BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

By otakuwaii

1M 39.4K 77.8K

[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ More

SPECIAL 1โค๏ธ
GIVEAWAY๐Ÿ˜ closed
SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
SPECIAL 6โšก๏ธ
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]


8.1K 346 507
By otakuwaii


"Katsuki— Hey, I know you told me to text you when I get home... but I decided to call you instead and ask that..if it's alright with you— Could we, maybe, go out on a date tomorrow; please?!" [____] practiced her question over and over but not actually pressed the call button on her phone.

"Miss [____], it sounds too formal, maybe try to be a little more demanding." Her mother's butler suggested; They were both in the kitchen area, he was preparing her some late night dinner as she told him about her day and her little incident with Hagakure.

'If I didn't tell him, he'd known anyway by reading my mind...I can't speak about this with Mina or the rest, yet...It'll strain their friendship with Toru...' she had thought before coming close to her mother's worker.

"More demanding, you say...I don't think he'd like that." After dwelling on his recommendation; she exclaimed. "Okay...Katsuki, you and I are going out tomorrow!! How was that?"


"Ahhh— I cant do this, after all..." she sighed, relaxing her elbows on the glass dining table. "Hideaki....I may be a lost cause when it comes to romance..."

"Don't make it harder than it is, Miss [____]." Kaito placed a plate of steamed vegetables and a medium rare omi beef steak in front her. "I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. You are Himeko's daughter; after all."

"What does being the child of a model have to do with this? Katsuki doesn't care about my money, from what I can tell...and my looks? I look like a little kid standing next to Yaoyorozu..."

"You should stop comparing yourself to others. You are one of a kind, I'm not the only one who can see it." The butler began to brew a few passionflower leaves into tea as he spoke. "You know; when you brought Mister Bakugo over...I read his mind."

"I don't wanna know what he was thinking...He was probably cursing you out, wasn't he?"

Kaito laughed a little. "....Yes, but not only that. He was also thinking about how beautiful you are."

[____] gazed downwards, "...That...That doesn't sound like him..."

"I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I lied to you. That is why I used my quirk on him; I'd like to help you, in any way that I can."

"H-Help......but doesn't it sound terrible? I can't even ask him out, myself, so I gotta get help from my mom's employee...No way!! I want to do this on my own! Even Hagakure was able to write down her feelings for him, I'm sure if she was in my position right now, she wouldn't hesitate to take this relationship to the next level! That's why!! I'll call him up and then—"

In the middle of her divulgence, [____] had accidentally pressed the call button and was unknowingly about to prove her own words to herself.

"It's ringing!! I didn't mean to do that!!" She panicked, attempting to hang up but it was too late since her crush answered the call almost immediately.

"What do you want, fat cheeks?!"


"You got home in one piece?"


"Alright; I'll see you la—"

"WAIT!! A date!! You can't say no!!" She suddenly declared.

Through the other line, Bakugo was walking after getting dropped off a couple of streets away from his house by an Uber. He couldn't believe what he just heard. "Hah?"

"You and I— Lets go on a date tomorrow and you can't say no to me!! Please?!"

He remained silent for a few seconds, thinking that it was such a crappy way to ask someone out. "....Idiot."

"Wha—?! He hung up on me! He didn't even say anything useful! He just called me an idiot and ended the call!"

Kaito placed a fresh cup of tea near her sight and a small crystal bowl full of sugar cubes for her to mix them to her liking. "It sounds like you got yourself a date, Miss [____]."

"But how?? I don't get it!"


"What the hell is she thinking? Asking me out like that, she can't even fucking wait for me to do it, first—"

"Katsuki, welcome home!" His dad greeted him as soon as he slammed the door open. "How was school, today?"

He completely ignored Masaru; stomping upstairs into his room and locking the door after shutting it. "Seriously...'Can't say no'? Who does she think she is?! I do whatever the fuck I'd like!"

He looked through his closet to find something to wear for their first official date.

In between searching, he came across a box of misc items. Old wallets, headphones and unopened love letters that he had received so far in his life.


