green haired guy began struggling to get his belonging, however the blond took it out of Denki's hands to press the belly again and hear Izuku say how much he loves someone. "K-Kacchan!! Don't laugh!!"

[____] tried to help her friend by reaching for the plush toy and attempt to seize it from her crush. "Katsuki, it's not funny! It's actually kind of cute.."

Denki placed a hand over his chest and clutched on his shirt over dramatically. "I don't want to hear you say that, [____]!! Do you happen to love Midoriya?!"

"No— It's not like that!! I just mean...Izuku probably wants someone special, like his mother, to listen to it...It's clearly for someone's ears only. So it's not cool that you two are just messing around with it, as if it's not important or meaningful to Izuku!"

"You think crap like this really is cute—?! Deku, if this is for aunty then it's fine. But if it's meant for cheeks then I'll destroy this in a second! So, tell me!!"

As Bakugo threatened the defenseless toy, [____] got ready to use her quirk to remove it out of his hand. As long as he wouldn't move she had a good chance of creeping her own hand from behind his back.

Midoriya wanted him to relax. "Please don't destroy it! I haven't even paid for it yet and Amacchan is right!! It's for my mom, I promise you, Kacchan!!

So, let it go...Please...It's for my mom. Lately, she's been acting more worried than usual for me so I thought...I'd give her something to help her ease her mind, whenever I'm not around..."

Katsuki glanced over at Izuku's expression. And in that second, [____] was able to grab the innocent panda plush off his grip and held on tight to it before unintentionally raising her voice. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK?!!"

A few employees and couples around them stopped whatever they were doing to watch a scene unfold, but the girl hated attention and so she stopped herself from causing anymore commotion. 'Ahh...crap...People are staring...'

"...You're defending the damn nerd, seriously!?" And as quick as Izuku tried to back her up, he responded even quicker to him as well. "Shut the fuck up, Deku! This is between cheeks and I, so stand back before I rip your ugly freckles right out of your face and feed them to you!!"

'I don't care for that tone!' [____] mentally gasped at her crush's harsh words. 'Why is he suddenly so angry? I thought he was going to try to make today special for me...He was sort of nice a while ago, when we bought those headbands and now he's acting more rude than ever! I don't like it at all.'

"So? Are you gonna apologize to me for yelling, or what?"

Confused, [____] let his question sink in just to see if he was actually serious or not. "....No."

"You're really pissing me off, you know that?"

[____] took a step back, not allowing him to intimidate her in public. "...You're so out of line about this. It's you who should be apologizing to our friends...and until you do, Katsuki Bakugo, I'll enjoy this day all on my own! I don't need your bad vibes ruining White Day for me, and I don't care if I can't do certain things in this park that's meant for couples. I will figure out how to have fun alone so goodbye!"

"Princess, wait for me—!" As soon as Kaminari took a step towards [____], he tripped and fell thanks to her bag, which was still chilling on the floor. "Geez, she forgot it, seriously?! Then I gotta—"

Katsuki grabbed it instead, and since Denki didn't want to let go they both stayed behind. "What an idiot...Of course she'd storm out without looking for this crap, first."

"Dude, let go! We have to give it back!"

Bakugo snickered after thinking about it, "But if I don't...That just means she's the one who's gonna crawl back to me. As long as I'm not the one chasing her, taking care of her shit, for now, is fine..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...Wait...or...OR I could just give it to her and be her hero for the day while you're the terrible villain, that can work out too."

"Don't make me kill you." He had to laugh at Kaminari's idea, and while the golden haired boy gave up due to wanting to keep living; Izuku was getting ready to pay for his panda bear and sneak out of that place to find [____] and try to console her.

Katsuki stopped him from opening his limited edition All Might wallet. "Not so fast, Deku...I hate the way she even said it...But I want her to relax so let me pay for your stupid stuffed bear before we part ways."

"Kacchan! A-Are you sure?! You really don't have to!"


It didn't take long for [____] to realize she left all of her belongings, and even the lilac-colored bear she was working on, back in the shop with her crush and friends.

While she argued with herself whether or not she should storm back in there to ask for her bag (which was more than likely already in the hands of Bakugo) she stopped by a rest spot in the amusement park— Colorful pastel wooden benches and trees covered in fairy lights that would be lit by the evening to ensure a romantic atmosphere was all she could focus on for a moment.

