BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏ

SPECIAL 1โค๏ธ
GIVEAWAY๐Ÿ˜ closed
SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
SPECIAL 6โšก๏ธ
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]

SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)

3.9K 156 775
ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ otakuwaii


After school, [____] was told by Bakugo to wait for him by the lockers as he finished up his cleaning duties for that day. 'It's like if the class keeps voting for him to clean up, because he's so good at it...'

The time was already past 3 pm; most of the students in UA high would go straight home after 2, while some (specifically those in the hero courses) would stay even longer to practice or do after school activities that allowed them to use their quirks.

[____] still hadn't signed up for any, though; and due to this she was just standing by her own shoe locker, waiting for her crush to drop by. 'I already asked Mina for a rain check on today's chocolate making session. I'm most likely gonna end up buying them , based on my terrible skills...'

"Hmmm...." She pulled out her cell phone only to be interrupted by a semi-loud crash on the aisle of cupboards behind her. "Did something fall?!"

She rushed to the other side of the lockers and found one of her classmates on the floor, surrounded by an enormous amount of chocolates and gifts. "Todoroki?! Are you alright?!"

A little black kitten jumped out of the only opened locker and landed on his chest, purring as Shoto removed a box of chocolates out of his forehead. "[____]. Did you happen to see any of that?"

"Not really, no...I just heard a crashing sound from the other side and came over here to check it out...Is that a live cat, that was in your locker?!"

Todoroki got himself up carefully, making sure none of the gifts were ruined. The kitten was hanging on his school shirt by using its claws. "It appears to be."

[____] walked a little closer to them. "Who would do that?! That poor kitty!!"

"It doesn't have a collar with a name tag, all it has is a red ribbon...Im probably gonna have to take it to the pound if it's owner doesn't claim it by tonight. My old man is allergic."

'No, I don't think it's a lost cat...' [____] sort of just stood there, studying his naive ness. 'It's obviously a gift... '

"You're the owner now...It seems like.." After watching him hold the kitten and inspect it, [____] let out a short laugh. "Aw, it's super cute...But you said your dad is allergic to cats?"

"No, he's allergic to anything that brings us joy."


"I can't have a pet." Instead of answering that, he explained his own reasons. "I don't have the time for one. Also, this kitten deserves a better owner, it's not like I ever owned a cat before so I am not qualified to take this one home."

'Don't know if he's dissing himself or acting responsibly, but...' [____] tilted her head to the side, wondering if there was anything she could do to help the small animal. 'Wait a second...'

She then remembered her chat with Shinso, from the morning. "I got it!! Todoroki, I think I can find the perfect person to take care of this cat! That way, you don't have to send it to the pound. May I—?!"

She stretched her hands towards them, offering to carry the small animal. Shoto didn't hesitate to hand the kitten to [____]. "Are you sure, [____]? I don't want to cause any of my classmates trouble."

"It's no trouble at all, believe me!" The girl couldn't help but kiss the kitten's forehead as soon as she had it in her hands. It's soft black fur and cute purrs made [____] never want to let go of it. "Awww, what a cutie!! I might just keep it..."

As she thought about it, her classmate began to pick up the rest of the gifts he received from the floor and carefully place the biggest ones on his school bag. He kept all of the letters nicely stacked inside his cupboard, for the meantime. "Alright, if you insist...But I have to go now, if there's nothing else."

[____] gave him a nod as a sign of goodbye and waited until he was out the door to give more kisses to the kitten. "I can't believe someone stuffed you in such a cramped space! How long have you been in there, cutie?! Awe yew thisthy?! Yesh, yew powbabwy awe, awen't yew?!"

'I'm talking like crazy right now...But who cares! No one is around and this cat is just so cute!!'

She cuddled it a few more times before turning around. She realized she had made a fool out of herself in front of somebody. "Shin—?!"

"— Should I ask why you're talking to a stuffed cat?"


"It's not a stuffed cat! It's a live one, look at it!" As if that would make her seem less crazy, [____] moved the kitten so close to his face he could listen to its breathing. "Actually, it's for you!!"

"...For...Me?" Hitoshi kept a goaded grin up until she exclaimed that. He could feel his smile fading away out of surprise.

"Somebody left this cute kitten to one of my classmates, but he said he can't take care of it...And since you told me about your cat, Ume, may his adorable soul rest easy—" She added that part for emotional support. "— I figured...Maybe Shinso can take care of him!! Or her..? I'm not sure what the gender is, yet..."

"It's a 'her'." He motioned his hand close to the kitten's face to have her sniff his fingers enough times so she could get familiar with him. "Don't wanna check right now, but something is telling me this cat is a female."

"Wouldn't it be funny if you were to be wrong?" [____] teased as she lifted the cat's tail to check. "...But you're right. It's a 'she'."

"Of course I'm right. I'm never wrong about things like these."

'I wonder just how much you have to like cats to know immediately, just by looking at them, what their gender is...Maybe he's like...a cat psychic?'

In her head, [____] pictured Shinso, his eyes closed and fingertips on his forehead, summoning various species of cats. She tried holding in her laugh, but ended up just making snorting noises, instead.

"Are you choking? Is it a hair ball?" He joked, finally taking the kitten out of [____]'s hands, accepting it as her official gift for him.

"It's not a hair ball— Ahahah! I, uh, what? Wait...What?! I'm sorry...I just have to laugh, ahahaha!!" After thirty or forty seconds of continuous laughter and chuckles every now and then, [____] calmed herself down. "I was just...Thinking you're like a psychic, but with cats only or something..."

"How so?"

"Aw, man..." She even wiped a tear away when she was finished. "I don't know, sometimes I just..Make up the weirdest things in my head and I laugh about it. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, or annoyed..."

