12. Stardust

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'My darling.' Otto said to his daughter. 'How's Rhaenyra?'

'She lost her mother.' Alicent reminded him.

'The Queen was well-loved by all. I found myself thinking of your own mother today.'

'How is His Grace?' Alicent offered.

'Very low.' He admitted 'Which is why I sent for you. I thought you might go to him... offer him comfort.'

'In his chambers? I wouldn't know what to say.'

'Stop that.' he said swatting at her hand she was picking at her nails causing them to bleed. 'He'll be glad of a visitor. You might wear one of your mother's dresses.' He offered.


'You look like shit.' Davina remarked.

'thank you sister. You always know how to cheer me up.' Viserys said stiffly.

'when was the last time you ate? Or bathed?' Davina remarked getting a whiff of him.

'Leave me be Davina.' He begged.

'I know I can be a bitch but I am your sister and I do care about you.' Davina told him.

'really?' he questioned a choked out laugh escaped his lips and her lips pursed as she tried to hold her tongue. 'You and Daemon are a thorn in my side.' Viserys told her.

"Hey I might just be the last friend you got.' Davina warned.

'Friend?" Viserys mused.

"Shut up.' Davina spat sitting down next to him. 'I was a shit sister and you a shit brother.' Davina told him. 'lets try and be less awful to each other, how about that?" Davina suggested and Viserys nodded as Davina hugged him. 'We gotta stick together, the wolves and lions are going to try and tear us apart.' She told him rubbing his back.

'Thank you Davina.' Viserys whispered.

'I liked Aemma.' Davina said softly. 'she was a kind woman, and Rhaenyra loved her a lot... I am sorry you lost them. I am sorry she lost them.' Davina told him and Viserys looked up at her. 'I told you, I'm trying something new, being nice.' Davina told him.

'I like nice you.' Viserys remarked with a small pathetic chuckle.

'It's weird.' Davina admitted and Viserys hugged her again. 'I'm not going anywhere, you got me and Daemon to help you and Rhaenyra through this.' Davina assured.

'Thank you sister.' But there was a small knock on the door that pulled their attention away. Alicent was worried she knew what she was supposed to do but she didn't want to.

'The Lady Alicent Hightower, Your Grace.' She was announced.

'What is it, Alicent?' Viserys questioned turning to her. Davina stared over at the girl curiously.

'I thought I might come and look in on you, Your Grace. I brought a book.' Alicent offered holding it out. 'hello Princess.' She said sheepishly to davina. Davina couldn't help but notice that she looked different from when Davina saw her with Rhaenyra, as though she was trying to be older.

'That's very kind, thank you.' Viserys said stiffly. He didn't want company he wanted to cry.

'Perhaps another time.' Davina told Alicent. 'my brother is in no mood for company.' Viserys knew that Davina was being pushy but he agreed with her. Alicent nodded but didn't leave.

'It's a favorite of mine.' She said pointing to the book 'I do know how passionate you are for the histories.' Alicent recalled.

'Yes... I am.' He admitted softly. Davina stared at the girl, did she have to say get the fuck out? Davina pondered.

'When my mother died... people only ever spoke to me in riddles. All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me. I'm very sorry, Your Grace.' Alicent told him.


Back at the brothel and Daemon should have been on top of the world. His brothers son died and he was the rightful heir once again.

'Thank you.' Daemon said taking the glass of ale.

'The King's sole heir once again. Might we drink to our future?' a man declared and Daemon smiled back at him. There was an uproar of cheers and shouts of delight, their cups banged on the table in celebration.

'Quiet! Your Prince will speak! Silence!' Daemon chuckled as he stood up.

'King and Council have long rued my position as next in line for the throne.' Daemon told them. 'But dream and pray as they all might, it seems I'm not so easily replaced. The gods give just as the gods take away.'


'I'm sorry sweetie... you know when my parents died I rode everyday.' Davina told Rhaenyra. 'I thought being up in the clouds would make me feel closer to them.'

'Did it work?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

'My mother used to tell me that when we die our ashes turn to star dust, whirling around in the sky.' Davina told her. 'so when I was up in the air, I would always be with her.' Davina moved to the dragon cave getting Fury out as Rhaenyra got Syrax out. 

'I miss her.' Rhaenyra said softly. 'it hurts.' Rhaenyra admitted.

'I know you do. And you miss her because you love her. Because she was important to you. You dont feel a pain like that a pain that shakes you to your core unless she was important and made an impact on your life. You are going to carry this loss and pain with you.' Davina told her as she pulled herself up on Fury. 'but it wont weigh you down, it will lift you up.'

'How do you know?"

"Because she wouldnt want you to be sad. Your mother wanted the world for you.' Davina told her. 'I know that with complete certainty because I see your heart.'

'Love hurts.' Rhaenyra told her sadly.

'It hurts because it was real.' Davina told her. 'Let's touch the clouds and see if you can't get a little closer to her.' 

'Thank you Aunt davina.'

'I'm always here for you.' Davina told her. 'i'm sorry I havent been around as much but I'm going to change that. If you let me.' Davina told her. 

"I would like that.'

'Good.' Davina said softly. 'There is a certain kind of star dust we are looking for.' Davina mused and a smile tugged at Rhaenyra's lips. 

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