Final Fantasy One-Shot Stories

By MystyryousMysty

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All rights and thanks go to Square-Enix More

Violet Valentine
Cloud Strife x Reader-Ironic
Zack Fair x Reader- Good Day
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Bride
Vincent Valentine x Elezen!Reader-Don't be Ashamed
Turk!Vincent x Reader-Smile
Reno x Reader-Special
Cloud Strife x Reader- Flower Field
Rude x Reader-Complicated(Part 1)
Rude x Reader-Complicated(Part 2)
Rude x Reader-Complicated(Part 3)
Noel Kreiss x OC-Tease
Cloud Strife x Reader- Training Reward
Turk!Vincent x Reader-I'm Here For You
Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader- Overprotective
Prompto Argentum x Reader- Changed
Genesis Rhapsodos x Reader- Denial vs Truth
Noel Kreiss x OC(Prequel)- Happy Birthday
Violet Valentine(Part 2)
Gladiolus x Reader(Alexia)-Wedding Day
Agent!Zack x Reader-Friends
Sephiroth x Reader- How?
Cloud Strife x Reader- Truth or Dare
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Acting Skills
Cor Leonis x Reader- The Apology
Zack Fair x OC
Jack x Reader- Joking
Basch x Reader- Fate(Poem)
Kuja x Reader-Infatuated
Sephiroth x Reader- Visit
Ace x OC- Cute Help
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Busted
Reno x Reader- Mistletoe
Prompto Argentum x Reader-Favor
Cloud Strife x Reader- Crush
Ignis Scientia x Reader- Noticed
Angeal Hewley x OC- Misunderstanding
Sephiroth x Reader- Last Words
Rufus Shinra x Reader- First Impressions
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- The Dream
Genesis Rhapsodos x Reader-Caught
Noctis Lucis Caelum x OC- It's Okay
Gladiolus x OC- Waking Up
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Waiting
Ravus Nox Fleuret x Reader- Still There
Reno x Reader-Jealous
Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader- Just My Type
Noctis Lucis Caelum x OC- About Time
Genesis Rhapsodos x Reader- Family
Squall Leonhart x Reader- New Beginning
Zack Fair x OC- Comfort
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Tears
Vincent Valentine x Reader- Thank You
Cloud Strife x OC- Gift
Cloud Strife x Reader x Reno- Mistake
Prompto Argentum x Reader- Perfect
Reno x Reader- Don't Even Think About It
Ignis Scientia x Reader- Date Night
Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader- Un-Comfort Zone
Prompto Argentum x Reader- Worthy
Prompto x OC/Noctis x OC- BABIES!!
Auron x Reader- Te Amo
Caius Ballad x Reader- First Kiss
Vincent Valentine x Reader- Unexpected
Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader- Alone Time
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Dance Lessons
Ignis Scientia x Reader- The Same Boat
Rufus Shinra x Reader- Care
Zidane Tribal x Reader- Sneaky
Reno x Reader- New Life
Kefka Palazzo x Reader- Play
Kain Highwind x Reader- Arranged
Chocobros x Reader- Peace
Yazoo x Reader- Enough
Cid Highwind x Reader- All Wrong
Angeal Hewley x Reader- So Close
Kadaj x Reader- Better
Cloud Strife x Reader- Question
Sephiroth x OC x Genesis- The Fight
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Goodbye
Snow Villiers x Reader- Advice
Prompto Argentum x Reader- Blind Date
Prompto Argentum x Reader- Not Too Late
Noctis x Reader x Ignis- Love Triangle
Noel Kreiss x Reader- Obsession
Genesis x OC- Bad Day
Sephiroth x OC- Too Stubborn
Angeal Hewley x Reader- Angel
Prompto x Reader(OC)- Oblivious

Loz x Reader- Just Maybe

3.8K 89 2
By MystyryousMysty

The remnants had kept you hostage from Cloud and the gang for a while now. It was torture. Not that the remnants did torture you( they weren't allowed to) but being held captive was really pain.


Gazing out the window, you concluded that you were somewhere within the Midgar wasteland. All there was to see was white sand with a few piles of junk lying in random places and the faintest outline of Midgar on the horizon. It was cloudy, like normal days, and the air was neither too hot or too cold, which was how you liked it.  Peaking out the window of a run-down old shack was now the only thing connecting you to the outside world. Plus, running away was not an option. You were chained up and the wasteland had almost no hiding space. A frustrated sigh escaped your lips as you thought about your current position.

When will Cloud and the others find me? Will they ever? Or... Have they even noticed I'm gone? Surely they have, right? I mean, it's been a whole week.

