Cynica: The Love Story of Eri...

By King_Nykki

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This is my version of Erica Mena & Cyn Santana. This was made by me so if you wanna use something out of it j... More

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn Santana
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: My Fucking Birthday
Chapter 3: Three Months of Chasing
Chapter 4: Our Night of Love Making
Chapter 5: I Would Like You To Meet...
Chapter 6: King's Approval
Chapter 7: What Do I Say...
Chapter 8: Aftermath of the Proposal
Chapter 9: Damn, I...
Chapter 10: Remember These Words
Chapter 11: Gotta Tell the Truth
Chapter 12: I Got Your Crazy
Chapter 13: All I Know Is.,.
Chapter 14: Cynister Unleashed
Chapter 15: Cynister Rested
Chapter 16: Past Life Shapes...
Chapter 17: ...Future Life Blessings
Chapter 18: Don't Mind
Chapter 19: Mrs. & Mrs. Erica Mena
Chapter 20: You Can Keep Sorry
Chapter 21: Bowing Out Gracefully
Chapter 22: Our Honeymoon in Australia
Chapter 23: The Menas
Chapter 24: Double the Blessing
Chapter 25: A Sibling's Bond
Chapter 26: Uncle Charlie... Making Amends
Chapter 27: Meet, Amelia Jordana Mena
Chapter 28: Essence with a side of Eiken & Cynister (Part 1)
Chapter 29: A & K... All the Way
Chapter 30: At Peace and Peacefulness
Chapter 31: Dem Babies: Jasmine Mariah and Eric Santana Mena
Chapter 32: Thanksgiving with Tears
Chapter 33: Eiken Unloaded
Chapter 34: The Wait is Over
Chapter 35: Home & Traveling Problems
Chapter 36: Seattle with a side of Cynister/Cyn
Chapter 37: Old Problems Mix with a New Christmas
Chapter 38: New Christmas with New Problems
Chapter 39: Eiken and Cynister: Let Freedom Ring (Part 1)
Chapter 40: Eiken and Cynister: Let Freedom Ring (Part 2)
Chapter 41: Delivery and Mystery
Chapter 42: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 43: Sunshine After the Storm
Chapter 44: Birthday Bash with a Side of Creepy
Chapter 45: Revenge is A Dish Best Served... Just Served
Chapter 46: Erica's Decision
Chapter 47: God at His Best
Chapter 48: One Great Day Following a Bad Day
Chapter 49: A Regular Day with the Menas
Chapter 50: Never a Easy Day With the Menas (Part I)
Chapter 51: Never a Easy Day With the Menas (Part II)
Chapter 52: Never a Easy Day With the Menas (Part III)
Chapter 53: Erica's Acceptance & Forgiveness
Chapter 54: Mama Cyn and Kid Erica
Chapter 55: The True Erica & Cynthia Mena
Chapter 56: Healing After Pain (Part I): Deuce Healed
Chapter 57: Healing After Pain (Part II): Cyn's Pain & Erica's Healing
Chapter 58: Healing After Pain (Part III): Separate Plans & Pain Makes...
Chapter 59: Healing After Pain (Part IV): ...Healing Together Easier
Chapter 60: The Menas & Friends
Chapter 61: Problems Before Peace (Part I)
Chapter 62: Problems Before Peace (Part II): Aftermath Of Murray & Jesus
Chapter 63: The Menas in Jamaica (Part I): Meeting Alejandro
Chapter 64: The Menas in Jamaica (Part II): King & Amelia All Grown Up
Chapter 65: The Menas Leaving Jamaica, Entering Family Problems
Chapter 66: Battle For Her Heart (In the Bed Hold a Trial)
Chapter 67: Rafael's Pain (Part I)
Chapter 68: My Sex Ed Teacher... Mrs. Erica Mena
Chapter 69: Rafael's Pain (Part II)
Chapter 70: CMFB: Cynthia Mena's Family Bullshit
Chapter 71: The Mena's in New York
Chapter 72: All About Cynthia Mena (Happy Birthday!!!)
Chapter 73: We Need Therapy
Chapter 74: Sexually Frustrated
Chapter 75: The Menas in Need of Prayer (Part I)
Being Fixed
Chapter 76: The Menas in Need of Prayer (Part II)
Chapter 77: Erica's Birthday w/ a Splash of Cyn
Chapter 78: The Wrath of Cynthia Mena
Chapter 79: My Family Will Not Be Broken
Chapter 80: The Twins Birthday w/ a New Addition
Chapter 81: Fighting For Rafael Santana IV
Chapter 82: Rafael Santana III Have a Family
Chapter 83: Wives Only