"It doesn't." He re-assured her. "It's actually pretty nice...Your laugh, I mean. I like it. It's pretty cuee."

"I asked you to forget about that, please!! And anyway, why were you coming out so late, if I could ask?" [____] tried to switch up the conversation out of embarrassment. "Are you in any after school clubs?"

"Nah. I study in the library, from time to time." He was letting the small cat lick his fingers as a form of affection. "I guess I should go home and feed her, it looks like she's getting hungry."

"Oh...Right! I'll see you around!!" [____] felt a little sad as she watched him switch into his regular shoes and walk out of the room again. Though she couldn't pinpoint to the reason why, at all.

'Maybe I'm sad to see the kitten go? It's super cute, I kind of wanted to keep it...'

A couple of rocks hit her on her shoulder; and she looked up to the ceiling at first. "Another one, today...? Where is it coming from...? WAH!!"

[____] had turned back for a second, just to find a tall girl with short red hair, bright blue eyes and freckles all over her face.

She rushed towards [____] and without a warning, knelt to the ground and hugged her legs to make it hard for the shorter girl to run away.



After what seemed three or four minutes of the stranger crying and clinging on to her, [____] cave in.

"I understand! I'll hear you out if you let go off me, please!! Also, can you tell me how do you know my first and last name?! I don't think we ever met!"

The girl sniffed a few times before introducing herself. "My name is Nigai Furukawa. I'm a year older than you, and in the hero course as well! I've been stalking you ever since I found out you hang out with Rikido Sato, from class A!!"

'She didn't have to say that second to last part, really...' [____] dwelled on that, at first. 'Wait...Sato?'

"You see, I'm in love with Sato-kun; Ever since he baked a cake for a guy in my class on his birthday, I've been admiring him from afar. I guess you could say the guy and him...they're friends? But I wouldn't know...Lately, I've been only watching him talk to you and other girls in his class.

The rest of the girls are far too pretty and it's intimating to ask them for their help...You were the safest option, I figured."

'In a way...She just called me ugly, didn't she?' [____] was free to walk away at any time, given that the girl named Nigai had finally let her go to cover the blush in her face as she continued to speak.

But something about her passionate request made her want to stay and listen.

"I just don't know what to do...Sato-kun is so amazing...That's why I wanted to give him my sweets on Valentine's Day and confess my feelings to him in this form!! Ahh~ but I'm just so shy around guys I like...and I've always been terrible at baking..."

She showed [____] a box of chocolates that— when opened— was filled with black coal and copper-colored rocks that [____] immediately recognized. "Is this what you've been throwing at me to grab my attention?!"

"Would you like to try one?!" Furukawa insisted. "Please!! Try one! Tell me what you think!!"

'They look far worse than mine...But maybe they're not as bad? Maybe they just look gross but taste good..As I'm the opposite...'

[____] hesitated far too long; the stalker sensed she didn't want anything to do with her and so she backed away. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't of come to you for help, after all...You probably think I'm stupid and gross."

"Wha— I never said that!"

"You probably think my chocolates look like turds and they taste like it too!!"

"Come on, they couldn't be so ba— Blehgh!!" [____] took a chance and stuffed one in her mouth quickly enough to prove her point. She had to use her quirk to get the box out of Nigai's hands, but had to spit the candy out and clean her tongue with her own hands not even a second later. "Cat hair !! I just had cat hair on my mouth, I promise that's why I did that!"

"They're really terrible aren't they?! I can't give these to Sato!!" Nigai began to sob uncontrollably; making [____] feel like she had to say something to make her feel better, quick.

"No, please! Give Sato your chocolates!! I'm sure he'll love them because they come from a very sweet girl that likes him very much!

Please, if you're too shy to give them to him then I'll do it! But don't throw your feelings away just cause you're afraid you're not good enough!!"

She stopped speaking and ignored the girl's overdramatic sobs to think for a bit.

'...It feels like I just realized it, too...I've been too scared to give Katsuki any chocolates because I think he'll hate them no matter what...But if it's me...Then maybe he'll like it?

Even if they're store-bought and too sweet...Maybe he'll eat them without complaining much..?'

Nigai got a hold of herself after hearing [____]'s wise words. "You're right!! You're so sweet, Amachi...No wonder you're so popular with other guys!!"

"Huh?? Popular? ME? No way." She shook her head at the delusion. Not even 24 hours ago she made a classmate say the word 'cuee' more than twice a day. "I fail at socializing like a normal person."

"That's not true! Come on, admit it!" Nigai's emotions shifted from sadness to curiosity and happiness as she poked [____] on her cheek multiple times. "Tell me, tell me!! Which one of those hotties are you after? Is it Shinso, from class C? Todoroki from your class? Oh! Could it be Baku—?!"

"— What the hell are you doing??" The voice of the guy she was about to list interrupted her.


"You know...You could of been nicer to Nigai." [____] recalled having to calm the two of them down for a long time. It took a lot of energy to make Bakugo stop yelling at the stranger and have Furukawa stop crying and clinging on to her legs again, asking her to make him stop. "She's just in love with Sato, from our class..."

"Candy man? That's who's she's going after??"

They were walking side by side, to the convenience store closest to UA. Nigai had given [____] her box of chocolates and a letter to give to Rikido the next time she sees him. As she was explaining the situation to Katsuki, [____] asked about his gifts.

"Suki...What are you gonna do with all the letters and sweets other girls had given you so far?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna burn each one and shove that shit in a trash can."

[____] was getting ready to pull out a few of the envelopes directed to him that she had stuffed in her bag earlier. She didn't bother taking anything out, after hearing him say that after all. "Don't!! That's too cruel!! Just take them home with you and read them before you discard them, at least..."

