14. Heir

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False God / Joffrey Baratheon is out!

The black widow program has infiltrated the capital

'Your Grace.' The door opened and Rhaenyra approached her father.


'Balerion was the last living creature to have seen Old Valyria before the Doom. Its greatness and its flaws. When you look at the dragons, what do you see?' Viserys questioned as his fingers tranced along the monument.

'What?' Rhaenyra questioned confused. 'You haven't spoken a word to me since Mother's funeral, and now you send your Kings guard down...'

'Answer me.'

'It's important.'

'What do you see?' Viserys pushed

'I suppose I see us.' Rhaenyra answered

'Tell me.' Viserys urdged.

'Everyone says Targaryens are closer to gods than to men, but they say that because of our dragons. Without them, we're just like everyone else. The idea that we control the dragons... is an illusion. They're a power man should never have trifled with. One that brought Valyria its doom.' Rhaenyra told him.

'If we don't mind our own histories, it will do the same to us. Targaryen must understand this to be King... or Queen.' Viserys told her confidently.

'What?" She didn't understand

'I'm sorry, Rhaenyra. I have wasted the years since you were born... wanting for a son.' Viserys told her sadly. 'You are the very best of your mother. And I believe it, I know she did, that you could be a great ruling queen.'

'Daemon is your heir.' Rhaenyra reminded him. "Davina.... She is a better option than Daemon."

'Daemon was not made to wear the crown. Davina is clouded by emotions. But I believe that you were.' Viserys told his daughter confidently. 'This is no trivial gesture, Rhaenyra. A dragon's saddle is one thing, but the Iron Throne is the most dangerous seat in the realm.' Viserys warned

'Corlys of House Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark.' Mellos introduced

'I, Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.'

' I, Lord Hobert Hightower, Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, and Voice of Oldtown, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.'

Meanwhile Daemon was having a mid life crisis of sorts and bringing his whore to dragonstone. He knew it would provoke Viserys and he hoped his sister would understand. But he needed to make a statement. Davina watched her niece as she was about to be named the rightful heir of the iron throne and Davina felt so proud. A woman on the iron throne. That had never happened, ever. Davina searched for her brother, he needed to be here, he needed to show he was supportive of this but he was nowhere to be found. Which meant one thing. Trouble.

'I, Boremund Baratheon... promise to be faithful to King Viserys...'

'There's something else that I need to tell you. It might be difficult for you to understand, but you must hear it. Our histories... they tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone, and saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not what drove him to conquest. It was a dream. And just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men.' Viserys told her letting out a long sigh. ''Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant north.'

'I, Rickon Stark, Lord of Winterfell...'

'Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. And whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this Great Winter comes, Rhaenyra... all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream "The Song of Ice and Fire." This secret... it's been passed from king to heir since Aegon's time. Now you must promise to carry it... and protect it. Promise me this, Rhaenyra. Promise me.'

' I, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name... King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby name... Rhaenyra Targaryen Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne.'

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