Fire and Blood // Daemon Targ...

By rissarosewrites

531K 19.8K 2K

Twins, Daemon and Davina Targaryen are trying to figure out their place in the world as their niece is declar... More

1. Iron Throne
2. Reek of Dragon
3. Gorgeous
4. Ruin my life
5. Sick
6. Heaven help us
7. Impunity
8. Say it Again
9. Watch me win
10. Don't be Scared
11. Dracarys
12. Stardust
13. Never yours
14. Heir
Cesar Lannister
15. Cheat
16. Welcome to Hell
17. Used to be Fun
18. It's only forever
19. Buffer
21. Egg
Barney Baratheon
22. Fragile
23. Promised Forever
24. Choices
25. Under the Dragons Eye
26. Ceaselessly Reminded
27. Fury
28. Vulnerable
29. Fuck Off Lannister
30. Burn though my skin
31. Prize
32. Perfect
Gabriel Greyjoy
34. Strength
35. Regal
36. Without You
37. Torment Me
38. Daemon
39. Mine
40. Trouble
Seamus Seaworth
42. Infinite
43. Favorites
44. Darkness is alluring
45. Pleasure
46. Virtue
47. Venomous Lies
49. Tea
51. Don't grovel
52. Driftmark
53. Duty
54. Crucible
55. Toxic
56. A Fine Match
57. Old Bronze Cunts
58. I Don't
59. You and Me
60. For Evermore
61. Pentos
63. Partner in Crime
64. Miss Her Too
65. Oceans
66. Don't move
67. Twins
68. Full Responsibility
69. Make My Dreams Come True
70. Titus Lannister
71. Baelon and Alyssa
72. Push
73. Pink Dread
74. Idiot
75. Shame and Honor
76. Bad Feeling
77. Flames
78. Best aunt ever
79. Hi, I'm Level Headed Davina
80. Join the Club
81.Taking Back the Power
82. Long Live
83. Déjà vu

20. His whore

8.4K 281 23
By rissarosewrites

Willow // Tywin Lannister is out now!!

"It bothers you, does it not?"

"My father is a king. It is his duty to take a new wife and strengthen his line." Rhaenyra told Rhaenys.

"I did not ask for a lesson in politics. I asked whether this bothers you." Rhaenys repeated.

"Laena is your daughter, Princess. Does it bother you?' Rhaenyra countered.

"Of course, it does. But I understand the order of things.' Rhaenys told her pompously.

"I'm not sure you do. If you mean to elicit some anger from me, you should know that you're failing, Princess." Rhaenyra warned smugly.

"Quite the opposite. Whether it's to my daughter or to someone else's, your father will remarry sooner than late. His new wife will produce new heirs, and chances are better than not that one of those will be male. And when that boy comes of age and your father has passed, the men of the realm will expect him to be heir, not you." Rhaenys told her. "Because that is the order of things."

"When I'm Queen, I will create a new order." Rhaenyra told her confidently and the Princess Rhaenys chuckled knowingly.

"How I wish that could be, Rhaenyra. But the men of the realm already had their opportunity to appoint a ruling queen at the Great Council and they denied it." Rhaenys reminded her.

"They denied you, Princess Rhaenys. The Queen Who Never Was." Rhaenyra recalled. "But they bent the knee to me and called me heir to the throne."

"Do you remind your father's men of that as you carry their cups? Here is the hard truth, which no one else has the heart to tell you. Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne." Rhaenys told her stubbornly. She had never got to be queen she wasn't going to sit by while Viserys daughter got everything she ever wanted. 'And your father is no fool.'


'The Small Council is urging me to remarry. It seems the realm wants for a new queen." Viserys told her

"A good and kind queen will give comfort to your subjects." Alicent offered. "Does the Small Council have a particular lady in mind?'

"Uh..." Viserys said awkwardly. "Lord Corlys Velaryon has offered the hand of his daughter, the Lady Laena."

"A very strong match, Your Grace." Alicent agreed.

"I must admit, I, I don't know Laena very well." Viserys admitted.

"I'm sure that she is good and kind, and that she will enjoy your company, as I have, Your Grace." Alicent told him kindly, her father would not be happy about that. "I brought you something. I asked the stonemasons to mend it."

"This is, um, a very kind gesture, Alicent." Viserys remarked. 'Very kind.' He said looking over the chest inside revealed a little dragon statue. He ran his hands along the dragon when a knock rapped on the door. 'Come.'

'The Hand, Your Grace.' Harrold told him closing the door as Otto walked in.

'Your Grace, I've called the Small Council to an emergency session.' Otto said looking down at his daughter.

"Why?" Viserys questioned.

"I think it best you hear it directly." Otto told him.

"Very well." Viserys agreed as they headed out.

Davina was waiting in the small council room when Viserys got there, she heard there was news on daemon and she had wondered where he had run off to.


'The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain.' He cleared his through reading the scroll "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen." Viserys stared, annoyance filled him. Davina could not believe her ears. Why was he doing this? He was ruining their happily ever after. They were closer than they ever had been and now he was going to marry a whore! He impregnated a whore! Davina bit her lip to keep from screaming.

"The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace. It is in two days' time."

"Gods be good. Who is Lady Mysaria?" Viserys muttered

"We believe..." Mellos said slowly looking around the group.

"Daemon's whοre." Otto spoke up and Davina couldn't breathe. Why was he doing this? Surely he knew this would break her.

'This is nothing less than sedition.'

'I strongly agree, sire.' Otto told him.

"My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants." Viserys remarked his hand fisting, needing to punch something.

"The realm is watching, Your Grace."

"What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike." Viserys mused.

'NO!" Davian shouted. 'I will talk to him and fix this.' She declared her voice shaking and Viserys stared at her sad eyes the fire in her bleeding into unshed tears.

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of gold cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon..." Otto told him.

'Assemble a detachment, Otto. I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself.' Viserys told him.

'Your Grace. My apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it. It's too dangerous.' Mellos told him.

'Daemon is without limit.'

'Let me go to Dragonstone.' Rhaenyra offered.

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