"Why would I wanna know how an extra feels about me? It's all just half-assed love decelerations. If those girls truly liked me, they would have the guts to tell me in person.

Besides...Shouldn't you be more jealous instead of acting worried for someone else's feelings? You're weird as fuck."

[____] ignored his insult to agree with his logic. "Okay...I see your point but I just can't blame them for not having the courage to tell you in person. I mean, you're loud and scary majority of the time.

Also...I start to think, if you burn these letters without at least getting to read them first, then does that mean you would do the same if I ever wrote you one? I won't do it! But I'm just hoping that my written thoughts on you wouldn't end up in the trash can, as well as these..."

Bakugo didn't have the time to argue with her, he found every part of the situation annoying and so he figured doing as she suggested would be the easiest way to get her to stop talking. "Alright, cheeks— I'll read the fucking letters but I'm still gonna throw all the candy and gifts away. Deal?!"

"Sounds like the start of a compromise."


The two of them entered the store in two separate moods. Bakugo was angry about what he had just offered; while his crush happily grabbed a basket on the side of the doorstep and began to grab all sorts of candy bags and boxes, excited to find out if any of those could meet Katsuki's standards.

"These, these, and these." When he was finished picking up his own choices of chips and drinks, Bakugo placed the items in front of the cashier to talk with her about their discounts. "Not those..I changed my mind about that brand of drink."

"Hmm..." The cashier studied each item individually, her icy blue eyes moved from product to product until she decided what she could offer him. "If you get the smaller bag of these chips, you can get an extra 10% discount on the soda you wanna leave behind."

"I left it behind because I don't want the soda, so just charge me already."

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? It's a really good deal..."

"You're deaf or something?! Hey!!" When he raised his voice, [____] struggled to carry her basket full of items back to where her crush was standing.

"Katsuki, is there a problem?"

"There's not a problem, cheeks. Go wait for me outside of the damn store while I pay!!"

"You shouldn't talk to your girlfriend like that." The cashier crossed her arms and covered part of her name tag on accident. "You're never gonna laid with that bad attitude, Katsuki."

"I'm not his—!!" [____] was about to correct the girl, but her crush exclaimed over her, loud enough to cover her voice anyway.

"Shut the hell up!! You don't know shit about how our relationship works!"

'It's the first time Katsuki doesn't say anything against that title...Maybe he's warming up to me?! Maybe he considers me his girlfriend already?! Really— Could that be it?!'

While [____] dropped her basket to enjoy the fuzzy feeling of being acknowledged as anything more than a friend to her crush; Bakugo paid for all the items she was carrying and pulled her out of the store after flicking the cashier off.

"Fuck you, penny picker!!"

"Thank you, come again!!" The girl gave him a smile and a wave.


"Suki...Who was that girl?" [____] asked after they were a safe distance away from the store.

"That was no one."

"You two seemed to know each other so that's why...I'm wondering..."

'May be a friend from another school? Maybe they dated before!! It would make sense if she called me his girlfriend out of spite and just to make fun of me!! Like—

'"[____], you really think Katsuki is over me?! HA! In your dreams!! He comes here everyday just to see me. He only brought you here to show you what type of woman he's REALLY into!"'

The girl with brown hair and turquoise eyes was a lot meaner in [____]'s head. She, apparently, was also Bakugo's sexy ex girlfriend who liked to wear tight skinned dresses and high stilettos.

And her only goal was to make a plain-looking girl like [____], feel like a complete nobody. 'That must be it!! I have to learn how to walk in high heels, it seems...'

"— Could you quit making shit up in your head already?!" She didn't say anything out loud, like how she was afraid she would. Bakugo just knew, by the expression she was wearing, that she was on the edge by his previous explanation on why he acted so close to a mere cashier. "She's friends with shitty hair, that's all."


"Yeah, the two of them hang out and I see her every now and then. I try ignoring her presence for the most part 'cause she's boring, but she gets me some good deals on snacks while she's on the clock."

'Boring...? But she's so pretty to look at; can a pretty girl like that really, actually, be boring? Is he just saying that to make me feel at ease...?'

She couldn't find the reason to ask him anything more, since they both hopped in the train and made it safely to his house without speaking much— But it felt nice to the both of them.


"Too chewy." Katsuki complained with his arms crossed as he finished eating a piece of strawberry taffy. "Artificial flavors really suck."

[____] wrote it down on a pad of sticky notes and placed it inside a sandwich bag, along with the rest of the untouched candy from the packaging. "Okay, is..."

She looked around the carpet. The two of them were sitting on his bedroom floor; his ceiling lights were turned off but the book light by his night stand was on. & so the room was lit enough for [____] to write his thoughts on all of the candy that he purchased.

His red eyes almost had a glowing effect as he was glaring at all the yellow sticky notes. "Do you really have to write that shit down? And what are you doing with the rest of that? Why not just throw away all of that crappy candy?"

"We would be wasting food, if I did."

"Then take it with you and feed it to your perverted dog."

[____] simpered as she opened a bag of skittles and poured the colorful bits into the palm of his hand. "I'm saving them. They'll be out of your sight soon, and you don't have to do this ever again once I figure out what sweets you like best."

"I hate all of them." He persisted, mouth full.

"I know that can't be true...You said you liked watermelon, so you gotta have a sweet tooth somewhere in your bitter self." [____] continued to place the extra candy inside sandwich bags and then wrote a huge 'X' on to the original packaging. "Was this the sour type, or...?"

"Wanna help me find my sweet tooth, really? Why not just give me a kiss?" He asked flirtatiously, "I bet you taste fine, with just the right amount of sugar coming from your lips."

