49. Tea

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'Your Grace.'

'Five days.' Viserys told Otto

'I'm sorry, Your Grace?' Otto questioned

'Though it was some time ago. The details... they fade in memory. My father was a hale and healthy warrior and dragon rider at the peak of his abilities. Jaehaerys named a great royal hunt to celebrate him being named the Hand of the King. Five days later my... my father lay dead. Tourneys last longer. Baelon the Brave, rider of Vhagar, heir to the Iron Throne... dead of a burst belly. The gods have a dark wit.' Viserys reminded him.

'It was a grim day.'

'I recall it all too well. Yeah... It was a good day for you. Jaehaerys named you Hand in Baelon's stead.' Viserys recalled

'That's hardly how I viewed it, Your Grace. It was a duty.' Otto assured

'You served my grand sire nobly in his final days. You are the man that taught me how to be King.'

'Oh, you honor me, Your Grace.' Otto said happily but King Viserys sighed.

'Just five days... you went from being another man in Jaehaerys's court, to the second most powerful man in the realm. I wonder... how long did it take you to choose yourself over your King?'

'Your Grace?'

'I will never recover from Aemma's death. But Alicent... she took me through the worst of my grief. She was a calculated distraction. I only now realize how well-calculated it was.' Viserys told him stiffly.

'That is an absurdity. The Queen loves you... as I know you love her.'

'Your interests no longer align with those of the realm. Your judgment has been compromised.' Viserys said confidently as Davina walked in.

"It would be my honor and pleasure to send him over the balcony." Davina told Viserys.

'A loyal Hand must tell his king a discomforting truth from time to time, Your Grace. If he doesn't... he's failed as a servant.' Otto said looking nervously at Davina

'You were a faithful servant, Otto. The crown and the realm both owe you a debt that can never be repaid. But I can no longer trust your judgment.' Viserys told him. Davina stepped forward but Viserys rose a hand.
"You are no fun." Davina remarked.

"He doesn't need to die." Viserys told her as guards came in to escort him out.

"But my way gets the message across."

"You have been known to go too far to get your message across." Viserys reminded her.

"Your point?" she countered. "It still took five husbands for you and every other cunt to realize I don't want them."

"You swear Daemon didn't-'

"Are you still on that?" Davina shouted. "HONESTLY! GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD!" Davina shouted back at him. "DAEMON DIDN'T TOUCH HER. IF HE HAD I WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM."

"I believe you." Viserys told her with a sigh.

"You used to value what I had to say... at least for a short while. What happened?" Davina asked softly.

"I'm sorry Davina."

"I have been there for Rhaenyra, while you have been fucking your child bride pumping her with heirs. I have been there for your daughter. You honestly think I don't have her best interest at heart?" Davina questioned a little hurt.

"Davina, I'm sorry. You have been... helpful with Rhaenyra, truly." Davina could be a throne in his side and added to Rhaenyra's rebellious ways but she had been there for Rhaenyra.

"I love her like she was my own." Davina told him. "I wouldn't let her... I wouldn't... I wont steer her wrong." Davina assured. Fun, she would steer Rhaenyra to fun and life and living and loving, but never wrong. There was nothing wrong with falling in love, over and over again. But Viserys had already sent the maester to deliver Rhaenyra a tea. If she truly hadn't done anything, she wouldn't need take it.


'I hope you can forgive the late hour, Princess. I took great care in its preparation. If not brewed properly, it can either prove ineffective or else bear unpleasant...' the maester said putting a glass down in front of her

'Brewed properly? I'm sorry, what is that?' Rhaenyra said giving it a sniff

'A tea, Princess. From the King. It will rid you of any unwanted consequences.' She put is back down and watched him go. She stared at it when the door popped open.

"Did you..." Davina began before looking around the room, seeing it empty she sat down next to Rhaenyra. "With ser criston?" Rhaenyra nodded. "Good girl. Drink it." She whispered.

"Aunt Davina."

"I can say I drank it, or dumped it, you tell me the truth so I can lie for you." Davina told her and Rhaenyra drank the tea quickly. "So... how was he?" Rhaenyra blushed as she put the cup down. "That good huh?"


"Give me the juicy details honey."

"He was..." A smile pulled at her face. "Excellent. Really excellent."

"You want to see him again. You want to do him again." Davina remarked. "He is handsome and skilled." Rhaenyra stared at her. "What? Just because I love Daemon doesn't mean I don't have eyes." Davina reminded her. "I can see a fine piece of man and still only want Daemon. Even when he is an ass and makes loving him a pain and want to strangle him at times." She muttered.

"That's love though right?"

"Its easy to fall in love." Davina told her. "But staying in love, falling in the love with same person, over and over again... that's magical." Davina declared walking off.

"Where are you going?"

"To show Daemon i'm the boss." Davina told her vaguely.


''Dav-'' daemons smile dropped. ''Davina.' Daemon said through a clenched jaw.

'Hey Dae.'' Davina said calmly.

''Whats going on?'' Daemon questioned and Harwin chuckled underneath her. ''Davina.'' Daemon hissed.

''Daemon.'' Davina retorted.

''What the fuck?''

''That was a good fuck,'' Davina agreed. ''Harwin is quite skilled.'' Harwin smirked his hands trailing down her back.


''No.'' Davina spat turning around. ''You dont get to be mad. You fucked anyone and everyone for years. I like Harwin and im going to damn well do whatever I want. Whoever I want.'' Davina added smugly. ''You however...'' she rose from the bed the sheet falling to the floor. It was hard to be mad at her when she looked like she did. ''If you want to stay in my good graces you are going to keep your dick to yourself. Continue to shower me with love and affection and when I want you, you best be ready.'' Daemon nodded stiffly.

''Understandable.'' Daemon agreed through a stiff lip.

''Glad we understand each other. Get out.'' Davina told him and daemon smiled. ''You daemon. Im not done with Ser Harwin Strong.'' Davina clarified and Daemon let out a sigh as he stepped forward.

''Have your fun Davina.'' Daemon told her his lips against her his hands grazing her hips.

"Oh I will." Davina said confidently.

''But i'm endgame.'' Daemon reminded her

''I love you Daemon.'' Davina whispered kissing him. ''Keep groveling,'' she spun on her heel dropping back down on the bed. ''Close the door on your way out.'' Davina told him smugly. Daemon seethed but left.

''That was mean.'' Harwin said with a grin

''Not nearly as bad as he treated me.'' she corrected.

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