BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

By otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ More

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SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
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SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]


8K 285 694
By otakuwaii


"Are you sure you're still okay with me staying over..?" [____] wondered as she sipped on some chamomile tea while sitting on the Bakugo family's couch.

She finally got to wear her own undergarment and sweater tights that had finished drying, along with Katsuki's skull t-shirt she had on earlier.

Granted, she had to take another shower after that horrible incident and she was more than happy to find those extra pads and tampons in her school bag, they turned out to be her life savers...a little too late but still. "You're not angry?"

"Angry—?! Now there's a fucking understatement."

Katsuki gave a sardonic laugh at the change of events that caused him to pour half a cup of detergent in a wash cycle that was filled with his bedsheets. "I wanna burn this whole house to ashes."

"I'm so sorry..." [____] repeated under her breath. "This is all my fault..."

"I'm pissed off, but not at you. Quit apologizing for shit you have no control of, fat cheeks." He reacted a lot more mature about the whole thing than what the girl had in mind.

"Right...It was really nice of you to help me calm down and even prepare some tea for me...I'm sorry, though. I really didn't mean to upset you..."

"You didn't." He was tired of listening to the millions of apologies within that same hour.

He wasn't lying; sure it wasn't an extravagant moment for him. Picture this: he was about to lose his virginity to the girl he likes but then it turns out [____] got her period a whole week earlier than she had expected and then she stained his sweatpants and his favorite set of sheets.

If he had fully gone to the part where he gets to deflower her without noticing it; his sheets would of ended up a lot more stained, that's for sure though. Keeping in that in mind, he decided to not let it bother him much.

"It's a good thing we didn't go all the way, then...I wouldn't want to hear you crying for the rest of the night..." After turning off the lights to the laundry room Katsuki walked back into the kitchen to finish washing the tea kettle he used to boil some water for the tea.

[____] just watched him. "R-Really..? I wonder why hearing you say that helped me calm down, just now..."

'I can't believe that an hour ago, I was more than willing to let my virginity slip away...I should know better...

I mean...Maybe this was a sign that I need to slow down my pace a little...

Katsuki is super sweet to me already but I should still wait until he wants a relationship with me to continue to have more nights with him, alone...'

"Why are you looking at me like that?" [____] hadn't realized it, but she still had her eyes fixated on him, even after he was done washing the dishes and turned around to see how she was doing.

"No reason! I was just...Thinking..."

"I'm not gonna fuck you once and then treat you as if you're nothing to me afterwards. Just in case that's what you're thinking about— I'm not some horny ass fool. I care about you a lot and...Fuck, what am I saying to you?"

"Katsuki...That' manly."

'Wait, am I really quoting Kirishima right now?!' [____] shook her head to forget about that reply.

"Don't start talking like shitty hair after we were so close to having sex. Ruins my fucking mood!"

He didn't seem too upset about her comment as he went back into the laundry room to grab a clean hoodie and some running shoes he kept in the shared closet nearby.

"Ahahah, sorry. That word kinda just sticks to you though, doesn't it?" [____] took another sip of her drink before asking. "Suki...Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna run to the nearest shop to buy you some more pussy diapers."

"Some what?!" [____] tried hard not to laugh, since it appeared each time she made a sudden movement, her stomach would ache— in an irritating way rather than painful. "Katsuki, just call them pads from now on..Those are what you're talking about, right?"

"Whatever. What about the pussy corks. Do you need those too?!"

"Wha— Do you mean tampons?! Where are you getting these names from?!"

"Just tell me what you prefer to use already so I can fucking leave!!"

"I...I can use both, I really don't mind...but!! Shouldn't I use my quirk to go, instead?! It's still raining out there! You shouldn't keep going out when it's this late either, I don't mind opening a portal and—"

"— After everything that happened tonight, let me take a damn jog to clear my head! The convenience store is near the train stop, so I'm not gonna take longer than fifteen minutes."

He grabbed his house keys and wallet that were left by the tv stand. "....Not like I need you to be worried for me anyway."

"But..." [____] was still baffled about the words he used to describe her period essentials to the point where she couldn't come up with a solid argument other than.... "I don't want you getting sick!!"