Chapter 84: I Will Forever Be Your Dad
Chapter 85: I Will Always Come For You
Chapter 86: Amy & King Dating (Part I): Cyn's Frustration & Erica's Revelation
Chapter 87: Amy & King Dating (Part II): Overprotective Dads
Chapter 88: Planning Our Us Time
Chapter 89: The Menas in Paris (Part I): Meeting Lieutenant General Saunders
Chapter 90: The Menas in Paris (Part II): Missing Our Babies
Chapter 91: Rough Beginnings... Family Day
Chapter 92: Crossing Them Is A No No (Part I): Still Breathing
Chapter 93: Crossing Them Is A No No (Part II): Lie & Fry... Orlando
Chapter 94: Cyn's Flirtation Peeks Eiken's Frustration
Chapter 95: Tripping In Orlando
Chapter 96: Mary and Jordin In Labor... Erica Wants A Baby
Chapter 98: Heaven Santana Confession
Chapter 99: A Rough Start to Thanksgiving, Leaves A...
Chapter 100: ...Smooth Finish After All
Chapter 101: Moments of Truth (Part I): Rich and Others
Chapter 102: Moments of Truth (Part II): Secrets and All Revealed
Chapter 103: The Anger Within MJ and King
Chapter 104: MJ & King Returns... Cyn & Erica Argue
Chapter 105: Big Menas vs. Little Menas... Erica's Sick
Chapter 106: Stay With Me (Part I): Cynthia Gets Shot
Chapter 107: Stay With Me (Part II): Prince Alexander and Princess Akyra Mena
Chapter 108: GET OUT!!! (Jas & Eric Don't Like Prince & Princess)
Chapter 109: Welcome Brooklyn Ariana and Bronx Xavier Mena
Chapter 110: Our Trip to Barbados (Part I): Cyn & Erica Uncontrollable Sexcapdes
Chapter 111: Our Trip to Barbados (Part II): Erica & Cyn Still In Love
Chapter 112: King & MJ Hitting Puberty Early
Chapter 113: Togetherness Ended In Loneliness
Chapter 114: The Power in Words
Wanna Try This
Chapter 115: Love From Afar: (Either Sides of the Map)
Chapter 116: Business & Pleasure in Cali
Chapter 117: Dame Un Beso
Chapter 118: King & MJ Birthday Extravaganza... The Quads Are One
Chapter 119: The Quads Fight... Erica Caught
Chapter 120: My Heart in Letters
Chapter 121: Mary and Rafael Santana... Was It A Dream
Chapter 122: Cynthia Home To Stay... Meeting Lela
Chapter 123: The Dead Has Arisen
Chapter 124: Kid Problems
Chapter 125: Shana and Des w/ A splash of Menas
Chapter 126: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part I): Meeting Lito
Chapter 127: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part II): The PR Fam... King and MJ 2Real
Chapter 128: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part III): Turn of Events... Sneak Peek
Chapter 129: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part IV): The Battle Was Lost
Best Christmas Ever!!!!
Chapter 130: So Long Superman
Chapter 131: Jordin Mena: The Bride from Hell
Chapter 132: New Siblings (Part I) Ariana & Brooklynn
Chapter 133: New Siblings (Part II): Meeting Spouses and Children
Chapter 134: Car Accident
Chapter 135: New Siblings (Part III): DesMun, Micah and Michelle
Chapter 136: Gregory's Arrival... House Full
Chapter 137: Last of the Bullshit At This House
Chapter 138: Cynthia in PR... Who is Charlie
Chapter 139: Cynthia Returns... Discovering Charlie
Chapter 140: Saving Jordin (Part 1): Saint Josh
Chapter 141: Saving Jordin (Part II): My Sister is Off Limits... Daddy Erica
Chapter 142: Cyn Puts MJ and King Out
Chapter 143: Their Own Path
Chapter 144: Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Zyon Ramirez... En Route 2 LA
Chapter 145: Menas LA Bound (Part I): The Harrison's... AH
Chapter 146: Menas LA Bound (Part II): Menas at Peace... Shana's Confession
Sorry 4 the Wait
Chapter 147: Sunday Morning... Lela & Michael
Chapter 148: Revelation of the Past... Jay & Trish
Chapter 149: Setting Cyn Free
Chapter 150: Everything Is Unraveling
Chapter 151: Jah and Cree Crossover (Part I): The Plan
Chapter 152: What Have I Done
I'm Just Playing
It's Here!!! It's Here!!!
New Story Alert!!!

