43. Favorites

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'Daemon, he would venture off, abroad, winning tournaments...'

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.' Daemon said immediately a smile on his face as his hand wrapped around davina's waist.

'I will not revisit this debate. You two were always mother's favorite.' Viserys told him.

'No, it's no great mystery.'

'You were.' Viserys assured

'Well obviously I was.' Davina agreed. "Mother perfect baby girl."

"You are everyone's favorite.' Daemon corrected kissing her cheek.

'Our mother, she had no regard for custom or tradition, rules. And I, sadly, was no great warrior.' Viserys told Alicent.

'Congratulations on your victory.' Rhaenyra said walking up to her family and Alicent.

'Thank you, Princess.' Daemon said kindly. 'I have Davina to thank as well."

"Yes you came in saving the day.' Viserys agreed. He had heard of Fury's fire raining down turning the land to waste.

"Fury had fun." Davina said innocently.

'Perhaps Prince Daemon and Princess Davina would care for a tour of the gallery? He hasn't yet seen the new tapestries gifted to you by Norvos and Qohor.' Alicent offered and Davina burst out laughing.

'Oh, oh. Would you like to see the tapestries?' Viserys questioned and the siblings burst out laughing.

'He has no interest in such things.' Davina told her. "But I know Rhaenyra would." Davina said looking to Rhaenyra's pained face, she felt out of the loop. But it was Alicent that should have felt misplaced, she was not a true Targaryen. Rhaenyra was.

'I'd like to see them.' Rhaenyra said, for she had been gone on her royal tour of looking for a suitor for many moons.

'Oh, well, then you should not deprive yourself.' Viserys told her bitterly. He wasn't happy about her early return with no husband to be.

'I shall enjoy them alone... unless?' Rhaenyra looked to Davina.

"I would love to." Davina told her but Viserys kept a hold of her arm. "As my brother is so politely not saying, he has more to say... later?" Davina offered and Rhaenyra nodded heading off.

'More wine. As I said, you were the favorite.' Viserys went on happily

'No, you were. You were. I insist.' Daemon mused.

"Lies.' Davina whispered.

'I surmise the tour did not go well.' Alicent said walking over to Rhaenyra as she sat along on a bench staring at the gardens.

'I endured it for as long as I could.' Rhaenyra told her stiffly.

'To have every young knight and lord in the Seven Kingdoms fawning over you... What misery. It is rare for girls in this realm to get a choice between two suitors, no less two score of them.' Alicent reminded her.

'Those men and boys don't fawn over me. They only want my name and my Valyrian blood for their offspring.' Rhaenyra corrected

'I think it's rather romantic.'

'How romantic it must be to get imprisoned in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs.' Rhaenyra heard it as she said and looked over at Alicent with a pinched gaze. 'Sorry.' She murmured 'How angry is he?'

'The King went through great effort to arrange your tour. He is... frustrated. But I am glad you are home.' Alicent told her 'I find I have... few friends lately. I like to believe I'm still the Lady Alicent, but... all anyone sees when they look at me now is "The Queen." Alicent told her as Rhaenyra grabbed Alicent's hand

'I've missed you, too.'


"So Viserys... you forcing marriage upon Rhaenyra, I thought I promise blood and ruin and fire when that day came?" Davina reminded him as Alicent talked to Rhaenyra.
"I am giving her a choice.' Viserys corrected.

"A choice?" Davina looked to Daemon. "A choice. You hear that?'

"I heard." Daemon agreed.

"That is more than I got I will admit that is kinder of you but you know that no man she meets will want her for her." Davina reminded him.

'why do you say that?" Viserys countered as their glasses were filled.

"Because she is the heir to the iron throne. A Targaryen. Sailing her around she will get men of 80 years old wanting to be king, boys of barely 10 who's families want their name above Targaryen. It was the same with me and I wasn't the rightful heir.' Davian reminded him.

'you don't know-'

'I do know.' Davina told him bitterly. "You are a man, you don't understand. For women marriage is a prison. You never became anyone's property, you never had to give up anything.'

"Tell us how you really feel Davina.'' Daemon mused.
"I would marry you in a heart beat.' Davina told him confidently. "Because you would not try to tame me. they will try and take everything that makes Rhaenyra special and snuff out her light. What part of my five failed marriages did you not understand?" Davina questioned.

'She has to marry she is of the age.' Viserys reminded her.

"As am I but I think men finally got it through their thick heads that I can not be tamed."

"We are having a good time, can we not-' Viserys began.

"Can we not talk of your daughters future?" Davina pondered. 'Some king you are."

"Davina.' Viserys called after her as she marched off. 

Fire and Blood // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now