The next morning, [____] had woken up to a loud crash outside her bedroom. She thought someone had broken inside her home, so she didn't waste a second to run out and find a maid freaking out over a broken flower vase.

"Miss [____]!! I'm so sorry! It was an accident, please don't fire me!!"

"Oh, that's what it was..." [____] gave the old woman a little smile before yawning. "It's not a big deal...What time is it, anyway...?"

"It's 11:47 am, Miss [____]."

She stretched, "Oh, okay...I can still take a nap and— !! Wait!! Eleven?!"

'Aw, shoot! I totally forgot about meeting Todoroki for practice!! Wait, no! I still have time to go— As long as I can bathe, change and meet him at the station in less than 15 minutes!'


25 minutes later, [____] found herself calling one of her exam partners to see if there was any way she could postpone.

Shoto answered after a few rings. "[____]."

"Todoroki—! I'm so sorry, I overslept! I know I said that we can meet at 12 but I wasn't expecting to sleep that much!! I was wondering if we could just—"

"It's ok. [____], I'm outside your home." He informed.

"You're what?!" She tried to remember if there was ever a time she mentioned her address in front of him. "How do you know where I live? Have you been out there for long..?!"

"I just got here...And google maps, actually. I searched up your mother's name and it was the first thing that popped up."

"Aah...That's not weird at all...." [____] covered the speaker of her cellphone and aimed it away from her face to tell herself; "I can't believe my mom didn't think about renting a place much smaller than this— It's pretty obvious a celebrity or someone with that much money bought this house..."

"[____], you're still there?" Todoroki asked since he couldn't hear her anymore.

"Yes! Listen, though, I kind of have somewhere important to be at 2pm sharp today— is it ok if we practice another time? I don't want to waste anymore of your time if one hour and thirty minutes isn't enough..."

"It'll be enough for today." He surprised her with his response.

"Really...? Well, if you don't mind...then I'll head downstairs right now so just wait for m—"

"Some man just opened the door for me. I'm walking in."

"WHAT?! WHO DID?!" She rushed out of her room to see her mom's butler, bowing his head down to her classmate and introducing himself. "Hideaki—! Don't use any of your quirks around him!!"

"Oh? Good afternoon, Miss [____]. I thought you were still asleep." Kaito greeted her. "This gentleman named Shoto says he is here to pick you up for a school-related activity."

"Yes, we are gonna go out somewhere to practice for an upcoming exam...Todoroki, this is my mother's butler—"

"Todoroki? Could there be a chance that you're related to Enji Todoroki?" Kaito had taken a mandatory hero course in his past studies. Although he never concluded in becoming a hero, himself, there was still a lot to learn from pros and he would be lying if he said some of them weren't interesting.

"Who's that?" [____] hadn't spent enough time in Japan to know who the current top heroes were in their country.

"Yes, Endeavor is my old man."

Kaito felt the need to explain to the girl who they were talking about. "He is the #2 hero, next to All Might. They look alike, in a way and that's why I asked. Pardon me for my informality."

"Todoroki, I didn't know your dad was a pro hero! And to be #2, at that...Whoa, you must feel so proud!"

Shoto refused to say anymore regarding that subject, so he changed the conversation. "[____], I ordered a cab to take us to the place where we'll be practicing today. It's waiting outside, right now."

"Okay." [____] stood there for a moment, losing her train of thought. "Let me just get my bag and then we can go."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Mister Todoroki." Kaito shook hands with the quiet guy; he already liked him more than Bakugo.

"Shoto...Call me Shoto." He insisted. "I will take care of [____], for now."

"Yes, I trust that you will be good to her. Please bring her back safely."

"You two are acting strange...Saying stuff like that, when we're just going to go train." [____] stood in the middle of them after using her quirk to open a portal to her bed and grab her bag without having to take a step away from them. "Todoroki, Im ready."

"Right..Excuse us."


The pair of students finally walked out of the Amachi residence to catch their ride.