Chapter 97: Twins Goes to Daycare... King & Amy Learn About Sex

15.4K 180 85
By King_Nykki


   So we are at the daycare and about to drop the twins off. We wanna see how their first day go and I'm praying that we won't get any phone calls. The twins seems pretty happy about being here cause they are ready to get down and play. We have to sign them in and get their wristbands before we can let them down to play. I know you are wondering why they have wristbands but its a way to keep them safe. Every wristband match an adult so if you drop that kid off then when you pick them up your wristband has to match the kid. I love this school cause safety is everything.

Teacher: Hello I am Mrs. Wells. *talking to Eric and Jasmine* What's your names?

Eric: I Erwick.

Jas: I Jasmine.

Wells: Hello Eric and Jasmine its nice to meet you. *shaking their hands* Can I see your arms?

*The twins hold out their arms and Mrs. Wells put their bands on.*

Jas: Bracelet?

Well: Something like that. Its a band. Can you say band?

J/E: Band.

Wells: Good job. Your mommies have to get one too. Can you ask them to hold out their arms?

Eric: Mommy arm like this? *sticking out his arm*

Erica: Ok sweetie. *sticking out her arm*

Wells: *putting the band on Erica* Good job Eric. Your turn Jasmine.

Jas: Mama arm like this? *sticking out her arm*

Cyn: Ok sweetie. *sticking out her arm*

Wells: *putting the band on Cyn* Good job Jasmine. What did I just put on y'all mommies?

J/E: Band!

Wells: That's right. High five. *they high five her* Now do you know your mommies names?

E/J: Yes.

Wells: Ok. Eric what's your Mommy name?

Eric: Erwicka.

Wells: That's right. Jasmine what's your Mama name?

Jas: *saying it slow to get it right* Cyn-ti-a.

Wells: Good job. Go put your bags over there and stand in line with the kids.

E/J: Otay. See later Mommy and Mama. *running off*

E/C: See you babies.

Wells: They talk so well. I didn't actually think they knew your names.

Cyn: I knew they knew Erica's but I didn't know they knew mines.

Erica: They seem like they are gonna do fine. Oh one question.

Wells: Shoot.

Erica: We have two other kids that are in school so one of us have to take them while one take the other. We know that you have to have these bands on to pick up a kid but we alternate. Like if I drop the twins off she picks them up.

Wells: I understand. I'll just give an extra one to whoever drops them off.

Erica: Thank you so much.

Wells: No problem. Y'all have a great day see you at 2:00pm.

*They left and the twins was having a ball playing with the other kids. The twins started pushing each other but Mrs. Wells handled that perfectly.*

Wells: Jasmine and Eric come here.

E/J: Yes.

Wells: You know its bad to push right?

E/J: *looking down* Yes.

Wells: Why are you pushing?

Jas: He take toy.

Eric: My toy.

Wells: If you want the toy you are suppose to ask. If you take the toy then you don't get to play and you have to go nite nite.

E/J: *tearing up* No nite nite.

Wells: Then play nice. Do you want the toy Eric?

Eric: Yes.

Wells: Then ask Jasmine for the toy.

Eric: I see toy now Jasmine?

Jas: Here Erwick. *handing him the toy*

Wells: Good job now no more fighting or you don't play.

E/J: Otay. *running off*

Jas: *running back* Ms. Wells?

Wells: Yes Jasmine.

Jas: I go potty.

Wells: Come on. *taking her to the bathroom*

*Meanwhile with King and Amy*

King: Hey Jade. *hugging her*

Jade: Hey King. Are we still going to the movies this weekend?

