81.Taking Back the Power

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"Born ready." Davina agreed.


"Already on it." Davina assured.


"Him and the children are not on that ship." Davina informed him.

"Just those loyal to Alicent."

"But not Alicent." Davina informed him. "You want to handle that or shall I?"

"Can I have the honor?" Daemon asked kissing her.


"Criston!" Davina called and he swallowed the lump in his throat as he turned to her.


"Where do your loyalties stand?" Davina asked.

"The quee-"

"Wrong answer." Davina told him gripping her blade.

"The queen." Criston repeated. "Crossed a line. The boys they are just boys. I crossed a line as well, provoking Ser Harwin." He admitted and Davina relaxed her grip. "I was mad. Rhaenyra asked me to be her... a long time ago and I said no. but then she moved on and picked someone else and I was still just the queen pet as you say. I thought I had honor in turning her down but it just made me mad." Criston told her. "If you are going to kill me, I deserve it. You lost your friend because I opened my mouth. Go on, I won't fight you." Criston told her and she smiled patting his shoulder.

"Thank you for your candor. Get on the ship." Davina pointed Criston stared back at her. "See you soon Criston."

''I've asked them to have wine ready for you on the ship. To help you sleep." Alicent remarked putting a blanket over Viserys he groaned in pain ''I'm so sorry. Viserys...'

''We will speak no more of it.' Viserys hissed closing his eyes.

''A perversion of justice. The young prince... defiled. An outrage." Larys remarked limping up to Alicent

''Indeed.'' Alicent agreed softly she stared back at the ship, her family tucked away but Rhaenyra still a menace.

''If it's an eye you want to balance the scales, I am your servant.'' Larys offered

''That will not be necessary. But your devotion has not gone unnoticed. These are dangerous times. The day will doubtless come when I require such a friend.'' Alicent told him softly. ''With not only skill but discretion as well.''

''I shall await your call, my Queen.'' Larys remarked getting onto a ship headed back to the capital. Davina was doing a quick check as Aegon, Helaena and Aemond were tucked away in the cabins, Viserys stared back at her.


"Hello brother." Davina kissed his forehead. "Just doing a check."


"Making sure every one is where they are supposed to be." Davina offered.

"Are you coming home Dav?"

"Yeah... just something I have to get from dragonstone." Davina told him. "Sleep Vis. I will see you soon."

Davina walked up to see Larys staring out over the waters. He wasn't supposed to be on this one.

"Get off." Davina snapped and Larys turned to her. Criston stared back at her. "Criston you see and hear nothing." Davina demanded and he nodded taking a step back.

"What?" Larys asked nervously.

"This is for the royal family, you are some cunt that tried to kill his family." Davina told him.

"I- tried?" Larys countered.

"You are not a good of actor as you pretend to be, Larys. I saved them." Davina told him calmly. "Lets go for a ride." Davina declared with a whistle as she grabbed to LArys shirt, his cane dropped from his hand as Fury swooped down, she held onto Fury's talon as Larys flailed in her grasp. "Gods my arm hurts from carrying all this dead weight." Davina remarked.

"NO!" Larys screamed.

"Snack time!' Davina declared dropping Larys through the clouds. Fury saw him flying and silenced his screams with a blazing fire before eating him up. "Catch me." Davina requested letting go of Fury's talon and he swooped down and she landed with a thud on his back.


"Your grace." Daemon said bowing before Alicent.

"I'm leaving, I just forgot-"

"Your tongue? Your place? Your head?" Daemon offered.

"I'm leaving." Alicent told him. "You and your sister should not return to the capital."

"But that is the place for us." Daemon told her spinning his blade in his hand.

"Guard!" Alicent shouted.

"Oh... Davina is handling Crispin." Daemon informed her.

"I am the queen!" Alicent reminded him.

"You hurt my sister. My wife. I can't allow that to stand." Daemon told her. "She already put up with enough of my shit she doesn't need yours to." Alicent opened her mouth but Daemon sliced his blade through her skull in a quick blow, it slid to the ground with a gooey thud. Daemon wiped his blade on her dead body before putting it away. "Great talk."


"DRACARYS!" Davina declared and Otto saw her a moment to late as Fury and Caraxes burned the second ship to the ground, planks floating in the water as Viserys sailed home with his younger children safety.

Rhaenyra and the children watched from the shores as Davina took off towards Dragon stone while Caraxes landed before them.

"You two did it." Rhaenyra remarked.

"What's family for if not to kill your enemies?" Daemon offered picking up Alyssa.

"Look what mama did!" Alyssa declared pointing at all the flames.

Davina screamed out a victory cheer as she landed on the ground.

"We are taking back the power." Davina told them sliding down as Daelia and Devin ran to her.

"Thank you, I can't thank you enough." Rhaenyra told her.

''I think someone missed his boys.'' Davina said nodding to Harwin as he got down from Fury. ''How about a union with a man you actually love?''

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