BNHA: To Kiss Or Die

By otakuwaii

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[katsuki bakugo x reader insert]๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐ŸŒธBOOK 1/3๐ŸŒธ More

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SPECIAL 3๐ŸŽ„ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part one)
SPECIAL 4 ๐Ÿ’ (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part one)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part two)
SPECIAL 5๐Ÿง (part three)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part four)
SPECIAL 5 ๐Ÿง (part five)
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SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part one)
SPECIAL 8๐Ÿ–ค (part two)
[im not dead, i swear...]


9.5K 408 777
By otakuwaii

"Miss Himeko asked me to stay behind for another week to meet your needs— She felt bad about her departure without saying goodbye."

"Who's this fucking freak?" Katsuki wasn't liking the way the stranger was speaking to [____]. Being one of her workers or not didn't matter to him.

"Oh, right. Sorry for not introducing you guys— This is Kaito Hideaki, he's not that much older than us. He's actually a university student, but he works part time as my mother's personal butler. He goes above and beyond to help us do anything, using his quirks."

"Quirks? So he has more than one?" Sero wondered out loud.

Mina did not hear a thing [____] just said other than 'he's not much older than us.' That was all the information she needed to know, in her head. "Hey! He's super cute! Tall, slim, well-mannered...Kaito, tell me! How much do you get paid to follow Himeko Amachi around?! Sounds like a dream job to me!"

The guy gave her a kind laugh but didn't direct a word to anyone other than the daughter of his employer. "Miss [____], all of your friends seem like very good people. I am honored to meet them."

[____] nodded. "They are, and we are all a team! That's Mina Ashido— He is Hanta Sero, Eijiro Kirishima and...He is Katsuki Bakugo, our team leader."

"Katsuki, huh?" Kaito could feel his red eyes glaring at him from a mile away. He sparked an interest in him. "I noticed you two coming in earlier, thank you for keeping Miss [____] company, we were all worried when she left without letting us know."

"I only went to the store for a while...I wouldn't leave my friends alone all day." [____] mentioned.

"Of course you wouldn't." Hideaki gave her a smile, which irked the blond guy. "In any case, I feel entirely in your debt for bringing her back safely. I care about her a lot, you see."

He placed a hand on the top part of Bakugo's spiky hair, but the guy instantly held on to his wrist with a clammy hand. "I don't give a shit if you're taller or older than me, don't fucking look down and treat me like a lost child or something. I'll burn you."

"Hideaki— Katsuki doesn't really like to be touched..." [____] explained it a little too late. "Katsuki, please let go off his wrist and don't hurt him!"

"Oh? I apologize." Kaito was only trying to see what type of person Bakugo was. Once he analyzed the gist of his personality; he concluded that he didn't like him as a romantic interest for [____].

"Whatever, you piece of shit."

Kirishima loudly gasped at his best friend. "He's gonna start a fight, like he did with the security guard at the mall the other day! Sero, do something!"

"Shouldn't you be the one who does something? Nobody else can control him when he's this mad."

"You're right...Bakugo! Let's head home— forget this guy!"

Hanta also tried to help. "Yeah, we are all tired so...[____] said she could transport us to the train stop, remember?"

"I can't forget about him; he's hot." Mina, on the other hand, was prepared to see them fight. "Something about two guys arguing over a girl, now I really don't want to go home! [____], can I spend the night, forreal?!"

"Yeah, you can if you'd like." The girl felt like she needed to step in between her crush and the butler to make them stop glaring at each other. "Katsuki...Is it okay if I take you guys to the train station, right now?"

"Not before this extra properly apologizes to me."

"Wha—?! But didn't he already say sorry already?!"

"He is a dog, right? I want him to get on his knees and beg for my forgiveness, like one."

'That's twisted...!' [____] didn't know her team leader could act this way. "I don't think...that's a very good idea..."

"He'll do anything if you ask him, shouldn't he?" At that point, Bakugo was basically asking her to abandon what she believed to be right, just to make him happy.

'I don't think I should ask...It's degeneration...For another human being to act that way just so the other one could feel superior to them...'

"Isn't that what butlers do, anyway? Kiss their employers ass?" Bakugo was talking loud enough to be heard by him. "He said he wanted to meet your fucking needs, like some type of pig. I bet he likes getting treated like one."