"Did you hear me just now, you weirdo?! ...Fine, I'll fucking FaceTime you when I'm there if you want me to. Just to let you see that I'm safe, so...quit it with your pms."

"I'm not pms-ing!" [____] exclaimed; she was, however, relieved to know that he was willing to call her when he got there just to keep her from worrying too much. "Please stop ridiculing me though or I might actually end up crying tonight, after all...I...I guess I can get a little emotional when I'm on my period...Just a tiny bit, though."

"Great, so you're more of a crybaby than usual— that's what you're saying...What a fucking dream." He sarcastically nodded to this information. "I'd love for you to talk more about your upcoming mood swings but I gotta get the fuck out of here before you stain my freaking couch as well."

[____] tried to think of a time where she actually yelled at someone due to cramping pains and sudden headaches. She couldn't come up with anything. "Hmm...I don't usually get near loud people who make me upset when I'm going through this...Wait, oh..."

It took Bakugo half a second to realize that she was actually trying to mock him. "What?! You think I'm a loud person?!"

"Yes. You're being loud right now."

"Shut the fuck up, fat cheeks. You don't wanna cross me when I'm already infuriated by you marking your territory on my bed."

"Okay! Okay! I don't wanna relive the memory, so let's stop talking about it, please!" [____] covered her ears as if that was gonna take back what he had already said. "Just be safe out there and take an umbrella with you...'kay?"

"I'm not taking shit! Forget it!"


'Stupid girl...She ended up crying over that damn comment...' Bakugo kept his thoughts hidden as he held on tight to the crooked handle of the item he didn't want to take.

"Welcome! Please watch your step the floor might be w— Wait, hold on...Bakugo?!" The only person inside the store was a male cashier who looked like a university student, and he instantly identified the blond. "You're the guy who burnt all of my hero cards when I was twelve!"

"Hah??" Bakugo closed the umbrella only to have the guy get close to his face. "Move!!"

"Bakugo— You don't remember me? You were a few grades below us...My friends and I, I mean. We were playing at the park one day and out of nowhere you picked a fight with us! I know it's you, your crude red eyes and spiky hair stayed the same... You never even apologized for that."

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't remember."

"Dude, my collectible golden All Might card— You wanted it so bad so you challenged all 3 of us to a duel. You won and took all of our decks but I still didn't want to give up the All Might one so you burnt everything we gave you and the rare card out of spite. How can you forget about that?!"

"....I was a kid?" Katsuki wasn't even remotely interested in his story, nor did he believe it. "Get out of my way, I'm not here to waste time with an extra like you."

"Oh yeah? Well, guess what? I'm no extra. I'm the manager of this place, and I have the right to refuse service to anyone who walks into this store, whatever reason it may be. So get out!"

"Ahh? Is this a joke? I just need to buy something real fast—"

The unnamed guy firmly placed a hand on Bakugo's chest to push him back. "Hahah, no. Get the hell out of here or I'll call the cops."

"What are you gonna tell them? That I burnt your shit when we were kids and that's why you don't want me here?" Katsuki laughed at his idiocy.

"No. But see...With my quirk, I can make it seem like you just did this—" With not much thought, the guy kicked a display of magazines that was standing near the entrance and let everything scatter to the floor.

To prove he wasn't lying, he pulled out his cell phone from his back pocket to proudly show Bakugo the playback.

It was Katsuki who kicked the display, and not him. At least it's what the camera had caught.

"What the fuck?! I can just record you talking about framing me for that, instead!" He tried to grab his cell phone, but the manager used his quirk once again to drain its battery in a second.

"Tch." The blond wasn't impressed, but he also wasn't so calm about his gadget manipulation quirk. "So you became the manager because you can control what the camera sees?! Sounds to me like you use this lame quirk to get out of lawsuits just in case. People like you piss me the fuck off."

The guy didn't take offense to the truth. "Apologize or get out. Don't make me show the cops how you finish wrecking this store. They may or may not figure out that the video is fake..

But then again, that's gonna take a while to do and nobody else is around. It'll be your word against mine, only. Even if they let you leave with just a warning...Doesn't it still go in your public record, hm?"