King: Yea I'm gonna ask Mama if we can just have a bodyguard cause I don't want our parents to go.

Jade: Because of last time?

King: Yea that was crazy. Come on I'll walk you to class.

Jade: So what's playing?

King: Its like four movies but I don't know which one I wanna see. What do you wanna see?

Jade: It don't matter I just wanna get away from Carter. All he talks about all day is MJ.

King: I think MJ feels he same way about me.

Jade: Probably. Let's get to class.

Amy: Hey Carter.

Carter: Hey MJ. Are you ready for our date this weekend?

Amy: Yes. I'm gonna ask my Mama if we can get a bodyguard cause I don't wanna go through the same thing again.

Carter: You mean our parents?

Amy: Yes. They was doing extra and I don't have time for it.

Carter: Ok. Well let me walk you to class. Where do you wanna go?

Amy: Anywhere just as long as I'm away from King cause all he talks about is Jade.

Carter: I thinks Jade feels the same way about me.

Amy: Probably. Well let's get to class. Did you know it was a half of day today?

Carter: Not until I got here but they said they was gonna call parents.

Amy: Wow I know my mommies are gonna be tired cause the twins started school today also.

*Now with Erica and Cyn*

Cyn: BABE!


Cyn: Hey beautiful.

Erica: Hey sexy. How is Mary doing?

Cyn: She's good she said you better get your ass over there to see your niece and nephew.

Erica: *laughing* I will. Chris called.

Cyn: Oh lord I'm afraid. Who leaves first?

Erica: No one.

Cyn: Say what?

Erica: All of our stuff for the month is Miami bound. He said that he knows for the first month of school that we wanna be close to our kids.

Cyn: Wow. That's a shocker. Good thing though. We have a meeting tomorrow about the store.

Erica: You know they postponed the opening date right?

Cyn: No I didn't know that. Who the fuck did that?

Erica: I thought you did.

Cyn: No. See that's why we need this meeting. Don't shit get changed unless we change them. Motherfuckas are losing their minds acting like bosses.

*Cyn walked away rambling while Erica just looked at her and shaking her head and laughing. The doorbell rung and it was the people coming to put up beds for the big and little minions. The twins are getting big people beds and taking away them little ass beds. King and Amy are getting new beds cause they have outgrown their beds too. After the movers finished putting up the beds Erica and Cyn called their friends and told them to meet them at the mall.*

Crew: What's up bitches?

Erica: Getting some bed sheets for the kids rooms.

Cyn: Make sure we grab their Mickey and Minnie cause I don't wanna have to hear it later.

Erica: I know.

Mari: So how was the twins first day?

Cyn: Great actually. They were so excited and very smart.

Erica: Yea they get that from me.

Cyn: Yea right.

Erica: Don't play with me Cynthia.

Cyn: Whatever you say baby. Amy needs new shoes also so let me go find her some.

Erica: What happen to her shoes?

Cyn: Too small. They are growing like weeds. King needs some too. I thought you saw them.

Erica: No I didn't. Then the twins needs new clothes cause they are growing fast as hell. This was... *phone ringing* This the school calling.

Cyn: Who school?

Erica: King's and Amy's. *answering it* Hello.

Principal: Hello, Can I speak with Erica or Cynthia Mena?

Erica: *putting on speaker* You got us both.

Principal: Hey I'm the principal at your children school and I was calling to let y'all know that its a half of day today. Kids get out at 12:45pm.

Cyn: Why?

Principal: Tell you the truth ma'am I don't know. The district calls and tells us and we tell the parents.

Erica: Well thank you and we will be there.

Principal: You are welcome and have a great day.

E/C: You too.

Cyn: That's fucking stupid.

Albee: That is. How are you just gonna have a kid out of school for no reason?

China: What time do the twins get out?

Erica: Two. Let's hurry up baby cause 12:45 is in an hour.

Cyn: Let's just grab the bed covers and get the rest after we grab all the kids.

Erica: That will work.

*They got the bed covers and headed to the school. Eric and Jasmine on the other hand was about done eating lunch.*

Wells: Ok class put your food tray in the trash and have a seat on the mat. Ms. White is gonna put y'all mats down so you can take a nap.

Kids: No nap!

Wells: *laughing* You have to. Cause when y'all wake up y'all are gonna be big and strong. Do you wanna be big and strong?