Then, the door creaked open. Loz came in with a small tray of food. You rolled your eyes and gazed back out the window. You admit, you couldn't stand him... or any of the remnants for that matter. Nevertheless, Loz was way better than Kadaj and Yazoo. Kadaj was the psychotic, sadistic leader who was a completely delusional, freakish brat in your opinion. Yazoo acted so cool and aloof that it pissed you right off. Also, he was something of a flirt and would make slightly perverted comments if he saw anything that could trigger dirty thoughts(e.g. when you were changing). Then, there was Loz. All brawn and no brain. Looked like a grown man, but acted like a 5-year-old boy. The embodiment of Sephiroth's physical strength and emotional attachments.


You were Sephiroth's lover. Former lover. The thought of him saddened you. That was probably the hardest thing you endured in your life: seeing the man you love slowly go from loving, caring, and charming to an utterly insane and blood-thirsty monster. He had chose an evil extraterrestrial alien over you and your relationship. You deeply resented him for that, but in your heart, you knew you still had a small chunk of love left over just for him.

"Kadaj and Yazoo said it would be best if you ate," Loz said, interrupting your depressing thoughts, "I hope you like what I made." He set the tray down on the small, wooden table beside you. It contained an apple, a small piece of bread, and a glass of water. Regardless, you continued to gaze out the window even though there was nothing intriguing to look at. "Hey!"

You turned your head to the man before you. He looked really ticked off.

"I don't like being ignored," Loz stated with an irritated tone.

Here we go again...

"Deal with it," you spat back as your gaze tore away from his and back to the window.

"Why do you have to be so mean!?" He sounded just like a child getting bullied. A smirk tugged at the side of your lips(the side that was facing away from Loz).

"I'm the one being mean? Who's kept me locked up in here and starving for all these days?" you teased as you took the apple from the tray and took a substantial bite. It tasted like heaven to you.

"Hmph! It's not my fault. Kadaj is the one who decided that!" Loz defended, arms now across his chest. Subconsciously, your sight loomed down to his bulky biceps. The way that leather suit squeezed against his toned body wasn't bad. He definitely took Sephiroth's seductive appeal as well.

"I see," you said as you looked up at his face. His green, cat-like eyes were exact copies of the one-winged angel. It made it seem like Sephiroth himself was actually looking at you. And, in a way, he kind of was. Loz took a few steps forward until he was about a foot or so away.

"You know where Mother is?" he asked. You almost choked on the bite of apple that you had just swallowed. You hated when they referred to Jenova as "Mother". Again, it reminded you of your lost love.

"No and I don't want to. And FYI, Jenova isn't your mother."

Suddenly, Loz slammed his hands on the arm rests of the chair and came into your personal space. Now, he looked really pissed off.

"She is our mother. She loves us and we love her. And there's nothing you can do to change that!" In that instant, an invisible dagger thrust into your heart, causing horrible, unforgiving pain. You never knew Sephiroth cared for the monster this much. And what where you to him? Nothing. It was almost too painful to bear. You swallowed hard and shifted your head to the side. You fought back the urge to break down. You wished Loz wasn't so close to you. His breath fanned your cheek, resulting in a light shiver up the spine.

"What... were you to Sephiroth?" he asked out of the blue. You gaze at him from the corner of your eye with a confused look.

"What would it matter to you?" you asked coldly through a slightly cracked voice.

"I don't know. But, everytime I'm around you... I feel... different." Loz looked at you with childish curiosity. You blinked.

"I... I wouldn't know," you replied.

"You're lying," Loz stated, his anger slowly starting to come back.

He feels... 'different' around me? Could that mean...?

"What do you feel?" you asked out of curiosity.

Then, in the speed of light, you felt the silverette's hand grab the back of your head and pull it straight to him. And before you could even think about reacting...

His lips were chained to yours. You squealed in surprise and jolted up about a foot or so. His kiss was tender, but solid at the same time. Your expanded eyes fluttered closed as you decided to just give in for it would be fruitless to resist. The friction of your lips frequently switched between soft and savouring to rough and vigorous. It was just how Sephiroth used to do it. Loz abruptly broke the kiss and looked at you with what seemed to be an apologetic look and the faintest colour of pink on his ivory skin.

"I feel like doing that," he said in a quiet and nervous pitch. Loz then hastily walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving you alone and completely dumbfounded. It felt like an eternity before the brain in your head finally clicked back on.

W-W-W-What just happened? Why did he...?

You subconsciously brought your fingers to your moist lips and smiled a little.

If Loz is in love with me... then maybe... just maybe... Sephiroth really did love me.


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