Katsuki had to take a moment to think things thoroughly. The next convenient store was about eight miles away, south. He could probably jog it there without a problem, but that night— There was one issue. [____].

'She'll probably freak out if I don't call her and let her know where I'm going. Shit...What am I gonna do? This fucker messed with my phone as well.'

"You know, Bakugo...I can turn your cell back on whenever you want me to. All you gotta do is apologize first."

"FUCK THAT SHIT!" He then remembered; he really didn't have to hold back if the manager was planning to frame him, anyway. He was about to let out some steam by ruining his entire merchandise and his face with his explosions, but only stopped himself because of the sound of thunder coming from outside reminded him of the girl he had left behind.

"....I don't have time for this anymore. Fuck this place, and fuck your shitty quirk. Fuck your trading cards, they were probably shit and that's why I burnt them. Fuck your creepy & everlasting resentment and lastly, FUCK YOU, EXTRA!"

"That's right! GET OUT OF MY STORE!!"


Bakugo flicked the guy off as he walked away, "I'm gonna wait until you get out of work to kick your ass, one of these damn days!!"

"I knew I should of bought an umbrella earlier today!! Ugh!" The voice of a teenager caused him to turn his back and see what her deal was. "It was on sale too!! Im such an idiot!"

Bakugo noticed that the girl was practically drenched and shivering while coming closer to the entrance. She kept trying to keep her head dry with a couple of folded pieces of something.

She was also wearing a bright red scarf; hiding half of her face from anyone who could try to recognize her. "I better run back home even faster! It looks like it's going to get worse—"

"Hey, idiot."

"Wha— Are you talking about me?!" She was quick to react after glancing around, trying to find another person he could be referring to. "Wait, don't I know you?!"

"Who else is calling themself an idiot in public? & no, I don't hang out with whiny girls like you."

'That's not true, one is in my house right now...But she's pmsing so she doesn't count.' He thought.

"Who's saying that I'm whining?! You're that same jerk face who bumped into me at the train station last weekend and instead of apologizing, you threatened me!!" Unlike Bakugo, the girl cared enough to memorize what happens in her daily life.

This happened on Saturday, right before Katsuki and [____] had their first date at the zoo & he was waiting for her across the platform [____] was standing on.

The brown haired girl was running late for work, he took a step back and her face suddenly collided with his right arm, slightly hurting her nose.

"HEY; WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, STUPID GIRL!!" He had to move the phone he was holding away from his ear to yell at the stranger.


"You said you'd kill me, too. Just in case you forgot about that part." The unnamed girl reminded him.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow at her story, although that sounded like something he would do, he really didn't feel like wasting his time or breath much longer into something that was generally unimportant to him. "No, that wasn't me. Listen, lend me your fucking help with something, yeah?"

The girl pouted.

"Don't give me that gross look. See that asswipe inside the damn store? We don't get along very well and he's not letting me purchase crap.

My girlfriend is on her period and my phone is dead, so she's most likely already freaking out about when I'll be coming back. If I give you cash, can you just go in there and buy some tampons or pads for her so I don't have to walk another eight fucking miles to the next store?!"

"You're asking me for a favor?" She gasped as if she could not believe him. "No way! Ask someone else, I don't like your attitude."

"I don't like lots of things about you already so it's mutual. Just make yourself useful and do as I say. You can even keep whatever is left of this." He pulled out a few bills to show off whatever amount was left of his monthly allowance for the rest of October.

2,500 yen more or less.

"...You're bribing me with money?!" The girl was confused.

"I'll give you my umbrella as well."

She thought more about it. "I'm sorry; much as I need one...I can't help those who don't say 'sorry' for their mistakes!"

'What's with all these extras telling me to apologize today?!'

"I'm not gonna do that so just take what I'm offering and shut up, FUCK!" He threw the umbrella to the ground, watching it fall into a small puddle and splashing dirty water at the girl's face on accident.


She took a peek inside the store without moving, just to make it look less obvious. She noted in her head that he was right about the cashier checking them out. She then picked up the umbrella and gave it a few hard shakes to remove some of the dirty water.

"I understand that... with this sort of weather it would be a pain to walk it to the next convenience store just to buy something you could easily get right here...