[____] could feel her face heat up. 'His parents are not home...He and I are all alone...He's saying this on purpose to make me forget why I came here for! I can't fall for it! Focus, [____]! Focus!"

"If I bite them, would the taste of your sweetness fill my mouth? Hey, let me try that out."

The girl's heart felt as if it began to skip a couple of beats per minute the longer she didn't answer his question; she believed she could of died if she hadn't  already, but Katsuki took her silence as a 'no' and he got up from the floor to stretch and sigh very loudly.

"You're no fun, cheeks. You can't even shake or nod your head when I ask you something."

"—Katsuki, where are you going?" Like a miracle, [____] was finally able to move her mouth and she asked him that since he was walking out of his room with one of his hands stuffed inside his sweatpants' pockets.

"Downstairs to make something to drink. Come with me if you want."


"Where are your parents?" [____] asked her crush when they walked into the kitchen together.

Katsuki turned on the bright white lights and waited until the girl let go off his shirt to start moving forward. (She was holding on to him for support as they walked downstairs in the dark.)

"Out on a date. They go to one every night for this entire week, 'ts kinda stupid."

As he began to brew some coffee for himself and offered his crush some water; [____] felt comfortable enough to lean against the wall and chat. "Ah...I understand. My parents do almost the same thing, every year, around this day. They have a whole week off and so they decide to go to like, mini honeymoons or something.

This year, they left to Oahu. They don't usually ask me to go with them, but this time they did and I declined."

"You're an idiot. You rather stay here, on your own?"

"Well, they would have to pay for a whole different hotel room just for me, so technically I'd be all alone regardless...But, the real reason I stayed is so I could focus more on my studies and I could spend more time with my friends and...with you..."

She had a little red on her cheeks; Bakugo eyed her bashful expression once and then went back to fixing himself something bitter to drink after all that candy.

[____] continued to speak; "Anyway, I think your parents are romantic! They both work, right? Even though they're probably tired as heck after each shift, they come home, put on their best clothes and head out for a night to be remembered. It's so sweet what they do for each other..."

He snickered at her illusion. "Is that what you think they do?"

"Isn't that what dates are? Dinner and a stroll around the city? Movie and then dinner, perhaps? Of course, if it was me...I rather just have hot chocolate and desserts only, but then I'd like to walk around and try the imagawayaki that those street vendors sell, too."

"Goddamn, cheeks. All that sugar is gonna kill you someday." He dissed her idea of a date, just to come back to it a second later. "So, you're saying: If I took you out to eat street food or whatever, every single night of this week, you'd think I'm romantic?"

"Of course! But it's not like I vouch for you to spend so much money on me...You already paid for all the candy I made you try, so it's not worth it."

"What are you talking about? You're worth every fucking cent I could ever make."

That compliment punched [____] straight in the face and asked for her jacket. She blinked once or twice, and then bit her lips together to stop a smile from spreading and scaring him away.

Bakugo thence felt like setting his whole kitchen on fire for letting that sort of a statement slip out, in that moment. Though, since [____] didn't respond verbally; he took a couple of sips of the hot coffee and added:

"When I become a pro...I'll take you out as many dates as you'd want, cheeks. Hanging out in my dumb house....well, this is all that I can do, for now."

[____] believed as if some type of warmth was radiating off of her chest. It was her feelings for him; they grew more with each passing day. "Suki...Is this your way of asking me to date you, even when we're older?"

He spat some coffee right on the kitchen sink after hearing that; some of the liquid even landed on the floor and he rinsed his mouth before grabbing some paper towels to clean the mess.

"No fucking way. I'm not asking you out!! I'm just saying...If I ever want to become a romantic idiot, I'd do it for you. Only you, cheeks."

"Awh...Really?" [____] blinked a few times in response.

"How many times do you want me to repeat myself?! Fuck, I made a mess thanks to you." He focused more on rinsing the sink after the floor was all clean than watching [____] come up with a reply. "...Can't believe I let my guard down like that, around you. I—"

He was embraced by his crush so suddenly; he was taken aback. "I like you, Katsuki.... so much...It makes me happy to know you feel the same way. Even though you don't say it as often as I do, you make it noticeable plenty of times, like...right now."

[____] wasn't expecting for him to hug her back; though it didn't last as long as she wanted. "Shut up, already..."


"'Bakugo, will you please date me? I promise I'd never fail you'....Nope. Don't want a relationship." He answered that question without hesitating.

'Part of the deal was that I'd help him sort these love letters out, but...I don't think I can handle anymore of it!'

An hour and a half later, [____] was gulping down all the emotional trauma she was doing to herself by drinking water while listening to Katsuki read more confessions written on paper, out loud.

"This is stupid..." He would throw little comments here and there, as he crumbled them up and left them in a pile he claimed he would burn, later.

[____] picked up a heart shaped piece of card-stock to hand it to her crush.  "This one is from someone in class C."

"Oh, here we go. Here's a good one: Bakugo Katsuki; you're weak as shit, fight me you punk."

"Isn't that more like a challenge than a love letter?! Why would they put it in your locker during this week, and why is it in a shape of a heart?! So confusing!"

"No wonder why this one has spilt blood on it."

"It does?! Now, that sounds like a serious threat! We should tell somebody if—" The worried girl grabbed the card to inspect it; "....That's just red ink. I think their pen probably broke to bits as they wrote this. They must have been so angry."

"What a loser." He had to chuckle at someone's hatred for him, obviously. "How many more of these do I gotta read? I think we established that they all say the same thing, more or less."

[____] looked over to the stack of letters beside her; "I don't know...Maybe a few more. There's gotta be at least forty in there..."

