Cynica: The Love Story of Eri...

By King_Nykki

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This is my version of Erica Mena & Cyn Santana. This was made by me so if you wanna use something out of it j... More

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn Santana
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: My Fucking Birthday
Chapter 3: Three Months of Chasing
Chapter 4: Our Night of Love Making
Chapter 5: I Would Like You To Meet...
Chapter 6: King's Approval
Chapter 7: What Do I Say...
Chapter 8: Aftermath of the Proposal
Chapter 9: Damn, I...
Chapter 10: Remember These Words
Chapter 11: Gotta Tell the Truth
Chapter 12: I Got Your Crazy
Chapter 13: All I Know Is.,.
Chapter 15: Cynister Rested
Chapter 16: Past Life Shapes...
Chapter 17: ...Future Life Blessings
Chapter 18: Don't Mind
Chapter 19: Mrs. & Mrs. Erica Mena
Chapter 20: You Can Keep Sorry
Chapter 21: Bowing Out Gracefully
Chapter 22: Our Honeymoon in Australia
Chapter 23: The Menas
Chapter 24: Double the Blessing
Chapter 25: A Sibling's Bond
Chapter 26: Uncle Charlie... Making Amends
Chapter 27: Meet, Amelia Jordana Mena
Chapter 28: Essence with a side of Eiken & Cynister (Part 1)
Chapter 29: A & K... All the Way
Chapter 30: At Peace and Peacefulness
Chapter 31: Dem Babies: Jasmine Mariah and Eric Santana Mena
Chapter 32: Thanksgiving with Tears
Chapter 33: Eiken Unloaded
Chapter 34: The Wait is Over
Chapter 35: Home & Traveling Problems
Chapter 36: Seattle with a side of Cynister/Cyn
Chapter 37: Old Problems Mix with a New Christmas
Chapter 38: New Christmas with New Problems
Chapter 39: Eiken and Cynister: Let Freedom Ring (Part 1)
Chapter 40: Eiken and Cynister: Let Freedom Ring (Part 2)
Chapter 41: Delivery and Mystery
Chapter 42: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 43: Sunshine After the Storm
Chapter 44: Birthday Bash with a Side of Creepy
Chapter 45: Revenge is A Dish Best Served... Just Served
Chapter 46: Erica's Decision
Chapter 47: God at His Best
Chapter 48: One Great Day Following a Bad Day
Chapter 49: A Regular Day with the Menas
Chapter 50: Never a Easy Day With the Menas (Part I)
Chapter 51: Never a Easy Day With the Menas (Part II)
Chapter 52: Never a Easy Day With the Menas (Part III)
Chapter 53: Erica's Acceptance & Forgiveness
Chapter 54: Mama Cyn and Kid Erica
Chapter 55: The True Erica & Cynthia Mena
Chapter 56: Healing After Pain (Part I): Deuce Healed
Chapter 57: Healing After Pain (Part II): Cyn's Pain & Erica's Healing
Chapter 58: Healing After Pain (Part III): Separate Plans & Pain Makes...
Chapter 59: Healing After Pain (Part IV): ...Healing Together Easier
Chapter 60: The Menas & Friends
Chapter 61: Problems Before Peace (Part I)
Chapter 62: Problems Before Peace (Part II): Aftermath Of Murray & Jesus
Chapter 63: The Menas in Jamaica (Part I): Meeting Alejandro
Chapter 64: The Menas in Jamaica (Part II): King & Amelia All Grown Up
Chapter 65: The Menas Leaving Jamaica, Entering Family Problems
Chapter 66: Battle For Her Heart (In the Bed Hold a Trial)
Chapter 67: Rafael's Pain (Part I)
Chapter 68: My Sex Ed Teacher... Mrs. Erica Mena
Chapter 69: Rafael's Pain (Part II)
Chapter 70: CMFB: Cynthia Mena's Family Bullshit
Chapter 71: The Mena's in New York
Chapter 72: All About Cynthia Mena (Happy Birthday!!!)
Chapter 73: We Need Therapy
Chapter 74: Sexually Frustrated
Chapter 75: The Menas in Need of Prayer (Part I)
Being Fixed
Chapter 76: The Menas in Need of Prayer (Part II)
Chapter 77: Erica's Birthday w/ a Splash of Cyn
Chapter 78: The Wrath of Cynthia Mena
Chapter 79: My Family Will Not Be Broken
Chapter 80: The Twins Birthday w/ a New Addition
Chapter 81: Fighting For Rafael Santana IV
Chapter 82: Rafael Santana III Have a Family
Chapter 83: Wives Only
Chapter 84: I Will Forever Be Your Dad