Kids: YES!

Wells: Good. Well to do that you have to take a nap.

White: Ok kids get in line and I'm gonna tell you where to lay.

*She showed them where they are gonna sleep. While they were taking a nap Erica and Cyn was picking up King and Amy.*

K/A: *getting in the car* Hey Mommy and Mama.

E/C: *driving off* Hey babies how was school.

A/K: Short but fun.

King: Hey Mama what's sex for real?

Amy: Yea cause the six graders talked about it all day.

Cyn: *under her breath* Shit.

Erica: What did they say?

Amy: Well one girl said her older sister who is like 17 lost her virginity over the summer. She said that she had sex with her boyfriend.

King: She said that the boy was kissing all over her body and then he finally stuck it in her. What did he stick?

Cyn: We will talk about it when we get home ok?

A/K: Ok. *putting there headphones in*

Erica: I knew this day was coming soon.

Cyn: Me too but this is too soon. How do we explain it?

Erica: With the truth like it was explained to us.

Cyn: Well I kinda didn't get it explained to me I just stumbled upon it.

Erica: That's right you was a fast tail girl.

Cyn: I know you are not talking.

Erica: I'm just playing don't kill me Mrs. Mena.

Cyn: Whatever let's just get back to our friends before you come up missing.

*They went to meet up with their friends and told them what Amy and King asked them. Their friends started laughing and Albee told Cyn that he told her 12 wasn't gonna work. While they continued to talk, the twins and their class was getting up from their nap.*

Girl: Hi. Come play.

Jas: Yea. Clean up first.

Girl: Otay.

Wells: Jasmine I see you have met Alana.

Jas: Who?

Wells: Her name is Alana, say hi to Alana.

Jas: Hi Alana.

Alana: Hi.

Wells: Alana say hi to Jasmine.

Alana: Hi Jasmine.

Wells: Good job now finish cleaning up.

J/A: Otay.

Boy: Hi. Come play.

Eric: Let's play trucks.

Boy: Otay.

Wells: Eric I see you and Isaiah met. Eric say hi to Isaiah.

Eric: Hi Isaiah.

Wells: Isaiah say hi to Eric.

Isaiah: Hi Erwick.

Wells: Good now you boys finish playing.

*All the kids played until 1:45pm then they had to put thier stuff up and sit on the carpet for story time. The kids also went around the room saying their name. At 1:57pm she started a story for them until it was time for parents to pick them up. Erica and Cyn walked in to pick up the twins and was surprised to see them still.*

Wells: Jasmine and Eric put your mat back and its time to go.

J/E: Otay. *putting their mats back*

Alana: See later Jasmine.

Jas: See later Alana.

Isaiah: See later Erwick.

Eric: See later Isaiah.

Wells: See you later Jasmine and Eric.

J/E: See later Ms. Wells. *running to Erica and Cyn* Mommy! Mama!

E/C: *picking them up and kissing them* Hey my babies.

Wells: *walking over to Cyn and Erica* They had a little rough start but it smoothed out.

Cyn: What happened?

Wells: They started pushing and fighting each other but we learned how not to fight. Right Jasmine and Eric?

J/E: Yes ma'am.

Wells: Eric if you want something from Jasmine what do you say?

Eric: I see now Jasmine?

Wells: Good job. What about you Jasmine?

Jas: I see now Eric?

Wells: Good job. *high five them* I will see y'all tomorrow. For the week we are letting them learn their whole name. Practice it with them and here are their weekly folders.

Erica: Thank you and we will see you tomorrow.

*They left out and the twins saw King and Amy and ran for them.*

E/J: JJ! King!

K/A: *picking them up* Hey babies. Did you have a great day in school.

Jas: I not baby JJ. I big girl like you.

Amy: Yes you are. Did you have a good day?

Jas: Yes. I play with Alana and dresses.

Amy: That's good.

Jas: You good school too?

Amy: Yes I had a great day. Come on let me strap you in.

Jas: Otay. *sitting in her sit*

*Eric and King had the same convo*

Eric: I not baby King. I big boy like you.

King: That's right. I forgot. Did you have a good day?

Eric: Yes. I play trucks with Isaiah.

King: That's good.