"I'm so tired of this shit..." He sighed; grabbing the other envelope his crush handed him. "Bakugo, you're attractive. Please go out with me, signed, plain face. What a dumbass, trying to prank me like this."

'Is it really a prank..?' [____] couldn't deny her friends could pull jokes like these all the time and not get killed by Bakugo; but it seemed like a stretch, to write him something they knew he'd ignore. 'What was the point of that..?'

"'Ever since I saw you shirtless, I fell in love with you boom-boom boi. Please let me suck that dicc— Pikachu.' Fucking gross."

He grit his teeth at the following one. "This one comes from raccoon eyes and I'm not gonna read it at all."

"Seems logical." [____] agreed with him. "If Kaminari's sounded like that, I can't imagine what Mina's would say..."

He took the next letter on his own, "'Bakugo, you're so manly. You're the manliest of all the men I've met. Marry me—' You know what, cheeks? I'm finished. Can't read anymore."

[____] watched him get up again to stretch a little. She thought to herself; 'That last one sounded like an actual confession coming from Kirishima...'

"Now you see my point." He knelt back down to the floor just to face his crush. "Valentine's Day is such a burnout for me, so don't even think about making it worse."

🌸🌸THU. FEB. 13th🌸🌸

'Would I really be making things more eventful for Katsuki— if I make him something so small and cute like this?' [____] asked in her head as she flipped through a food magazine in her kitchen around six in the evening.

The special Valentine's issue held lots of recipes and ideas easy enough for a teenage girl to follow. [____] wondered if she could pull something out of there all on her own.

Hideaki answered her question as he finished setting up the entire kitchen counters with ingredients she had asked for. "Miss [____], what kind of man will Mister Bakugo be? To not accept your honmei chocolates— It should be considered a sin."

"Ahahah, I don't know about that..." She brushed his compliment off. "Besides, they're not anything special, since I'm also giving my other classmates a little something."

What [____] had in mind was— Fundip for the girls, pop rock candy for the guys and "obligatory" chocolates for her one and only crush.

"Ah, a bit of a western kick, candy instead of chocolate." The young butler smiled. "I am all about it."

[____] tittered. "Sometimes I forget you're still in college. I don't mean it to sound so offensive, if it did!! It's just...You're so mature for your age, Hideaki. Anyway— Have you...ever gotten chocolates from a girl you like before? I'm just wondering how you'd feel if someone you're interested in...g-gives you something you claim to hate..."

"Miss [____], I rather not talk about my personal life while on duty. However, I will tell you this:

Even if it's something I know I'll hate— I'd eat anything that comes from you, I'd do anything to satisfy someone so precious.

If Mister Bakugo can't do the same, then he is not worthy of your time. Simple as that."

[____] blushed in the middle of his statement. 'If I didn't know any better...That kind of just sounded like a confession!!'

'It's an adorable thing that you are oblivious.' He responded in his head with a smile, since she couldn't hear him that way.

"I— Um...." Few seconds following her embarrassment, the girl struggled to come up with another conversation starter. "So...I guess, um..."

Thankfully, she didn't have to blab anymore nonsense because someone had pressed the doorbell at their front door. The person [____] had asked for help walked inside her home, being guided by a maid. "A-Amachi....I'm here."


"Thanks for sacrificing your free time to come help me out with Katsuki's chocolates, Sato." [____] could finally relax a little more with her classmate as Hideaki bowed his head and excused himself out of the kitchen.

Rikido scratched the back of his head, "Not a problem....Mina and the rest of the girls were sorta upset that you couldn't make it yesterday to Yaomomo's...But we all figured you were probably busy with school work or something at home."

"Ahah, yeah...School work..." [____] laughed nervously at the white lie. "Anyway! I had my mother's butler bring us all the ingredients we needed from this recipe book I bought online! Don't you just love amazon prime? They bring things to your doorstep like, right away."

The guy inspected the expensive-looking hard cover book; it was heavy and written by one of France's most famous chefs. "[____]...This book might have costed thousands!"

"I kept thinking, the more expensive— Maybe the easiest to follow??"

"That's not how it works, but I'm honored to recreate any of these recipes with you..." He was careful to flip each page as he said it. "Let's make Bakugo something as sweet as you!"

"Yeah!! Thanks!" [____] didn't think about the small compliment hidden in his cheerful tone. "Wait—!! But can we make it spicy, somehow?!"

"Of course."


Two hours and forty minutes later; [____] bit into a strawberry coated with milk chocolate into her mouth and covered it right after to speak; "Wow, so good!"

"I had to add certain spices to make the aftertaste kind of explosive, in a way..." While Sato explained the process of his cooking, [____] could feel her lips burning and tongue aching for something to drink. "Oh...I probably should of warned you before giving one to you, sorry about that!"

"Hot!! It's hot!! How is it hot if it tasted fine before?!" She rushed to the fridge to grab a carton of milk and take a sip out of it; not even finding the time to search for a cup. "....I don't think I'm gonna trust these sweets anymore..."

She also placed the carton back in the cold box confidentially; knowing none of the workers living in her house touched that fridge and her parents weren't going to be home for a week; it was hers now basically.

Sato laughed at her reaction; "They're all spicy, but differently. I've changed up the recipes so Bakugo could enjoy them. You did a great job decorating them. All I really did was help with the prepping, so don't look so gloomy."

[____] was staring at the red rectangular box they had filled with chocolates and other sweet things. Besides the strawberries and other pieces of fruits, there was mini powder donuts, truffles shaped like grenades and a variety of other small chocolates that Rikido had filled with a secret spicy caramel sauce.

"I'm not trying to look gloomy, I'm just...Afraid he won't eat them. Or worse...He'll burn then right in front of my face!"

