39. Mine

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'I felt broken without you.' Daemon told her

'Me too,' she admitted leaning up to wrap her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips to his, biting into the bottom one the way she knew he liked, hearing his sharp intake of breath as his hand slithered around her.

"Alright listen you jerk." Davina declared pushing him back. "Just because I love you doesnt mean I forgive you. I was a fucking mess and you did that. You stomped on my heart like I was fucking nothing." Davina reminded him. "That hurt. A lot."

"I know." Daemon admitted "I hurt you. I kept hurting you and I didnt put you first. I put the crown first and my own goals and you always put me first."

"I did." Davina agreed. "You did that. Why? Why break me when for me it was always you."

"Because I am selfish and difficult and  complicated and a complete and total cunt." Daemon told her and davina nodded. "I spent the past few years trying to fight through my mind. The madness of my mind. I was lost and confused and knowing that there wasnt an us to come back to. I felt like a ship without an anchor. A sail without wind. A heart without a beat. A dragon without fire." Daemon told her honestly. "A carrot-"

"I get it." Davina whispered. "Actually... go on."

"A carrot without cake." Daemon told her and davina choked out a laugh. "I was a dick brother and lover."

"You were." Davina agreed kissing him again.

"You forgive me?"

"Nope." Davina declared pushing him off the cliffside. She heard a scream on his lips as he flailed back. Davina walked calmly to the edge.

"I deserved that." Daemon agreed as he adjusted on Furys back.

"You deserve worse." Davina corrected. "I have burned men for less." Davina reminded as he slid back down to her. "Ive killed for less... why shouldnt I kill you daemon? Rip you apart right here?"

"You should I deserve your worst." Daemon told her. "But you wont."

"I won't." Davina agreed. She kissed him again and pushed him again. Fury sat on the ledge watching him fall. Davina picked at her nails as she heard Daemon shouting from below. "I can do this all fucking day Daemon!" Davina mused.

"Get your sexy ass down here." Daemon shouted as she pulled herself up on Furys back.

"Come on baby lets get him." Davina coed and fury swooped down.

"I deserved that." Daemon agreed shaking the water from his face as davina slid from furys back. "But I will take every push off of every cliff if I can be with you again. Prove I'm worth trusting again." Daemon told her.

"Nobody's going to love me like you." Davina whispered.

'Lets get out of here.' Daemon suggested and Davina nodded wanting nothing else but him.

Dragonstone, it felt like the olden days when they were young and inexperienced, exploring each other but so many years later they knew each others bodies as good as their own.

So he brought his lips back to hers. Consuming her. He tilted her head back further, biting and sucking on her lips until he finally managed to break the kiss, moving his mouth to her exposed throat. He licked and sucked, bite and kiss, living for the noises coming from inside of her. She was divine. Watching her flesh turn pink drove him wild. He kissed lower, bite her clavicle, licking the top of her tits.

He wasted no time, pressing into her, taking her by the mouth again. He bent down just enough to run his fingers underneath the edge of her dress, hiking it up so he can wrap her thighs around his waist. Lifting her, he cupped her ass as she moaned into his mouth again and he swore to god, He might lose it right here against the wall. Her thighs tighten around him, her hands running through his hair as he carried her to the edge of his bed, laying her down and standing over her. She looked up at him, fire in her eyes. He was desperate for this moment, consumed by want. Three long years of being mad at him, she was going to explode.

He knelt at the foot of his bed, softly kissing the insides of her knees, spreading her legs a little wider. He pushed the dress higher, kissing a trail over her thighs

Then he placed a kiss on top of her panties. She griped the bed sheets as her breathing gets faster and harder. He could feel her body resisting the urge to arch toward him, to invite more touch. He propped himself up enough to look into her eyes, darkened and swirling. His thumbs hooked into the edge of her panties, and he slid them down until they fall to the floor. His hands cupped her ass as he gazed down at her sensitive flesh.

He lowered and licked the center of her slowly, then blew. She arched and moaned. He licked again, swirling his tongue in circles until he felt her legs started to shake. Then he pulled away and blow against her skin again. Her hand gripped the sheets tighter. He licked again then sucked on her clit, lapping his tongue against her over and over, her back arching, legs wobbling. Davina pressed herself into his mouth, a plea for more.

"Dae, please," she begged.

"What?" He asked innocently, blowing against her again. Tormenting her, he loved to torment her.

"I want you," she said, her voice a whimper, reaching down for him.

"What do you want, my love?' He asked hands moving along her curves as he pressed the gentlest of kisses against her thighs. The feather light touch was just as excruciating.

"I want you inside me. I want all of you," she demanded.

'I like bossy you.' Daemon mused. Licking the taste of her from his lips, he stood and started to removed his pants but the appeal of her body dress barely clinging to her, him stopped him.

'I haven't got to boss you around for a while, you miss my mouth?' Davina teased. But he had no words. Transfixed by her.  'Take it off.' She commanded him and he pulled, hands gliding the dress down her every curve. Perfection. Her dress crumpled at her feet, the candle light illuminating her porcelain flesh and he was mesmerized by her still.

Davina picked up where Daemon was frozen in place, continuing to unbuckle his pants. He dropped his hands to his sides, letting her take the lead. Hooking her hands into the top of his underwear and pants at the same time, pulling everything down in one fluid motion. All at once, he was exposed and she wrapped her hand around him, looking up at him. He didn't know it was possible to look so angelic and devilish at the at the same time.

Pulling him down to her, touching every inch of her as his lips dragged along her skin. Davina let out a moan,  and he sunk deep into her. His thrusts powerful more than before and she was grinding herself against him, keeping up with his rhythm.    His groans were not loud compared to the moans she was giving. His lips found her again and they both indulged in their breaths and tastes. His hand touching her almost everywhere, grabbing whatever he can find and her nails scratching his back, pulling him closer with each thrust.  Each thrust was more sensual and intimate than ever.  That spot he was hitting was strangely getting too sensitive and before she knew it, she spasmed hitting a wave of pleasure that left her breathless. He stopped kissing her when she let out breathless moans, kissing her neck and nibbling down her earlobe. She was clenching him tightly he couldn't pull out, he filled her as he clawed into him. Keeping his body in her, his lips on her.

"Fuck!" He lost control, thrusting into her, marking her, losing his mind with the fucking incredible feel of her.

She forgot sex could feel like this, two bodies becoming one, he tended to every inch of her, lips trailing along her skin as his hands wandered, pulling, teasing, pinching her body. Stealing her breath she wrapped her legs around his waist keeping him to her as his lips found hers again.

'Mine.' He rasped against her as they collapsed in a tangle of limbs, their bodies still fused together, sweat cooling on their skin.

"Yours... don't break me again Dae. I can't handle it." 

"I swear it, I wont." Daemon agreed. "I promise." 

Fire and Blood // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now