Chapter 85: I Will Always Come For You
Chapter 86: Amy & King Dating (Part I): Cyn's Frustration & Erica's Revelation
Chapter 87: Amy & King Dating (Part II): Overprotective Dads
Chapter 88: Planning Our Us Time
Chapter 89: The Menas in Paris (Part I): Meeting Lieutenant General Saunders
Chapter 90: The Menas in Paris (Part II): Missing Our Babies
Chapter 91: Rough Beginnings... Family Day
Chapter 92: Crossing Them Is A No No (Part I): Still Breathing
Chapter 93: Crossing Them Is A No No (Part II): Lie & Fry... Orlando
Chapter 94: Cyn's Flirtation Peeks Eiken's Frustration
Chapter 95: Tripping In Orlando
Chapter 96: Mary and Jordin In Labor... Erica Wants A Baby
Chapter 97: Twins Goes to Daycare... King & Amy Learn About Sex
Chapter 98: Heaven Santana Confession
Chapter 99: A Rough Start to Thanksgiving, Leaves A...
Chapter 100: ...Smooth Finish After All
Chapter 101: Moments of Truth (Part I): Rich and Others
Chapter 102: Moments of Truth (Part II): Secrets and All Revealed
Chapter 103: The Anger Within MJ and King
Chapter 104: MJ & King Returns... Cyn & Erica Argue
Chapter 105: Big Menas vs. Little Menas... Erica's Sick
Chapter 106: Stay With Me (Part I): Cynthia Gets Shot
Chapter 107: Stay With Me (Part II): Prince Alexander and Princess Akyra Mena
Chapter 108: GET OUT!!! (Jas & Eric Don't Like Prince & Princess)
Chapter 109: Welcome Brooklyn Ariana and Bronx Xavier Mena
Chapter 110: Our Trip to Barbados (Part I): Cyn & Erica Uncontrollable Sexcapdes
Chapter 111: Our Trip to Barbados (Part II): Erica & Cyn Still In Love
Chapter 112: King & MJ Hitting Puberty Early
Chapter 113: Togetherness Ended In Loneliness
Chapter 114: The Power in Words
Wanna Try This
Chapter 115: Love From Afar: (Either Sides of the Map)
Chapter 116: Business & Pleasure in Cali
Chapter 117: Dame Un Beso
Chapter 118: King & MJ Birthday Extravaganza... The Quads Are One
Chapter 119: The Quads Fight... Erica Caught
Chapter 120: My Heart in Letters
Chapter 121: Mary and Rafael Santana... Was It A Dream
Chapter 122: Cynthia Home To Stay... Meeting Lela
Chapter 123: The Dead Has Arisen
Chapter 124: Kid Problems
Chapter 125: Shana and Des w/ A splash of Menas
Chapter 126: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part I): Meeting Lito
Chapter 127: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part II): The PR Fam... King and MJ 2Real
Chapter 128: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part III): Turn of Events... Sneak Peek
Chapter 129: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part IV): The Battle Was Lost
Best Christmas Ever!!!!
Chapter 130: So Long Superman
Chapter 131: Jordin Mena: The Bride from Hell
Chapter 132: New Siblings (Part I) Ariana & Brooklynn
Chapter 133: New Siblings (Part II): Meeting Spouses and Children
Chapter 134: Car Accident
Chapter 135: New Siblings (Part III): DesMun, Micah and Michelle
Chapter 136: Gregory's Arrival... House Full
Chapter 137: Last of the Bullshit At This House
Chapter 138: Cynthia in PR... Who is Charlie
Chapter 139: Cynthia Returns... Discovering Charlie
Chapter 140: Saving Jordin (Part 1): Saint Josh
Chapter 141: Saving Jordin (Part II): My Sister is Off Limits... Daddy Erica
Chapter 142: Cyn Puts MJ and King Out
Chapter 143: Their Own Path
Chapter 144: Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Zyon Ramirez... En Route 2 LA
Chapter 145: Menas LA Bound (Part I): The Harrison's... AH
Chapter 146: Menas LA Bound (Part II): Menas at Peace... Shana's Confession
Sorry 4 the Wait
Chapter 147: Sunday Morning... Lela & Michael
Chapter 148: Revelation of the Past... Jay & Trish
Chapter 149: Setting Cyn Free
Chapter 150: Everything Is Unraveling
Chapter 151: Jah and Cree Crossover (Part I): The Plan
Chapter 152: What Have I Done
I'm Just Playing
It's Here!!! It's Here!!!
New Story Alert!!!

