5. Sick

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'The bronze bitch is at runestone" Daemon told Davina, 'I am the commander of the city watch of kings landing now.'

"I heard, congratulations brother. Really moving up in the world.' Davina mused. "You ever think about running away to dragon stone?"

"Of course." Daemon agreed

"With me." Davina clarified

"Who else would I run home with?" Daemon told her confidently.


'Did you read it?' Alicent questioned as they sat under a tree a large book in her lap as Rhaenyra stared up at the sky, not paying attention. The world of politics bored her.

'Of course, I read it.' Rhaenyra answered

'When Princess Nymeria arrived in Dorne, who did she take to husband?'

'A man.' She answered bored out of her mind

'What was his name?' Alicent pushed.

'Lord Something.'

'If you answer with "Lord Something," Septa Marlow will be furious.'

'She's funny when she's furious.' Rhaenyra told her with a smirk

'You're always like this when you're worried.' Alicent remarked.

'Like what?' she asked staring up at her.

'Disagreeable.' Alicent told her. Rhaenyra stared at her, a bit annoyed 'You're worried your father is about to overshadow you with a son.' Daemon was more worried about that then Rhaenyra was.

'I only worry for my mother. I hope for my father that he gets a son. As long as I can recall, it's all he's wanted.' Rhaenyra told her honestly.

'You want him to have a son?'

'I want to fly with you on dragon back, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake.' Rhaenyra told her.

'I'm being serious.'

'I never jest about cake.' Rhaenyra assured. 'Davina likes carrot cake, can you believe that? carrot's a root vegetable in a cake.' Alicent was not amused though.

'You aren't worried about your position?'

'I like this position. It's quite comfortable.' Rhaenyra mused adjusting on the ground. But Alicent got up and Rhaenyra's head which was in her friends lap dropped to the ground 'Where are you going?'

'Home. The hour has grown late.' Alicent told her stubbornly.

'Princess Nymeria led her Rhoynar across the Narrow Sea on 10,000 ships to flee their Valyrian pursuers.' Rhaenyra said getting up. Alicent looked at her baffled. 'She took Lord Mors Martell of Dorne to husband and burned her own fleet off Sunspear to show her people that they were finished running.' Rhaenyra took the page tearing it out of the book

'What are you doing?' Alicent questioned as Rhaenyra handed it to her.

'So you remember.'

'If-if the Septa sees this book, then...' Alicent said nervously as she looked at the torn page in her hand

'fսck the Septa.'

'Rhaenyra!' she declared as they both started laughing.


'Is it healing?'

'It has grown slightly, Your Grace.' Mellos told him as he examined the wound

'Can you say yet what it is?' Otto questioned

'We've sent inquiries to the Citadel. They are searching the texts for similar cases.' Mellos told him

'It's a small cut from sitting the throne. It's nothing.' Viserys told them.

'The King has been under heavy stresses preparing for the birth. Bad humors of the mind can adversely affect the body.' Mellos assured

'Whatever it is, it needs to be kept quiet.' Otto remarked. No one need know that the king was sick.

'We should leech it again, maester.'

'It's a wound that refuses to heal, Grand Maester. Might I suggest cauterization?' one of the maester suggested poking at the wound on Viserys back.

'Cauterization would be a wise course of treatment, Your Grace. It will be painful...' Mellos warned.

'Fine. Fine.' Viserys agreed. But he dropped his shirt down as his sister came into the room.

'Brother.' She said catching everyones stare. 'Council... maesters... others.' She said with her sweetest smile. 'out.' They waited for Viserys to dismiss them but she shouted this time. "OUT!' she demanded and they left quickly.

'Sister, I missed you.' Viserys said stiffly.

'just as I'm sure you missed Daemon.' Davina mused. 'are you sick?"

"No. why would you think that?" Viserys lied.

'Grand maester Mellos.' She remarked.

"No, just... stressed.' Viserys told her. 'so kind of you to worry about me though.'

'I am not, just curious. I assure you.' Davina told him.

'I heard the fifth husband didn't work out.' Viserys recalled.

'A Lannister. Really?'

'I'm glad to hear you didn't burn this one.' Viserys told her as she walked the room her fingers grazing every surface he watched her nervously.

'Cunt couldn't swim.' Davina remarked with a chuckle.

'why must you turn everyone away?'

"Why must you force men upon me?' Davina countered.

'Daemon has his lady wife-'

'Rhae Royce, the bronze bitch.' Davina told him. 'yeah, he hates her just as much as I hate the idea of anyone besides him.' Davina told Viserys and he let out a long sigh. 'But that is not what I'm here to talk to you about.'

'No? Daemon and you are here peacefully? Is that it?" Viserys mused.

'For now.' she agreed. 'Daemon is competing in the tourney.' Davina told him.

'Of course he is.' Viserys muttered.

'I heard you are having a son. What witch craft have you used brother? I swear there is not a way to know the sex of the babe.' She mused.

'I feel it. In my gut.' Davina walked around the table and tapped his stomach.

'Well your gut knows best.' She teased.

'Davina what do you want?"

"Besides to torment you? Nothing.' Davina assured. 'I want to take Rhaenyra riding. See if Syrax can compete with Fury and Caraxes.'

'You rode your beasts here?" Viserys questioned knowingly. Davina would live in the clouds if she could.

'there is simply no other way to travel.'

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