Since [____] didn't end up buying any winter clothes yesterday, she had to wear a summer outfit consisting of small brown shorts and a tight white t-shirt with yellow sleeves. She covered the upper part of her body with a light ivory sweater and she couldn't find any matching knitted tights to keep her legs warm. She knew she could of wore jeans or even sweatpants— but the truth was that she didn't plan to head home in between hanging out with Todoroki and Bakugo; and she wanted to impress her crush unlike the last time they met up.

"Ah—! It's so cold in here!" The moment Todoroki opened the car door for [____], she felt an icy breeze coming from the air conditioning.

"[____], sit next to my left side."

"Okay, but why?" She asked after doing what he requested.

"I can make my left side warmer than my right, so that way you won't have to feel cold."

[____] blinked a few times in uncertainty. "That's nice of you...But can't I just ask the driver to turn down the AC?"

"If you rather do that, alternately..."

[____] asked before she could finish securing her seatbelt. "Excuse me, Mr. Driver, sir, could you turn down the AC, please?"

"Sorry, Miss. My quirk is at risk if I'm not in a cold environment." She wasn't expecting the man to decline.

"Well, what's your quirk?"

"I have ice-like hands— They can melt if I don't keep them at a temperature of 4 c or below."

"I don't understand...Why are you taking the wheel with a quirk like this?!"

"I'm sorry...I usually work better when it's summer time and nobody wants to stay out on the heat, so they don't mind the temperature here...Haha..I realize this is an inconvenience for some...I'm afraid that I need to save some extra money for the holidays, since it'll be my daughter's first Christmas outside the hospital she's been staying in."

[____] immediately regretted speaking that way to the kind man. "I'm so sorry to hear that, and for asking such a mean thing ...I guess it's my fault for dressing up so lightly even during cold weather like this, too..."

For a split second, Todoroki had thought that she was becoming more like Bakugo, rude and unapologetic, the more time she spent with him.

He was relieved to hear her say sorry and once he realized that he made a mistake by misjudging her; he raised his temperature up just enough to keep her a little warmer without touching her.


"Where are we going?" After [____] tipped the man generously with cash once their shared ride was over, she followed Shoto to a nearby building without reading its sign.

"Meditation class. Your quirk requires more mental stamina than you'd think...I thought it would be a good idea to attend one of these groups, so I signed us up for one lesson...Just to see how it goes."

"I— I guess I never thought about that..."

"[____], have you practiced with all?"

"So far, he made me run five miles with him, yesterday morning..."

"He probably thinks he can train you like how he trains on his own. Although your quirks are both emitters, yours is nothing like his— Therefore, you shouldn't be working out too hard. It's smarter to improve your impulse skills rather than your physical strength."

[____] reflected on her own for a minute. 'I guess he's right...I never thought about it. Though I don't want Katsuki to think I'm weak, either. His style of training is okay, too. I can do both!'


The lecture only took thirty minutes. It was relatively short to what [____] had in mind.

They finished off with a couple of stretches; she was feeling a little more energized already as she got up and looked for her partner.

"This was way more relaxing than I thought...I wonder how Todoroki is doing—"

'DEAD?! Is he dead—?!"

[____] watched as a couple of girls walked out of the room, giggling at Shoto. He was practically lying on the floor with his eyes still closed.

"Todoroki, are you feeling alright?"

He replied to her without moving a muscle, "Yeah...I'm just sleepy."

"Well...Even though we still have about forty minutes before two o'clock, maybe we should call it a day and continue to train some other time—"

"Not yet..." Hearing her wanting to leave caused him to stand back up. "[____], there's one more stop I'd like to make before you leave, if that's fine with you."


[an; — wait this is a bakugo x reader??? I thought this was a reverse harem wtf 🤣

Don't hate me so much this love triangle/square/or whatever won't last long lol (I said this 2O chapters ago and even added another love interest for bakugo oops)

Also thanks so much for 57k reads!! as always, sorry for mistakes !!! I'm really tired at this time of day lol 😁 I'll see you guys tomorrow!]

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