"Katsuki, that's enough. Please don't talk about Hideaki in that way...He's a kind person, to me..." She tried standing up for the guy who hasn't done anything bad to her or her family for years. "He's only doing his job...Staying behind and saying that..."

"You want to pick that extra over me?!"

"N-No! I never said that!"

Bakugo smirked at her response. "You know, I'll kiss you again if you do what I say."


Everybody else in the room heard his words and couldn't believe it. Even Kaito, who was a little disappointed in [____], for having a romantic interest in a manipulative guy like Bakugo.

"I...I don't want—"

"Miss [____], if I may speak," The butler interrupted the two of them to get down on his knees. "I don't want to upset anybody who is this close to you; so I beg for your forgiveness personally, without being ordered to do so, Mister Bakugo."

'Hideaki...You don't have to do all this...You never got on your knees for anyone! Not even for my mom, and you work for her personally. I don't like seeing others being treated as if they're trash, like this...'

[____] watched as her crush finally had a smile on his face from getting what he wanted. 'Maybe Katsuki...isn't the person I thought he was... Maybe Todoroki was right all along...'

"Get up, dog. You're pathetic." Bakugo ordered him to stand after a few seconds. "People like you who would do anything for money...they disgust me."

Kaito looked straight into his eyes, aiming one of his quirks into them. "I apologize once again."


[____] had asked the butler to leave the room after that strange scene. She immediately opened a gateway to the train station and shared goodbyes with her guy friends. "I'm really sorry about what happened."

"It wasn't you who started it, Bakugo can be a real dick when he acts like that." Hanta waited until his team leader was the first to enter the portal to talk to her. "We're always getting kicked out of places for his attitude. Sorry I couldn't help. All of us felt too awkward to say something."

"That's alright. Please be safe, going back home."

"Right. Goodnight [____], Mina."

"Night, guys." Kirishima was the last of the guys to leave, he was packing up all of the left over chips into his school bag. "I'll see you at school."

"Bye, Kiri!" — "Goodnight, Kirishima."


"Well, that was a creepy way to end the day..." Sero mentioned as the three guys waited for the upcoming train. "[____] sure has a weird butler. Kind of creeps me out to go back there and face him again after seeing all of that..."

Kirishima shrugged it off, he was more amazed at his best friend than disappointed. "I still can't believe Bakugo made him get on his knees and ask for forgiveness— Man, what a guy!"

"I was starting to think he was going to get us kicked out of her house for doing such a thing..."

"Naw, [____] isn't like that. I'm sure she felt more weird about it than the rest of us did— Bakugo was making her choose between him or that guy, on the spot."

"Man, I can't believe you kissed her and let all of us know, right then." Hanta sighed, changing the conversation to something he actually cared more about. "When did it happen?"

"Yeah, Bakugo! Why didn't you tell me about it? I thought we were bros!"

"You two...Shut up..." The blonde began to slow down, feeling a sudden wave of nausea.


"Thanks for letting me spend the night, [____]!" Mina hung up her phone and hugged the girl very tightly. "I promise this is the first of many more sleepovers that we are going to have! We should invite the rest of the girls someday, too! Oh and the guys!"

She begged her parents permission to stay over, it took a little longer than she was hoping for but in the end they agreed; and Mina was thrilled.

[____] was too busy thinking about what Todoroki said about her crush the other night, she had completely forgotten about texting him. "Mina...Do you think...Katsuki can be abusive, somehow?"

"Hm? What makes you ask that?"

"I don't know...I just—"

A light set of knocks interrupted them, followed by Kaito's voice. "Pardon my intrusion. Miss Ashido, I brought you some milk tea, along with kettle popcorn."

"Come in." [____] allowed him to enter her bedroom so he could place a silver platter on her computer desk. It also had a ceramic tea kettle and a crystal clear tea cup. "Thank you, Hideaki."

"For you, Miss [____], I brought chamomile tea with three cubes of sugar to help you relax your mindset."

"Thank you, again..."

"Wow! How did you know I was craving sweet popcorn, Mr. Cute Butler?! Are you a stalker?!" Mina joked as she reached for the bowl from his hands.