"Relax, I don't know Bakugo as well as you do...But I doubt he will do that. He's responsible, isn't he?"

"Yeah, but I don't want him to feel like it's a responsibility to eat my chocolates. Maybe this is a bad idea, after all...Maybe I shouldn't give these to him. Oh, but then all our hard work will be....No! I can eat them instead, Rikido!"

As she began to panic and spill words without much meaning, the guy took a few steps closer to her.

"I will eat these chocolates, even if they kill me!! Wait, I'm not saying your baking is bad at all— What I mean is that...I just can't possibly believe that Katsu— ?!" [____] stopped speaking when he placed his heavy hands on her shoulders. "W-What is it...?"

"[____]. Give him your chocolates. Don't run away from your feelings if you are sure you like him. Bakugo is just a person, same as you and me. He might give you the wrong idea, but maybe that's just his way of coping with how cute you are. Any guy would love to get gifts from someone so beautiful on Valentine's Day."

This time, for sure, [____] caught on to his compliments without any failure. Her face was red, not only from the spices she had just consumed, but because she was feeling a little shy as well. "Y-You think I am...?"

He let go so quick, [____] was pushed back on accident by the force he used to remove his hands. "Sorry! I think I should head home now."

"Sato, hold on! Don't leave yet! I have something for you!" She used her quirk to place an arm into her bedroom without moving much and getting a hold of her school bag, that was lying on her study desk.

She pulled out the card and box of chocolates coming from their upperclass mate and handed it to him with both of her hands. "Please take these with you!!"

"....Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes!! But they're not from me!!" [____] motioned with her hands as if to tell a story. "A girl!! She is from class C and a year older than us— she told me to give this to you!! Riki, you helped me a lot today!! I wanna help you back.

Her name is Furukawa...She's a bit tall, but shorter than you. She has red hair and freckles and she's super cute!! She's a little too cheerful, but she means well and she says she's in love with you! I don't know if that's true, but please speak with her since she worked hard to make you these chocolates!!"

"Right..." He didn't mind that she had just rejected him, it was clear [____] had eyes for only one guy. He was learning to accept that, so he tried to focus more on this mystery girl and her chocolates— That in complete truth looked like animal excrement.

'These are...Honmei.' He thought as a smile started to develop on his face.

🌸🌸FRI. FEB. 14th.🌸🌸

The letter Furokawa wrote to Sato contained an address; she stated she wanted to meet him at a park at 6pm on Friday.

Sato was already feeling nervous about the whole thing; but as soon as Mina found out that he had a 'secret admirer' through [____]'s words, (She had ways to get the poor girl to speak up about anything.) Ashido offered her stylish help.

The three of them met at [____]'s house after school to support the guy in any way they could for his first date.

"Check him out!! Super sexy!!" Mina finished styling his hair by teasing it and sticking it back to turn it into a pompadour. "Fuck boy hair-cuts fit you, Riki!!"

"Fuck, ahem, what...?" [____] asked.

"Riki?" The guy was more interested in his new nickname.

Ashido snapped an unsolicited photo of him to post it on her Snapchat story for the rest of their classmates to see. "Oh, yeah!! If things don't work out with this chick, you can come to me and I'll hook you up with plenty of cute girls!!"

"Mina, we are supposed to be wishing him luck." Her wealthy friend reminded her. "Besides, I know Furukawa will not just forget about Sato so easily. She seemed really serious about him."

Ashido frowned at those words. "But hooking people up is like my specialty! That's why— [____]-chan, when are you gonna let me hook you up with Bakugo?!"

"I thought you were trying to hook me up with him already?!" [____] fake gasped. "I was gonna tell you— Mina, you suck at this!"

Ashido laughed at her joke; even if the girl was being half serious about it. "Listen, if he wasn't so prideful he would of asked you out at first sight, trust me."

"I don't think that's true..." Less than a second after saying so; the short girl shook her head. "Anyway, let's focus on Sato, right now!! Riki— Are the clothes fitting you well enough?"

The guy wasn't trying to tune into their side conversation at all; he kept looking at himself through the hand held mirror Mina had brought— along with all her other hair products and variety of combs and brushes. "Uh, yeah. The clothes fit me just fine, Amachi. You didn't have to buy me anything so fancy, though...I'll pay you back when I get my allowance!"

"No, don't worry about it!" [____] insisted. "It's my pleasure to help! I owe it to you, the least, because of Suki's chocolates and all of that...I really hope he likes them."

Mina snapped a picture of her in the middle of her sentence to also post on her social media. "I'm gonna send this one to Bakubabe, since you look so cute every time you talk about him!"

"No— Wait! Mina, don't!!"


"Valentine's Day....Is so awesome, my dudes!!" Kaminari held tight onto Jiro's chocolates as he exclaimed. "All the girls in 1-A gave me chocolates this year!!"

"They're obligatory." Sero reminded him; "Plus, [____] didn't even give us chocolates she gave us candy, what could that mean?"

"It means she's in love with us."

"—Obviously not that."

The two of them were walking behind Bakugo and Kirishima, they close enough to hear each other since they were all heading to the mall after a long day of school and practice.

"Dumbasses; she gave candy to every single one of you fucktards in class— Even that nerd. So, don't feel special." Katsuki scoffed.

"Kinda sounds like you're jealous, bro." Eijiro mentioned, "I know you're upset she didn't get you anything."

"She didn't give me shit because I told her not to, rocks-for-brains. Don't make me burn your crappy gifts and shove them up your a—"

"Sssssssomeone is jelly, ooooo..." Denki walked a little faster to get in between the two best friends. "Bakugo, if you want, I could share my sweets with you."


"— We can feed them to each other to make it seem more romantic."