Chapter 14: Cynister Unleashed

21.8K 197 14
By King_Nykki


  I woke up the next morning feeling like a million bucks. I looked down at my wife in my arms and smiled. One thing I know is that no matter how mad we are at each other we always end our day wrapped in each other's arms. Erica gave me the Detective's card so I'm gonna go and see him today. I went downstairs to make breakfast for the family. I woke up the family, gave the kids breakfast and took them to school. When I arrived back home a car was in the driveway. I don't like cars to be in our driveway when I'm gone because the last time ended in a mess, a mess I'm still going through. I walked in the door and Karyn was in there crying. I became scared instantly. They both looked up at me and I was worried that something was wrong.

Karyn: Hello, Cyn.

Cyn: Hey Karyn what's going on with you?

Karyn: Have you seen Mike?

Cyn: No, what happened. to Mike?

Karyn: Well I know I haven't been the easiest to get along with it but I didn't think he would get up and just leave.

Cyn: Do you want me to call him?

Karyn: Yes please. I just want my husband back. Have Amy been a problem with y'all?

Erica: No, she's been an angel. She is fine just do what y'all have to do she is fine.

Karyn: Ok thank y'all so much. Y'all have been a blessing to us.

E/C: You're welcome.


  I went to grab my phone off of the counter and went to call Mike. I wonder what the hell is going on with him. He did all this to get his wife back but now it's like he don't give a fuck. It gotta be more than what his wife is saying. Something else is going on with him. I called him and to my surprise he actually picked up.

Mike: Hello.

Cyn: Hey, What's going in with you nigga? Your wife is here crying saying you left her.

Mike: What? I didn't leave her I just told her I need some air. She has been acting like I don't exist. Cyn, man, she won't even let me touch her. What kind of shit is that? Not even a hug.

Cyn: Meet me on the Ave in 15 mins.

Mike: OK.


  I walked back into the living room and told Erica to come here right quick. She looked at me like I'm crazy and then walked into the office with me.

Erica: What's wrong baby?

Cyn: He didn't leave her he just needed some space.

Erica: What the fuck? That's leaving Cyn.

Cyn: No, its not. He just need to get some air. She haven't even hugged him and he thinks she doesn't want him anymore. So, I'm gonna go talk to him and you talk to her. I don't want them to grow apart when they need to be together.

Erica: Ok, Dr. Mena, whatever you say.

Cyn: I know, Mrs. Santana. Now come here and give your wife a kiss, so I can go.


  I gave my wife a kiss and then she left out the door. I know she is a sucker for love and especially when they got kids. I went to see what's wrong with Karyn. She was sitting on the couch with her face in her hands. I could tell she really loves her husband and need him back.

Erica: Don't cry Karyn.

Karyn: Why? I just fucked up my relationship by being a cold bitch. I know what I did and why he is feeling like this.

Erica: You didn't fuck up anything. You just went through the ringer and I know what its like. I've been through it all. I fucked up my relationship a few time with my wife and what kept me from acting like a bitch is the fact that she loves me more than I love myself. You gotta use that love to keep you going. Let your husband love you the way no one else can but him.

Karyn: I do want him to love me and hold me its just that I get scared sometimes and have flashbacks. How do I get back to that?

Erica: By letting him love you like he used to. He thinks you don't love him no more and its really killing him inside to know that he wasn't there to protect you.

Karyn: I don't want him to think that. I love him more than anything in life.

Erica: You gotta set up a night to show him that y'all still have the same spark y'all had before.

Karyn: Ok, you're right about that. Thanks for the talk.

Erica: You're welcome. Now go get your husband back.

*They hugged and Karyn left.*


  When I left the house I went to the Ave to meet up with Mike. When I arrived he was sitting on the bench. He looked like he was losing his way in life. His clothes and shoes was grungy looking and he haven't shaved in days. I can tell that this was hitting him hard. I walked over to him and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. The sight of him almost made me cry.

Cyn: Damn, man, we gotta fix you up.

Mike: For who? My wife won't care. She just walks around like the world is over. I'm still her husband and I'm still trying to love her. But why am I trying when she's not?

