72. Push

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The Joker and The Queen // Daemon // Harwin out now!

''Keep breathing.''

Rhaenyra gasped for breath as she pushed and pushed. Her breathing rapid.

"And push."

Rhaenyra groaned out in agony.

"And again.'

"I c... I can't." Rhaenyra whined

''Push!'' the midwife demanded

"Baby time, baby time, baby time!" Davina declared happily.

"AUNTIE!" Rhaenyra groaned out.

"This is much more entertaining when I'm not doing all the work." Davina went on as Rhaenyra gripped to her hand.

''The head!'' another midwife declared kneeling between Rhaenyra's legs. Rhaenyra kept pushing, moaning and groaning in agony but it was almost done, it had to be.

''A boy, Princess.''

''Praise the Mother!'' The baby's cries rang out.

"A boy Rhaenyra... good job honey... good job." Davina wrapped her arms over her gently kissing her cheek.

"Ahh." They placed the boy in Rhaenyra's arms, she smiled down at him, another boy. "Healthy?"

" Kicking like a goat, Princess." They assured. Rhaenyra had but a fraction of a moment before the door opened.

"Princess... the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately." Elinda one of Alicent's handmaidens informed her. Davina just stared back at her confused.

"What the fuck did this bitch just say?" Davina hissed.

''Why?'' Rhaenyra said with a groan. Elinda just stared back at her holding out her hands for the babe.

"Tell Alicent to shove her wants up her cunt, I'm sure its dusty up there." Davina countered.

"The... the queen insisted."

"I don't give a damn-' Davina said as Rhaenyra spoke up

''I'll take him myself.'' Rhaenyra said stubbornly.

''You should remain abed, Princess...''

''Yes, I should!'' Rhaenyra spat. ''Help me dress.'' She struggled she felt the blood dripping between her legs. ''Ooh... Mmm...'' Rhaenyra froze her face pinched her lip quivered.

"Give me baby.' Davina instructed.

'Princess... your dress?''

''Mmm." Rhaenyra tried to hush her crying babe as she the pain erupting in her stomach.

"Sit your ass down." Davina demanded.

''Princess? Oh, it's coming. The afterbirth!'' Rhaenyra doubled over groaning. She took a deep steading breath as she righted herself.

"You are definitely Targaryen." Davina tsked as Rhaenyra headed to the door and walked on shaky legs to get to the opposite end of the castle. "Hold onto me at least. This is stupid. I could have her head. Fury is in need of burning something." Davina added. Rhaenyra leaned heavily on Davina as they walked.

''A boy. I've just heard.' Laenor said happily and Davina groaned audibly.

''Yes.'' Rhaenyra said through pained breaths.

''Well done. Where are you going?'' Laenor asked. "Welcome back Princess Davina." Davina only nodded running a gentle finger over the new babes little black hair.

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