"I swear, sometimes it feels like you're in love with Bakugo." Sero pulled him back using his quirk; at the most amazing timing since Katsuki was getting ready to burn his face for getting so close to him. "Stop taunting him."

"Awww, but he's so cuee when he's mad..."

"Did you just say 'cuee'? Did you mean 'cute'?"

"Sounds kinda like a bad British accent, doesn't it? I heard some girls in class C say it yesterday!"

Sero laughed; "Who comes up with this sort of stuff? It's so lame!"

"I think it's cool."

"Of course you do— You're the lamest person walking on this planet." Katsuki pulled out his cell phone after a while of ignoring Mina's continuous spamming of messages just to silence it.

"Whoa, dude! Check Sato out!" Kirishima shoved his own phone in front of his best friend's face and made him stop walking. "Mina gave him a haircut!"

"Let me see!" Kaminari, again, squeezed himself in between the two guys to grab the phone out of Eijiro's hands. "Wow, he's sexy."

"Valentine's Day just makes you wanna flirt with anybody, doesn't it? But it doesn't look bad, you're right." Sero agreed.

"Bakugo, let's ask Ashido to style our hair one day, I bet she can make us look super manly, like Sato!"

"I'm not letting raccoon eyes near my hair." Speaking of her; Bakugo took his phone out again to quickly view the messages she kept sending.

A picture of [____] looking a bit distraught caught his eye. She was acting bashful about something; he only knew this because that's all she's ever been around him.

'She is so pretty.'

His friends were still chatting about other things in front of him. Bakugo instinctively saved the photo into his camera roll and favorited it with a tap of a heart-shaped button underneath the settings of it.

"Bro?" Kirishima's voice was what made him hide his phone immediately. "You ok?"

"What?! What do you want?!" The same shade of pink [____] was wearing in that photo was taking over the blond's face as he responded. "Stop staring at me, shitty hair! You wanna fight?!"

"Uh...I was just asking if you're down to go to Sero's place to play some video games but...You're kinda looking as if you're gonna get a fever, so."

"Bakudaddy!! Are you getting sick?! Want us to take care of you?!" Kaminari over-dramatically acted worried.

"I'm not offering my services for free, dude. He better pay me." Hanta pondered about the way he said it. "I just made myself sound like a hooker, didn't I...?"

"Nothing wrong with being a hooker if it's a choice, I say. Don't they make a lot of money?" Eijiro became tangled in a different topic with Hanta and Denki once again; so Katsuki called out of their plans.

"I'm going home. I'll probably log into my discord when I get there. Pikachu, if you ever want to see the light of day again you will stop calling me that."

"Yes, my lord."

"That too...Fuck, why am I surrounded by idiots?"


The girls said bye to Sato around five pm when he had enough courage to head to the park without freaking out. Mina stayed behind and played music on [____]'s tv as they were hanging out in her room with nothing else to do.

"Turn it up, I love this song!" Mina suggested, humming parts of the chorus here and there.

[____] went on her music app to fulfill her friend's request. She was on her cell phone, looking through celebrity articles that involved her mother's current whereabouts.

Mina noticed she looked a little worried, so she sat next to her on the bed and wrapped her arms around her shoulders; pressing her cheek against hers. "What are you looking at, baby panties?"

"My parents are on a cruise ship, seems like...And please find a new nickname for me soon, Mina...I beg you." As soon as [____] deleted the tab; a FaceTime request from her crush appeared on her screen. "It's Katsuki?!"

"Really?! What!! He never FaceTimes me!!" Ashido took it upon herself to accept the request and lean closer to the camera lense. "Hi Bakubabe!!!"

He immediately hung up. [____] was confused. "I was getting ready to say hi, too..."

"Maybe he pressed 'end call' on accident? You should call him back!!"

"I'm afraid he'll yell at me."

"He yells at everyone, regardless! So just do it!!" Ashido moved to the floor, where a couple of throw pillows were laying around. She used a few to surround her bottom half for support and even hugged the biggest one. "I'll be quiet, I promise."

[____] didn't hesitate. "Alright...But don't call me 'baby panties' in front of him, please! It's ringing..."

Mina pretended to zip her lips closed and nodded; urging her to say something when her crush answered. "Cheeks?"

"Katsuki? Did you call me by accident?"


"Oh, um....What's...up?" It wasn't the first time they've talked like this, [____] was just too awkward to carry a normal conversation with her crush while her best friend was staring at her. "Mina is here...and she's looking at me weird...."

"Want her to die?"

"What?! NO!"

"Kill me, daddy." Ashido couldn't hold on to her laugh any longer, the moment she said that. "I'm sorry, [____]!! I had to respond to that!! I had to!"


"Raccoon eyes, what are you doing in her house? Don't you have someone else to bother on Valentine's Day?!"

The girl with short hair gladly answered his question, but took [____]'s phone to do it. "Yes, I do. But I'm keeping your girlfriend company, instead. Since you wanna be a jerk and not invite her anywhere today!! Anyway, why don't you ever FaceTime me?! I like looking at your face, too!!"

"— AHH?! If all I'm gonna be hearing is you whine about nonexistent crap then I'm gonna hang up!!"

"Don't hang up, baby. I love you."


"Why can't you ever take me out, but like on a date instead? You're so hot."


"Why are you two arguing again?!" [____] finally asked. "Mina, can I have my phone, please?"

Ashido did what she asked, "I'm going to use your bathroom and hope I bump into that hot butler of yours, okay? Bakubabe! I'll be back, don't miss me!!"

[____] waited until she left the room to face her crush through a screen. "I would say 'sorry about her,' but we both know how she is."

"Swear to me you'll never be as annoying as raccoon eyes."