So for that, and for the sake of your poor girlfriend who's probably worried about your crazy ass...I will say yes. But only if you pay this deed forward."


The cloths she was using to try to keep her hair dry— She unfolded it to show him it was actually a handmade grocery bag made out of nylon. It had a wacky design all over it, so naturally, Katsuki was appalled to see it. "What the fuck is this..?"

"I made it, and I think people should start owning more reusable bags like these since it's cheaper in the long run and it'll minimize waste.

So start using this from now on, okay? Look, they even fold like this— so you can take it wherever you go! I'll buy your girlfriend whatever she may need...Using your money, of course."

"This is a joke, right? You make disgusting bags like these— and for what?! I'm gonna burn it after I get what I want. It's hurting my eyes."

"...Burn it?" The stranger didn't know much about Bakugo or his quirk— so she didn't take his threat serious. "Don't burn it, just give it to someone else who might use it. That's all you have to do. Now—"

She placed the palm of her hand in front of him. "The money, please."


"Thank you! Come again!" The voice of the extra who wouldn't let Bakugo inside the store sounded a lot more cheerful when he was talking to a girl rather than him. "Thanks for selling me this reusable bag, too!!"

'People want to pay for those ugly things?' Katsuki had his arms crossed the entire time he was waiting for the girl to come out. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that she was still waving the bag around his face. "Get it out of here."

"Well, it's yours! I wasn't sure what you asked me to get specifically, so I just purchased both, a box of tampons and a pack of pads. You said I could take whatever is left of the money, but I don't feel right in doing so. So here's your change. Oh, wait!! I have something of mine in there too!"

She took a bottle of ice syrup out of the bag before handing the rest to him. "My little brother likes this brand. I didn't have enough money to pay for it at first, but thanks to the guy in there who bought the other bag I brought with me, he gets to have dessert tonight. Also, thanks for not being a total jerk to me this time."

Bakugo didn't respond to her gratitude; he found the girl to be fucking weird to be telling him all of this, actually. "Whatever. Take this."

"What?" She sort of laughed when she received the change back. "What for..?"

"I told you from the start you could keep it. I don't like owing people."

"Wait a minute! Don't tell me that you're really a nice guy under all that crappy attitude?! Are you, really!?" She sounded a little sarcastic at first, but it's not like Katsuki cared enough to start bickering with the girl.

"We're never gonna meet again, so you can think whatever you want of me. I just bought an ugly and overpriced bag from a stranger, that's how I see it."


"Katsuki! There you are! I was so worried, you weren't answering any of my messages!" As he had thought, [____] was in the middle of crying when her crush entered his home. "What happened to your umbrella..? You're wet again!"

"Phone died & forget about that. I'll take another fucking the meantime, look in here. I got you some more stuff for your pussy."

"Can we just call them toiletries, please...?" [____] requested. "Oh...Katsuki, what's with the flashy bag that you're holding...? Is it handmade?"

"Apparently some people make and sell these to reduce waste. Isn't it eye burning?"

"The design isn't super pretty, I guess. But I like that idea! And I like how you bought one to support whoever made this! Suki, that's so nice of you!"

He smiled a little bit after watching her grin.

"I'll pay you back for the toiletries you just got! Wait, let me get my wallet!"

Those expressions of hers had already kept him restless for an entire week. He needed to sleep soon, and he knew what would make him feel better after having a shitty day.

"Hey fat cheeks, hold on. Sleep with me tonight."


[an; Ahh were back to the shittiest writing ever. Let us cleanse our sins with this brand new chapter *aggressively shakes off the sinner in me*

Idk I just woke up from a nap and I'm still tired lmfao. What did I just write? This was a filler. Also Can you believe I'm waking up at 2 hours earlier than usual cus my job now requires me to do so hshshdhdjd

I'm honestly surprised y'all still here. And don't hate me for the last chapter 😢🥺 y'all are amazing. Wonderful. Let's get this shitty story going somewhere AYE.

I'm also going to start updating the Todoroki one very soon since I would say we're about 40% done with kiss or die and todorawrki's love story needs to get started cus they're both going to cross paths yes

Daily updates are BACK! So I'll see you guys tomorrow! much love xoxo; gossip girl 💋]

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