"It's not like that, Mina. He can read people's minds..." [____] wasn't sure if she had mentioned his quirks, earlier.

"Eh? You mean like, clairvoyance..?"

"Precisely. That's why my mom hired him— He always knows what to do, without having her ask him for it..."

"I will, however, never read what others don't want me to know, I still believe in morality." Kaito added to his defense.

"Wow, that's a creepy quirk to have, but it's also super cool! What's his other one? Since you said he has more than one..."

"He has the ability to make you tell the truth...That's why he actually used to watch over me, when we were younger. I could never lie to him or my parents...Although, it's not like I ever intended to lie to others, from the start..." [____] rolled her eyes at her parents' overly protective orders back in the day.

"What?! How does that quirk work?!"

"I wouldn't know...All I know is...That he can control how long it'll last, somehow."

"Mr. Butler, tell me—! Oh, he's gone...." Ashido frowned at the door closing. "He's so sneaky! I wouldn't feel so comfortable being around a person like that...But he's also very handsome. I would hire him just to stare at him all day."

[____] chuckled at her friend's honesty. "You think so? Maybe you can tell that to my mom. It's a little weird, having someone read my thoughts when they're around me...Even when he doesn't do anything other than his job with the information he gets..."


Kirishima and Bakugo stepped out of the train after saying goodbye to Hanta, who had to ride it for another two stops to get to his house. "Chilling at Amachi's house today sure was fun, right, Bakugo? Hey...You think we can make that our usual place to hang? You know, if her weird butler isn't around."

"I don't care..." Katsuki was feeling light headed throughout the whole ride, he wasn't sure if it was sudden motion sickness or he was just starting to get sick. He huffed. "Anywhere is fine as long as we're together..."

Kirishima stopped his tracks after hearing him say that. "What..?"

'Crap! What the fuck did I just say?!'

"Bakugo— are you feeling okay?"

"Well, my head feels a little heavy but nothing out of the ordinary, besides that..."

'What the fuck?! Why did I not just ask him to shut up?!'

Eijiro looked back to make sure the train was gone, just in case something had happened in there. "Bakugo...Could it be..? Did you get hit on the head?!"

'Shut the fuck up, shitty hair!' — "I don't know, now I'm feeling worried."

"Eeeh, so you're scared? You're not acting like yourself..."

'Why the am I saying how I feel?! Why can't I fucking act right anymore—?!'

"This might seem weird to ask, but I just have to make sure that this is happening... Bakugo— Tell me, is there someone that you're interested in?" Kirishima got closer to his face to inspect his reaction.

'Hell no! Don't ask me disgusting shit like that ever again!' — "Yeah..."

"Oh shit, did you bump into anyone when we weren't looking?! I think you got your personalities mixed up or something! You're Bakugo, right?! Who is it?! Who's the person that you like the most??"

'Fuck off! I didn't say I liked anyone!' — "It's [____]!"

Eijiro's eyes suddenly lit up. "How cool! Then!! Who is your best friend in this entire world?!"

"You are!"

"Bakugo, I knew you felt the same way I did about our friendship! I'm so glad we finally established it together—!"

'Shut the fuck up, shitty hair! Quit lying to yourself, I hate everybody!' — "You are my best friend, Kirishima! I appreciate everything that you do for me!"

Eijiro wiped an actual tear away from his eye. "Bakugo— I know you can't control what you're saying right now but if what you're saying is how you actually feel, then I can't help but cry. You're so manly, even when you're this honest!!"

'Fuck this shit! What the hell happened to me?!'

Annoyed, Katsuki pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to type a couple of messages to the person standing right in front of him.

Kirishima felt his phone vibrating in his bag. "Huh?"

"Ah, Me?! How can I fix this If I don't even know how it happened?!" Eijiro held on tight to his device. "Man...I guess...We should probably go to your house and brainstorm then, alright?"

Bakugo nodded. Sending him another text.

"Sure, sure..."


[an; If you like Todoroki go check out my other story RIGHT NOW since it's connected to this one :)

Now y'all won't feel bad when he gets rejected but between you and me I don't think he'll go down without a proper fight so..

I want to get at least this story halfway done before I focus more on Todoroki's story but I posted the prologue anyway cause why not I'm so pumped out for it lol

anyway, thank you so much for reading this far! X]

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