Cyn: You try because its all you can do. You do it because you are wanting to take away the pain. You try because you know that the woman you love with all your heart is still there. You try because you don't want to feel like less of a man for not being there. You try because its all you have left in you. I've been where you are and I didn't think trying work but if you would have told me then that I would still be happily in love with the love of my life now, I would have laughed in your face and called you a liar. We try because giving up is admitting defeat. Look at me, you keep trying and ask yourself this. Do I love her more than breathing? If your answer is yes, then you keep trying because I promise you that, it will get better.

Mike: I do love her more then breathing and its killing me that I couldn't protect her. I should be able to protect my wife from anything that's my job as a cop, to protect and serve. How can I continue to be a cop if I can't even protect my wife?

Cyn: I know that being a cop made you see the world different, but at this point you shouldn't be beating yourself up thinking as a cop you need to think as her husband. You will not be there to protect her all the time the world is just fucked up like that. Bad shit will happen whether you like it or not, its more than one force working against us. All we can do is take bullshit as it comes and deal with the aftermath as it leaves. Just go home and fix things with your wife but first we are gonna fix you up.

Mike: Ok, thanks so much for everything. And thanks a million for watching Amy for us. We will be back to get her real soon.

Cyn: You're welcome and she's fine you fix your marriage first.

*They walked into the barber shop and the clothing store. Cyn didn't know that a camera man was following her. They parted ways after they left the clothing store.*


  I was sitting at home waiting for Cyn to get here. After all this shit with Mike and Karyn, I just wanna see my baby. I went and got in the shower so I can put on clothes. Since the kids are in school we can start to plan our wedding. We've been so busy that we haven't had a chance to do that. We return to New York soon for the show. I got out the shower and Cyn was still not here so I got dressed and laid on the couch to watch TV. I looked at my phone and no missed calls or texts. I turned the TV on and just watched a movie on HBO.


  I got in my car and headed home. I know that I was gonna go see the Detective today but I don't have the patience. I just wanna see my wife after all the shit that is going on with Mike and Karyn. These wasn't even my friends but I guess you make friends in time of reckless bullshit. It took me forever to get home because I caught every red light along the way. I need to learn Miami streets. I'm kinda glad that we will be returning to New York real soon. I miss being home and seeing my family. I walked in the house and I could here that the TV was on. I walked in the living room and Erica was laying on the couch sleep. My baby look so cute sitting there sleep. I just looked at her and smiled at how peaceful she looked. I hope I'm not gonna wake up the beast. I walked over there to her, sat on her lap and gave her a kiss. She woke up smiling and I'm glad she wasn't mad that I was gone so long.

Erica: Hello baby, what took you so long?

Cyn: Hey beautiful, I caught every red light on my way here. I really gotta learn some back streets to get here.

Erica: Yes, you do. Well let's go do something I don't wanna sit in here.

Cyn: Ok, what you wanna do?

Erica: I don't know. Let's drive around and figure it out. You driving though.

Cyn: Why do I gotta drive? I've been driving all day long you should drive, please. *giving the sad face*

Erica: You are such a big baby.

Cyn: So I'm your big baby.

Erica: Yes you are. Come here. *pulling Cyn close to her*

Cyn: *kissing Erica* mmm...Don't start nothing you can't finish.

Erica: *putting her hand up Cyn's shirt* I can finish but you are not gonna let me. *pinching Cyn's nipple while kissing on her neck*

Cyn: *moaning* mmm baby...If we start we will never get out of here...*put her hands over Erica's* We are...mmm...gonna have...too stop.

Erica: *take off Cyn's shirt sucking on her breast* I don't...*bite her nipple*...want to stop.

Cyn: ahh...that good.

Erica: Can I finish baby?

Cyn: No...*scream because Erica stuck her finger in her pussy* baby we gotta...mmm...go.

Erica: See you are all wet for me. Let me finish and we will go in a min.

Cyn: Ok...mmm.

*Erica stuck her hand down Cyn's pants and Cyn screamed and moaned. Cyn took off Erica's shirt and started kissing her neck while Erica was kissing hers. Cyn stuck her hands down Erica's sweatpants and stuck two fingers in her pussy. Erica body jumped and both of them was going insane. Erica sped up her fingers and Cyn did the same. They was breathing hard and moaning loud. They both arched their backs and was at the peak of a climax.*

E/C: I'm cumming!!!

Erica: Oh shit Cyn!!! I'm cumming. I'm cumming.

Cyn: Oh my god Erica!!! Right there I'm cumming. I'm cumming.

*They screamed each other's name and came together. They both laid back on the couch trying to catch there breath.*

Cyn: See what you started.

Erica: So, you liked it.

Cyn: I did, but come on and let's get cleaned up and get out of here.

Erica: Ok. I love you.