As she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to sort out her current unstable emotions, she listened in to other couples walking past her. They were excited about something in particular that caught her attention.

"They have Jihei and Keiko cosplayers!! I can totally see them!!" A girl screeched a few feet away from [____].

Her boyfriend, she could only assume, replied to her. "Wait for me, though!"

'Did I hear them right...?' [____] figured out that they were speaking the truth when in a matter of seconds, the couples around her multiplied and all marched towards the same direction. 'I kinda wanna check it out...'


So she did, and while she was being squished and pushed around by strangers in order for them to snatch a quick photo with their favorite character; she stumbled down to the floor and hurt her knee badly enough for a stream of warm blood to fall down to her ankle.

"Aw, shoot! I should look for some napkins or something!" She complained about the pain for a bit, and then focused on a monotone voice that sounded familiar to her.

"....Excuse me. I'm your biggest fan, could you sign this?"

"Shinso...Is that you?" She caught him talking to a person dressed as the manga's cat character. Unsurprisingly, it was the least favorable support cast that others wanted to take photos with so he was standing still in a corner, waiting for others besides Hitoshi to give him attention.

[____] limped her way to the pair to tell him, "I didn't think you'd be the kind to read this genre of manga...Rom-coms? How nice."

"Is it?" He had the bottom part of his face covered with a reusable black cotton face mask. [____] figured he probably purchased from the park since it also happened to have a cute cat nose and whiskers design in white. "I read it because it's more of an action series, if you ask me."

"I mean, yeah they have tons of adventures together...But I'm pretty sure it's titled romance—"

"Cat girl, you are hallucinating. I'm not actually here." When his first excuse didn't work, he tried another approach. "In a blink of an eye I'll be gone, watch."

[____] blinked hard, and she was faster than the person in the cat costume who struggled to get his hand out of the suit just to sign Hitoshi's book cover and help him get out of there too. "Nope, you're still here. You're alive and breathing, hehe."


She was taken aback by his joke. '...Wait a sec, is he actually embarrassed to say that he reads romance novels? I wonder if I should speak up about it...Make him feel like it's not a big deal...'

Without thinking much about how she could come out as supportive instead of creepy, she stopped him from walking away by holding on to the back of his shirt. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to poke fun at it...It's totally fine for you to like this, Shinso!

I like it too! That's why I managed to get pushed around by the crowd and ended up away from my favorite character. I wanted a photo with them, too. Um, I guess I didn't have to tell you all of that. I should of stopped at 'sorry', so...I'm sorry...Sorry."

He was glad the mask covered the tiniest smile on his face, in that moment. [____] was such an adorable mess, he could finally understand all of Kaminari's nonsense talk about comparing her to food, earlier. However, all he could say back was; "...Weren't you supposed to be on a date with the obnoxious guy?"

[____] let out a fake chuckle and twiddled with her fingers. "Yeah...So...It's a long story, he has my bag and my phone so I can't contact him to come find me. I sorta just stormed out of the place we were in, 'cause he was being intolerable with Izuku and Kaminari...I don't know if he's still there, and even if he is— I'm still upset at him so I'm not sure I want to go back and check, just yet.

I guess it's not that long of a story if I say it like that, is it...?

Why can't I start summarizing everything like this, instead of talking on and on about unimportant matters? Sheesh, no wonder why he says that I am annoying...I AM annoying, why am I like this...? Ahh..."

She mumbled most of the last part, but Shinso could still hear and know exactly who she was speaking of; he finally turned back to face her, and then saw the smeared cherry-colored liquid on her bottom leg. "You're hurt?"

"Oh...This was a while ago, I stopped thinking about the pain and so it doesn't bother me anymore."

"Sorry I didn't notice it earlier. Do you need to sit down?"

"No, don't worry about it. It's not like I was trying to have you see it— Of course, I should probably clean up the blood before saying this, now it probably looks like if I'm asking people to talk to me about it..."

She mumbled some nonsense again, and as much as he enjoyed perceiving her sweet voice; he couldn't stand to listen to someone so beautiful talk badly about herself. "I have a water bottle with me, might not be much but it'll help."

[____] nervously stammered. "M-Maybe, but I can always just—"

"— It's best if you clean it right now or else you'll get it infected."


[an; last part forreal this time coming up in a few hours I promise! I'm writing nonstop lol]

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444K 23.1K 44
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- female reader, fluff (bakugou fic) "you're stupidly cute, stop it."
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