6. Heaven help us

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'You spend more time in that bath than I do on the throne.' Viserys told his wife as he came into their room. She was soaking in the tub her large pregnant belly sticking out of the water. She sighed as she looked over to him.

'This is the only place I can find comfort these days.' Viserys ran his fingers over the water.

'It's tepid.' He remarked with distaste.

'It's as warm as the maesters will allow.'

'Don't they know dragons prefer heat?' Viserys reminded her with a grin.

'Hm. After this miserable pregnancy... I wouldn't be surprised if I hatched an actual dragon.' Aemma told him and he laughed out happily.

'Then he will be loved and cherished.'

'Rhaenyra has already declared that she is to have a sister.' Aemma told him

'Really?' Viserys said trying to hide the edge from his voice, he needed a son, not another daughter. He needed a son. It was going to be a son. Daemon's claim would be gone and perhaps Davina would stop being such a thorn in his side, perhaps.

'She even named her.'

'Dare I ask?'

'Visenya.' Aemma told him and he chuckled. 'She chose a dragon's egg for the cradle that she said reminded her of Vhagar.'

'Gods be good. This family already has its Visenya.'

'Has there been any word from your dear brother?' Aemma mused

'Not since I named him Commander of the City Watch. but he is here... lurking somewhere. He could never stay away from the lists.' Viserys told her. 'Davina made her presence known.' Viserys added. 

'The tourney... to celebrate the firstborn son that we presently do not have.' Aemma reminded him stiffly. 'You do understand nothing will cause the babe to grow a cock if it does not already possess one?'

'This child is a boy, Aemma.' Viserys told her and she scoffed 'I'm certain of it. I've never been more certain of anything. The dream. It was clearer than a memory. Our son was born wearing Aegon's iron crown. When I heard the sound of thundering hooves splintering shields, and ringing swords and I placed our son upon the Iron Throne as the bells of the Grand Sept tolled and all the dragons roared as one.'

'Born wearing a crown? Gods spare me... birth is unpleasant enough as it is.' Aemma told him. 'wait both Davina and daemon are here now?' The twins were trouble on a good day and deadly on every other day.

'My brother and sister are here.' Viserys confirmed.

'Heaven help us.' Aemma muttered.

'my thoughts exactly.' Viserys agreed.

'what do they want?'

'Davina is taking Rhaenyra riding,' aemma's face pinched. 'and daemon is competing.'

'I don't like Rhaenyra riding.' Aemma told him.

"I know but I cant really say no to my sister unless I want my head on a spike. I have pushed her too far, I fear there is no winning her back.' Viserys told his wife.

'You pushed and pushed... you pushed your siblings and now you push me.' Aemma told him.

'what do you mean?'

'This is the last time, Viserys. I've lost one babe in the cradle, had two stillbirths, and two pregnancies ended well before their term. That's five... in twice as many years. I know it is my duty to provide you an heir, and I'm sorry if I have failed you in that. I am. But I've mourned all the dead that I can.'


Syrax, Caraxes and Fury were boarded and ready.

'Three.' Davina shouted and Rhaenyra's smile widened. "TWO!' Daemon smirked over at his sister. 'FLY.' She declared in high valyrian. They took off. Viserys peered out the window with distaste, as his siblings shouted out with delight as they dove and swooped over the entirety of kings landing, smiles on their faces.

Rhaenyra thought herself more like her aunt and uncle than her parents. They were strike, rule following and her aunt and uncle were full of life and adventure. But that also came with the fact that they were not going to rule, not if Viserys got his male heir like he wanted. Not having the pressure of the seven kingdoms on their shoulders like Rhaenyra's father did.

'Rhaenyra!' Davina called as the hovered in the air. 'you teach him rolls yet?' Daemon smiled mischievously.

'No, not yet.' She added. Rhaenyra knew her father and mother would not approve but if she fell surely her aunt and uncle would catch her.

'It's easy!' Davina shouted over to her over the noise of wings flapping and wind rushing past them. 'just hold on tight and lean.' Davina assured.

'I think she needs a demonstration.' Daemon told his sister.

'My pleasure.' Davina said sweetly. 'alright Fury, make me look good.' She coed rubbing a hand along his scales. 'Watch and learn and then you try.' Davina told Rhaenyra. 'LET GO!" Davina declared and she leaned holding on tight, her thighs gripping the dragons back as her spun, round and round and round. Rhaenyra saw Davina let go her arms high in the sky as he continued to spin. When Fury righted himself Davina's head was spinning.

'That was awesome!' Rhaenyra told her.

'That was... a lot.' Davina admitted. 'but you did so good. Showing off.' Davina coed running her nails along his scales as daemon and Rhaenyra still in the air watched. 'Your turn. Don't worry I will catch you if you fall.' Davina assured.

'Lean and hold tight.' Rhaenyra confirmed.

'Hold tighter than tight.' Daemon told her. Rhaenyra looked over at Davina nervously.

'You got this.' Davina assured. So Syrax flew up a bit and Rhaenyra leaned directing him and Syrax spun. "Looks good.' Davina remarked but then Rhaenyra was falling.

'There goes the princess.' Daemon mused.

'Daemon!' Davina hissed. 'Get her.' she directed Fury and he dove down Davina caught her. 'you know when I said I would catch you I didn't mean for you to fall off.' Davina mused as Rhaenyra panted for breath.

'Maybe we don't tell my parents.' Rhaenyra requested grabbing hold of her aunt.

"I was thinking the same thing.' Davina confirmed. 

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