"Ahahah, I'll try...But really, though, what's up? Why are you calling instead of texting?"

"I wanted to see what you were up to." He stated, "Looks like you're bored out of your mind, so I guess you can come over."

[____] let a soft chuckle escape her lips. "Sorry...Was that really your way of asking me to go see you? I thought you were more honest than that."

"You want me to rephrase it? Fine." Surprisingly, Katsuki complied. "Ditch raccoon eyes and come over in 20, cheeks— Wear something nice."

"Something nice?!" [____] didn't have the time to ask any questions since he ended the call sooner than she was expecting. "What?! What could he mean by that?!"

"Either wear a pretty floral dress or a sexy, lace babydoll— who knows?!" Mina answered her question since she was listening into the whole thing, outside of the bedroom door. "Let's get you something in between!!"

"Mina, you never went to the bathroom, did you?"



"This is what you call 'nice'?" About half an hour later; [____] stood in front of the Bakugo residence, wearing a short chiffon dress in the color apricot, white flats(that she regret wearing as soon as she stepped outside of her portal) and absolutely zero jewelry.

Her hair was pinned up into a cute bun by Mina and she was also holding onto the box of sweets she was having trouble deciding whether or not to take, earlier. "If you're gonna be judging my sense of style, then I'll just go home—!"

"Easy there, cheeks. I was just joking." He was wearing his usual black t shirt with a skull printed on it and dark grey sweatpants. He walked out of his home without a pair of shoes, just so he could catch up to [____] and pull her back by her waist. "What you got there?"

The only item [____] was holding onto was the obvious response. Yet, feeling already timid, she replied with: "...Myself."

"Quit fucking around, or I'll eat you instead."

He waited for the perfect time to snatch the box away from the girl and walk back into his house, knowing she'd follow after him. "Katsuki!! Wait!! You don't have to eat those! It's stupid, I know you didn't want anything sweet from the start that's why I didn't hand you these in class!!

I was hoping you and I could do something, first, before I embarrass myself but then you went to practice after school and I didn't know what time you were heading out!!" She was far too focused on explaining herself, that she didn't even realize she was already inside, he had locked the doors and the lobby screen of the video game he was playing before she came over was still displayed on his TV.

Bakugo took a look at the chocolates and sweets inside of the box as he sat down on his couch. "You made these?"

"I did...But, Sato helped me out a bit." [____] sat a seat away from him. "I can't say it was just me...Oh, be careful!! They're a bit spicy!"

He popped a truffle into his mouth, raising an eyebrow at her for warning him about something so stupid. "'s not too bad."

"Really?!" [____] wanted to make sure she heard him right. "You likey?!"

"Don't speak like that, fuck." He dissed her choice of vocabulary before placing the box on the coffee table in front of them and patted the seat closest to him. "Sit over here."

"Alright, but I still don't know why you wanted me to dress all nice, if all we're gonna do is play video games inside your house."

"I wanted to see you wearing something other than UA's uniform or your old man's cardigans. What's wrong with that?"

"It's just that I feel so weird...Like I'm trying too hard, somehow."

"You're not trying too hard. If anything you're trying just the right amount." He confessed, logging out of his video game to put on a movie app on his console.

"Just the right amount? That's not a very good compliment, I think..."

"You're clingy, but respect my boundaries. You're kind, but you know when to step up for yourself. You're sweet...." He bit his bottom lip as he stopped half-sentence.

"But...?" [____] didn't want to hear anymore, although the way he was speaking to her really made it impossible for her to not ask what comes next.

"Nothing. You're just....sweet." He shrugged, licking off the powdered sugar off his finger tips since he tried one of the mini donuts from the box.

He got up to grab the extra DualShock remote that he had left in the bookcase by the TV stand. On his way there, he accidentally kicked the coffee table and his cell phone fell on to the floor, under the couch. "Can you get it for me, cheeks?"


"Are you hungry? I can order some food for us, if you want."

[____] shook her head, even as she struggled to find the electronic device by placing her entire arm inside the gap between floor and piece of furniture, "I'm not hungry right now, but if you are then I can always pick up whatever you order, using my quirk. That way, we don't have to pay for delivery."

"Nah, I rather have you in here, within my sight while you're wearing that dress."

[____] wasn't sure if he was just messing around with her or not, but she couldn't just brush off that comment for the rest of the night.

Even when she was back home, getting ready for bed and all— She kept thinking back to it, only to get herself flustered all over again.

"The meaning behind..."

Hitoshi Shinso woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of a small purring animal, sleeping right on top of his pillow and next to his face.

He covered his mouth with a hand to yawn and the kitten stretched before hopping out of bed with him. "I spent all night yesterday reading manga after school, I don't even remember sleeping."

He checked his cell phone, which was charging by his bed stand, and made sure Valentine's Day was completely over. "Chocolates go on sale today, not like I have much of a sweet tooth, but it's worth checking it out if I'm heading to the store anyway...Right?"

The small kitten slowly blinked at her new owner. It was clear she was still tired, but feeling more comfortably with the tall guy, the more he spoke with her as if they could communicate just fine.

Hitoshi petted her head carefully; smiling as he named her on the spot. "Hanami."

"Every time I see you, or anything else that's cute and sweet, for that matter...I start to think of her. She's so cute and fragile, just like a flower.

You're like her."


[an;; REEEEEEE this was hella long!! I'm so sorry!! I was just so excited about Valentine's Day I had to come up with something !!!

Don't hate me for posting it so late I was busy with work and taking care of my child but ily <3 I feel like I'm the only one who likes this harem I created sometimes ahahahaha


Don't worry you will!! This is always still a bakugo love story <3 that's why he's so soft on these specials ahahah \ again please don't hate me !!



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