Eric: You good school too?

King: Yes I had a great day. Come on let's get you in your seat.

Eric: Otay. *sitting in his sit*

*The adults just looked at them in amazement. Erica and Cyn just smiled at how smart their kids are. They love the fact they love each other so much. Their friends just looked at them and couldn't believe how grown up they are.*

Mari: That's like the cutest thing ever.

Indie: I know. Can I have them?

Erica: No I love my kids.

Cyn: Me too. Get your own.

China: Y'all need to learn to share.


E/C: OK.

Erica: *getting in the car* Y'all don't have to yell.

King: Sorry but MJ and I have homework.

Amy: Yea, you know Mama said we can't touch a single electronic until its done and we got a show we wanna see.

Cyn: *smiling* At least I know y'all listen.

Erica: Friday when you get out of school we have to take all y'all shopping. Since we haven't did back to school clothes shopping yet.

A/K: *smiling* Yes!

*They got home then went to the kitchen table to get their homework done. Erica grabbed Eric so he can learn his name while Cyn grabbed Jas. Their friends just sat and watched like they was watching a show.*

Erica: What's your first name?

Eric: Erwick.

Erica: Right. What's your middle name?

Eric: *shrugging his shoulders* I don't know.

Erica: Your middle name is Santana. Can you say Santana?

Eric: *saying it slow* Tan-tan-a.

Erica: *laughing* Close. What's your last name?

Eric: *thinking hard and playing with his fingers* I don't know.

Erica: Think about it. What's my last name?

Eric: Mena.

Erica: So what your last name?

Eric: I don't know Mommy.

Erica: Your last name is Mena.

Eric: *giggling* That your name Mommy. I not Mena.

Erica: Ask King and MJ.

Eric: *running to King and MJ* JJ what's... *pointing to him* last name?

Amy: Your last name is Mena. Just like mines, King, Mama, Mommy and Jasmine.

Eric: I Mena?

Amy: Yep.

Eric: *running to Erica* Mommy, I Mena.

Erica: Told you. So what's your name?

Eric: *saying it slow to get it right* Erwick Tan-tan-a Mena.

Erica: Good job. High five. *high five him* Now go tell Mama your name.

Cyn: What's your first name?

Jas: Jasmine.

Cyn: Good. What's your middle name?

Jas: Ma-why-ya.

Cyn: That's right. Mariah. What's your last name?

Jas: I not know.

Cyn: Your last name is Mena.

Jas: *giggling* That you Mama.

Cyn: That's you too. Your last name is Mena just like mines.

Jas: I Mena?

Cyn: Yes so what's your name?

Jas: *saying it slow* Jasmine Ma-why-ya Mena.

Cyn: That's good now go tell Mommy your name.

Eric: Mama?

Cyn: Yes baby.

Eric: I not baby!

Cyn: Sorry. What's up big boy?

Eric: *saying his name slow* Me, Erwick Tan-tan-a Mena.

Cyn: *kising all over him* Good job sweetie.

Eric: *giggling* Stop Mama. No kiss.

Jas: Mommy?

Erica: Yes baby?

Jas: I not baby Mommy!

Erica: Sorry gosh. What up big girl?

Jas: Yea I big girl.

Erica: Yes you are. What's up?

Jas: *saying her name slow* Me, Jasmine Ma-why-ya Mena.

Erica: *kissing all over her* Good job princess.

Jas: *giggling* Stop Mommy. No kiss.

*The twins went to watch TV while Erica and Cyn walked in the living room with their friends.*

Abby: Just let us have them. That was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Mari: Stop being selfish and give them to us. Y'all can make four more kids.

Cyn: We can but they won't be them.

Amy: *throwing the paper* I quit!

*Everyone turned towards Amy.*

King: This is what we not gon do so calm down. Its easy once you get it.

Amy: I shouldn't be in Math 112.

King: Yes you should cause you are smart. Now grab the paper and let's figure it out. If no one else can get you can.

Amy: Ok. *picking up the paper* Let's try again.

King: And don't you ever say you quit. We are Menas we don't quit.

Amy: You right cause that's for them basic people.

King: *laughing* True.

*They went back to doing their homework while the adults looked shocked at what they just heard.*

Cyn: Did she just say that's for basic people?