Cyn: I love you, too.


  We got cleaned up and dressed then left out the door. I looked over at my wife and she was staring out the window. I know she is also thinking about New York because she miss her family. I hear her everyday in the office on the phone with her sister. I know she loves them and misses them a lot. I might just take all of us this weekend to see Cyn's family. Since we are out I think we can find some things for the wedding.

Erica: Hey baby we haven't even started planning our wedding.

Cyn: Damn you are right. We've been busy we haven't even picked a day. We need to get on our grind.

Erica: Yes we do. Are we gonna get a wedding planner?

Cyn: I hate wedding planners but do you want one baby?

Erica: *looking like she's about to beg* Yes please.

Cyn: *smiling* Here you go with the sad puppy face.

Erica: Pllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee. Please. Please.

Cyn: Ok Erica. Damn, you be killing me with that.

Erica: Thanks baby.

Cyn: Yea whatever.

Erica: We are right around the corner.

Cyn: From where?

Erica: *smiling* The office.

Cyn: *raising an eyebrow* Who office?

Erica: *giggling*

Cyn: Stop giggling who off.... *Cyn looks up at the building and smile* Oh you just knew I was gonna say yea huh?

Erica: Not really, but I was hoping.

Cyn: You are such a brat.

Erica: You made me this way.

Cyn: How you figure that?

Erica: Cause you give me anything I want.

Cyn: Well that's true. I think I need to stop because you are becoming spoiled rotten.

Erica: *talking like a kid* Don't be mean mommy.

Cyn: *laughing* You have issues. Come on and let's get this over with.


  We got out the car and walked into a wedding planners office. My baby was so excited to be here and as long as she's happy then I'm fine. Its all about her right now and I was happy just to see her happy. I personally hate most wedding planners because they always do the most. You tell them one thing and they do the opposite. This will not happen with our wedding so they are gonna do what the fuck I say or they can step. We walked in to this office and a young girl was sitting at the desk. My baby stepped to the desk like she's been here before.

Erica: Hello, can you tell Mrs. Anderson that Erica is here.

Assistant: Sure, have a seat and she will be out in a moment.

Erica: Ok thanks.

*They sat down and Cyn looked at Erica like she was crazy.*

Cyn: What the hell Erica?

Erica: What?

Cyn: You need to stop lying and tell the truth. You've been here already.

Erica: Ok, yes baby I've been here because we need some help if we try to do this by ourselves we will never get this done. I just wanted to see what you was gonna say first.

Cyn: That's all you had to say. *smiling and pushing Erica* Next time you lie to me I'm gonna knock the fire out of your ass.

Erica: Ok mommy I'm sorry. *grabbing Cyn's face and kissing her*

Cyn: *smiling* I'm serious.

Erica: Me too. Don't be mad at me but you need anger management because you got a devil in you.

Cyn: I know his name is Cynister. *laughing*

Erica: I know its something. Well Cynister seems a little more dangerous then Eiken.

Cyn: He is but let's stop before people think we escaped from the insane asylum. *laughing hard*

Erica: *laughing* Yea you're right.


  We sat there laughing and talking until the assistant said that Mrs Anderson was ready for us. We walked to the back and she was on the phone. She motion for us to sit down. We sat in front of her and Cyn looked nervous. I grabbed her hand and smiled at her to let her know things are gonna be great. She got off the phone and grabbed a binder out of her desk.

Anderson: Hey Erica, its nice to see you again.

Erica: Nice to see you too.

Anderson: And I see you bought the missus. Hello, I'm Mrs. Anderson but you can call me Tanya.

Cyn: Hello, Tanya, I'm Cynthia but you can call me Cyn.

Tanya: Well hello Cyn. Let me get you up to speed at what your wife and I had planned.

Cyn: Ok.


  She showed me all the things that she and Erica had planned. Some if the things I like and some I changed. I looked up at Erica and she was smiling. It made me smile just to know that she was happy. We finished talking to Tanya and set another day for us to come and see her. We walked out the office and a detective was outside with a few police officers. I could see Erica getting scared already. I could see by his name tag that he was the Detective that came to the house.

Cyn: *with a devilish smile* Hey Detective Murray. I heard you have been looking for me.

Murray: So you are Cynthia.

Cyn: That's me.

Murray: Well Cynthia you are under arrest for the disappearance of Stacy Johnson.

Cyn: What the fuck? *looked over and saw Erica going crazy* Erica, baby, be calm and meet me at the station. I will be ready to go by the time you get there.

