24. Choices

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Davina marched into Daemons room at kings landing knowing full well he was frolicking with his whore. Her eyes scanned the room before her confidence reverted back to misery. She slammed the door closed with a thwack and threw down the paintings and tapestry on the wall shredding it to pieces it littered across the floor.

She picked up cups and vases trinkets and figurines smashing them down the shards sprinkled like litter along the ground. She started taking his clothes throwing them up and out little screams and moans of agony escaped her list lips as she tore his room apart the bed was the last thing standing that still looked pristine when the rest of the room was a mess.

She looked at the bed they've spent so much time in and she wondered Who else did he brought into this bed? Who else was he loving when her heart was breaking? She took her blade and cut down the middle of the bed cut down the pillows and started whipping them around feathers started flying everywhere she heard the crunch of footsteps on all the broken pieces what is around the room. With tears in her eyes she turned around deflated pillow still in her hand. Viserys stared at her.

"Oh honey." Viserys whispered looking around. But she didn't have an answer. "You hurt yourself." He remarked noticing the trickle of blood on her calve. But she didnt care for a ricochet cut from her destruction when her heart was in a million pieces. She dropped the pillow and on sluggish feet she moved towards him.

"You should never let a man have this much power over you."

"Loving Daemon is easy. It used to be so easy.  Love is giving someone your heart and knowing they can break it but trusting them not to. He broke it." Davina murmured as Viserys hugged her. "He broke me."

She felt the pinch of her necklace against her skin and leaned back. Her fingers went to the Valyrian steel necklace daemon had given her. She thought it's sweet and kind and thoughtful. He wanted her to have something that was from him and she hadn't taken it off but now she felt like she was suffocating. Her fingers gripped the steel giving it a hard yank off her neck she let it come to the floor as well. Viserys stared down at it before hugging her again.

So this really was the end of Davina and Daemon...


'Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council he locked eyes with Davina she stared back at him waiting next to Rhaenyra.  "the Lady Alicent Hightower before spring's end." A laugh escaped Davina's lips but Rhaenyra did not find it amusing.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"And I am your King." He stared back at his daughter. "Rhaenyra."  But she stormed out as well. The door slammed closed behind her. Davina looked to the closed door before turning back to her brother. She opened her mouth but had no comforting things to say, she patted his shoulder before heading out.


"House Velaryon's origins reach back to Old Valyria. More ancient even than House Targaryen... according to some texts." Corlys remarked.  "But unlike the Targaryens, we were no dragon lords. For centuries, my house had to scratch out an existence from the sea with grit and luck. When I ascended the Driftwood Throne... I knew what I wanted.' Corlys said solemnly.

"So I went out and seized it. Unlike every other lord of the realm, I can say that I built my house's high seat with the strength of mine own back." Corlys went on. 'I've always thought of you and I as having been made from the same cloth.'

'I wasn't aware you had a king for a brother.' Daemon remarked.

'We're both men who have had to cut our own way through the world. We've been passed over... too often."

"Did you call me to Driftmark to remind me of my low standing, Lord Corlys, or was there some other reason?" daemon pondered.

"You've heard of the troubles in the Step stones?"

"Some Myrish Prince is feeding Westerosi sailors to the crabs." Daemon recalled.

"I have been petitioning the King to send my navy into the territory, but he's denied me." Corlys told him.

"It was never my brother's strongest trait." Daemon remarked.


'Being King." Daemon clarified smugly. He needed the kingdom then he could Davina back, that was the plan, that was the goal. He hated seeing the pained look on her beautiful face as she stormed away from him. But first he had to deal with his brother.

"The crab feeder is backed by powerful entities within the Free Cities who wish to see Westeros weakened." Coryls went on 'And the King's failures have allowed him to accumulate strength. If those shipping lanes fall, my house will be crippled. And I will not have Driftmark beggared while our King idles himself with feasts and balls and tourneys."

"I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will not." Daemon warned

"Waiting in the Stepstones is a chance for you to prove your worth to any who might yet doubt it. We are the realm's second sons, Daemon. Our worth is not given. It must be made.'

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