Albee: Yes she did.

Cyn: Stop teaching them that shit baby.

Erica: I didn't. Did he just say that's what we not gon do?

Mari: Yes he did.

Erica: You stop teaching them that shit.

Cyn: I didn't.

Albee: They are y'all. So they can't help what they say.

*They twins started fighting again buy Cyn knew how to handle it.*

Cyn: Jasmine and Eric come here.

E/J: Yes Mama.

Cyn: Why are y'all fighting?

Eric: She take book.

Jas: My book Mama.

Cyn: How are you suppose to ask for the book?

Jas: I see book Eric?

Eric: Here Jasmine.

Jas: Thanks. Come read with me.

Eric: Otay. *walking away holding Jas hand*

Erica: Who kids are those?

Cyn: I gotta give Ms. Wells a kiss.

Erica: Shit me too. They should've went to school along time ago.

Cyn: I know.

*King and Amy finished their homework then came and sat in front of Erica and Cyn.*

Erica: What do yall want?

Amy: You and Mama said y'all was gonna tell us what sex is.

King: We are ready.

Cyn: Damn!

Albee: I can't wait to hear this.

E/C: Shut up.

Sway: Well let me tell you kids that...


Cyn: Don't you dare. I will slit your throat if you finish that sentence.

Sway: *rubbing his neck* That's harsh. I was gonna tell them cause y'all acting all scared.

Erica: If you were the last man on earth I still wouldn't let you have this conversation with them.

Sway: Damn Mena I thought we was cool.

Erica: We are but that's just facts.

Amy: Forget about Uncle Sway. Tell us.

Cyn: Come with us.

*They took them into the office and put on a video. Amy and King saw it then cut it off.*

Amy: We've seen that we wanna know what sex is.

Erica: That is sex.

Cyn: And what do you mean "you've seen this"?

King: Heaven showed us that. She said it was call doing the nasty.

Cyn: Say what?

Amy: When we spent the night over Tía Lisa house she showed us that.

Cyn: I'm gonna kill her.

King: That's sex?

Cyn: Yes.

Amy: I don't wanna do that. It looks like it hurts.

Erica: *trying not to laugh* It does very bad.

King: So that with a man and woman. What do y'all do?

Cyn: I knew that was coming.

Erica: Show them.

*They put on another video. King and Amy saw it then cut if off.*

Amy: We've seen that too.

Erica: Where?

King: Heaven. She has a lot of DVDs with no covers on them.

Erica: She's dead. We about to go see Lisa.

Amy: So Mama you be hurting Mommy?

Cyn: No baby. Sex is for adults so it will hurt kids to have it but not adults. You have to be at least 21 before you should have sex.

K/A: Good cause we got a lot of time.

E/C: *smiling* Yes you do. Now go grab the twins and get in the truck we are going over Lisa's house.

A/K: Ok. *running off*

Erica: That was easier then we thought.

Cyn: I know but I wanna know where did Heaven get that shit from and I got an idea though.

Erica: Me too. Let's go.

*They get to Lisa's house and walked straight in. Lisa was sitting on the couch with Jeffrey. She looked at Erica and Cyn like they were crazy but she knew something was up.*

Lisa: What's up y'all?

Cyn: What's up babes where is Heaven?

Lisa: In her room why? HEAVEN COME HERE!

Heaven: Yes ma'am. Hey Tías.

E/C: Hey Heaven.

Erica: Heaven I'm gonna ask you once and don't lie. Do you have sex tapes in your room? Now think about it good before you answer that.

Lisa: Why would she have that?

Cyn: King and Amy came to us and asked us what is sex. We showed them some videos and they say they saw it already. When we asked them where they said Heaven showed them and called it doing the nasty.


Erica: Sis, calm down cause trust me that won't get a word out of her. Let me do it.

Cyn: Come with me babes. *grabbing Lisa*

Erica: Come here Heaven. *sitting on the couch* Do you have DVDs of adults doing the nasty?

Heaven: *voice breaking* Yes ma'am.



Lisa: Sorry. I didn't think about it like that. I'm sorry baby girl.

Cyn: Heaven baby where did you get it from?

Heaven: I got it from...

(A/N: Where did Heaven get the tape from? Are they ready for the truth? What is Lisa gonna do? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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