Erica: *crying and pissed* Ok.


  I can't believe this is happening. The cops just arrested Cyn for the disappearance of Stacy. I was in a daze after they pulled off. I snapped out of it and called Albee to meet me at the station. He asked me do she have a lawyer and I told him yea. I called her friend Gina and she met me there, too. When I arrived at the station she was sitting at a desk talking to a cop. She had that Cynister grin on her face and that's when I knew for sure my baby had a deep dark side and she needs to put it to rest before something happens. Det. Murray walked up behind me and asked me do I need anything. I almost punched the shit out of him but then they would have locked me up too.

Erica: When are y'all gonna let my wife go.

Murray: We have 48 hrs.

Erica: What evidence do you have to hold her here?

Murray: Don't worry about that just know we know that she was involved in the situation.

Erica: Well see.


  I looked up to see my wife, Albee and Gina standing there. I could see my wife getting mad I hope she suppress Eiken right now because I don't need her getting arrested right now. I look back over at the lady cop and she was telling me that they had a witness saying I was in a fight with Stacy. I told her that the whole park saw that that don't mean she disappeared. Come to find out that Det. Murray is Stacy's boyfriend so he got a personal vendetta. Now that I know that, I got a personal one of my own. He really have no evidence and it will be a cold day in hell before I stay in this bitch for 48 hrs. I called my lawyer and he walked in just as Erica did. He was getting my papers and the about 45 mins later I grabbed my wife's hand and walked out of there. She had tears in her eyes and they were very red.

Cyn: Come here baby. *hugging Erica* Don't cry I'm fine. He hates me because Stacy is his girlfriend.

Erica: *sniffling* How do you know that?

Cyn: The cop at the desk. My lawyer said that they was trying to hold me because if that fight but other than that they don't know what really happened to Stacy. *we drove off*

Erica: *talking scared* Baby, what happened to Stacy?

Cyn: Let it go Erica. You don't need to be in it or know anything.

Erica: I just...*Cyn looked at her with the same look as the one she had at the station.* Ok.


  Cyn is really scaring me I have never seen her like this. Did I do this to her? Did I make her dark side surface? I always mess up everything I touch. I want my sweet wife back, my best friend. I just looked out the window with tears coming down my eyes. How do I fix this here? Why do I have to damage everyone? We walked in the house and I went straight to the room trying to figure out how can I fix this mess I made. Cyn was in the living room on the phone. From how she was talking I could tell she was on the phone with Gina. She yelled to me that she was leaving.







  I left and went to meet Gina to get drinks and catch up. I got in the car pissed as hell this nigga must have been talking to Stacy for him to come for me personally. I called everybody who was with us that day and they said they have never even seen a Det. Murray. So what does this nigga want with me? Its cool I've already got somebody handling that so I'm gonna chill and enjoy my day. I could tell that I'm scaring Erica and I don't mean to but when Cynister is Unleashed crazy shit always happen. I need to put it to rest because I just want to be a happy wife and mom. I have to do something, when I'm done with Gina I will call my brother. Gina was sitting down with a drink in her hand.

Gina: Hey baby girl. *giving Cyn a hug*

Cyn: Hey, girl, what's been going on with you?

Gina: I could ask you the same thing. Why in the hell did you get arrested?

Cyn: Over one of Erica's bitch ass ex girlfriends.

Gina: Really? Well tell me about it. Also, answer this for me, do you have an alter devil ego?

Cyn: Yes, I need to put it on a leash cause it almost got me arrested and divorce before I am even married. I will tell you the story once I get me something to drink.


  I grabbed me a soda and Gina and I shared some wings. I told her the whole story and her facial expression said it all. I didn't tell her about what happened to Stacy in detail because no one needs to know that except the people who was there. She told me that I have the right to take care of my family anyway I see fit. She also told me that I need to put my dark side to rest before I hurt my wife. She was telling me how Erica is afraid of me and was feeling like she was losing me. It made me feel like shit inside. The last thing I want is my wife to feel like she marrying the devil. Its just something my brother taught my growing up to deal with bullies. I needed it growing up in New York cause it was hard and people would think you was soft. I guess it stuck but not to mess up my relationship. I gotta fix this now. I gave Gina a hug and left when I got in the car I called my brother and he helped me fix my problem. Anytime I got so pissed that I couldn't control it he did. I went to pick up the kids and went straight home. When I arrived home something wasn't right because...

(A/N: What do you think happened when Cyn got in the house? Let me know how you think Cyn is gonna suppress the Cynister. Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz)

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